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Posts posted by Widower

  1. 58 minutes ago, DarschPugs said:

    i just know someone from titan network was in new negotiations a few years back that never lead anywhere.

    As I said earlier and will likely be saying regularly for the next month, that wasn't Titan Network, that was the guy who was in charge of the wholly separate City of Titans, though to the best of my knowledge he wasn't negotiating as lead of City of Titans, either. (It's complicated.) You read about it on Titan Network, but none of them were involved; kind of like how you can watch Congressional proceedings on C-SPAN, but C-SPAN isn't run by Congress.

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  2. Just now, DarschPugs said:

    imagine if you would the secret server was all a long test server to show this could be done with out ncsoft spending a dime, has been part of the on going titan network negotiations for the last 6-7 years, and homecoming was the next step in the negotiations to see if this can be done without making ncsoft look bad. I'm not saying its all connected, but it very well could all be connected.

    While I would be incredibly amused if the Leakening was a massive false-flag operation, Titan Network has not been negotiating for 6-7 years. Titan has been negotiating since April. Previous attempts were not Titan. It's not all connected.

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  3. 11 minutes ago, WanderingAries said:

    Well Actually, (probably from reading the related forum posting) I've been using the newer (?) link for a long time now, but I also don't seem to be logging in when they're having server issues for the most part.



    I don't know how you got that, exactly, since we've never posted that anywhere to my knowledge (and I didn't even know it was a thing! If I don't know about it, nobody on the GM team does!) but it redirects to the main manifest, so it's really six of one, half a dozen of the other.

  4. Just now, MadCow99 said:

    Trust me when I say that people will never, ever let go of their biases, not matter how many facts you put in front of them.  Especially since there were two very public things that used the word "Titan".  You're howling into the wind. 

    Yeah, and it's unfortunate, but somebody's got to do it.

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  5. 3 minutes ago, jubakumbi said:

    I have heard the names Tony V and Titan Network in those too, even if my information is not perfect.

    Then you have heard wrong.


    I'm not saying any of this to disagree with the rest of your argument, mind you - again, I advocate cautious optimism - but I have been telling people that's wrong for nearly four months and I'd like to get the point across. xD

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  6. 5 minutes ago, jubakumbi said:

    We have been 'in talks' for what, 7 years?

    No, we haven't. Contrary to "common knowledge", Titan Network hasn't been involved in any of the prior buyout attempts beyond providing a space to talk about them on their forums. The Paragon attempt died pretty early on, Hail Mary never bore fruit, and the downix attempt just sort of disappeared years ago (and for all we know, may have been much less serious than it was made out to be). This is the real deal. I'm not saying it's absolutely guaranteed, but my understanding is that it's much closer than any previous attempt.

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  7. 13 minutes ago, Wolfbeast said:

    I asked HC like a month ago when I had my shard set up and production-ready. I never got a reply, and I think that's about what one can expect. It effective player-binding.

    There was a whole discussion on this in a previous announcement which you can read here.

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  8. 2 minutes ago, Abraxus said:

    I feel for the Homecoming team in this situation.  You are damned if you do, and damned if you don't, with regards to attempting to be as transparent as possible, but folks reacting to what is shared with FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt).  Perhaps we can try to actually wait until we know the facts in their entirety before running for the hills?  It's understandable to be anxious about it, but we are all adults here, and we have all dealt with worse real-life situations.  So, let's keep a little perspective, and assume good intentions here.  Can we?  Perhaps?

    I'm sorry, Abraxus, but that sounds an awful lot like logic and reasoning, and that's not allowed here. Please move along. /s

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  9. 3 minutes ago, ScarySai said:

    Interesting, perhaps necessary step to ensure we don't endure a second apocalypse.


    My concern lies on if the negotiations fail again. You've effectively painted a target on yourselves, from what I understand.

    NCsoft isn't blind. There's going to be a target on us no matter what, unless this succeeds. (And to your inevitable counterpoint, I'd advise cautious optimism - the lay of the land has changed quite a bit from the downix attempt.)

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