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Posts posted by Widower

  1. 12 minutes ago, Jon said:

    They had an improved version on the private server that was able to pull your costume from the game to use as a default profile pic in addition to all the normal CIT stuff, and I really wish it made its way over here. Last I heard, however, there was no plan to bring it to Homecoming.

    The issue there is that the Closed Beta CIT pulls live game data instead of being a manual upload as CIT was pre-shutdown. On a server with a max capacity of 200 players, that's not a huge issue. On a server with an average primetime peak of 4.5k, and keeping in mind that we're anticipating that to go up in the near future, that's not possible without a lot more resources.

    • Thanks 3
  2. 4 minutes ago, Obsidius said:

    I'll hope you don't forgive me for hanging my hat on TonyV's words. Just because I'm cautiously optimistic doesn't mean I'm confident anything will happen. Many of us were around in 2012 and 2015 when people talked about working with NCSoft.


    I do find it interesting that TonyV and the Titan team have hung their star on the Homecoming effort without the benefit of us being able to better utilize their resources. In the meantime, any efforts to log anything on ParagonWiki, and now seemingly to start a wiki that can be alternately used, are also in limbo.


    I suppose the question I have is: will we be able to improve ParagonWiki within the next 10 years?

    If you aren't able to improve Paragon Wiki within ten months, I'll eat my hat. (Disclaimer: If you're not able to improve Paragon Wiki within ten months, it's unlikely you'll be able to track me down to remind me to eat my hat.)

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 4
  3. 49 minutes ago, Obsidius said:

    The Titan Network is dead set against adding any Homecoming content to the Paragon Wiki.

    On 8/9/2019 at 3:03 PM, TonyV said:

    But yes, if [the NCSoft deal] goes through, the Paragon Wiki will be actively updated with new changes to the Homecoming servers.

    So, yeah.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 23 minutes ago, MunkiLord said:

    I thought Rebirth was a different group? Why would the HC team want to be another group?

    Hey, if you listen to the other groups, we want to be all the groups. :P


    9 minutes ago, Vayek2 said:

    everything gets abused in PVP, why cry about this and try to get it nerfed for the rest of us? 


    PVPer that complain about other people abusing things is what causes game wide nerfs. Thanks from the rest of us.

    We knew about this exploit before this thread was posted, and the person most vigorously advocating for its removal internally is actually a RPer. You should actually thank the PvPers, as otherwise you wouldn't have known about it in advance.

    • Like 3
    • Confused 1
  5. There will be a maintenance today, August 27, at the usual time. This maintenance should, barring some great catastrophe in the next six hours, bring most-if-not-all of the Justin changes to the live servers.

    • Like 4
  6. The Guardian AT was an experiment undertaken on Closed Beta some years ago which, I'm told, was found unenjoyable by most people. I suppose it's possible it might be revisited at some point in the future, but it's not in the cards for us right now. We wish Rebirth the best of luck with it, though.


    (And before you ask - it's apparently Assault primaries with a weird combo of armor and support secondaries, or something like that.)

  7. 19 hours ago, Leandro said:
    • This is a Release Candidate. It means that we expect this patch to go to the live servers, unless we find a severe issue that blocks its release. Because this patch contains data files as they would go to the Live servers, several Justin features like all the Merit recipes being free and a bunch of badges being awarded at character creation are disabled. They will come back once we start the next round of experimental patches.
    • Thanks 2
  8. Okay, story time with Widower.


    A long time ago, in the far-off days of 2005, TonyV thought to himself "'aight, time to make a wiki." And so Paragon Wiki was born. However, hosting providers didn't like it very much because there was a lot of it. In come the Wikia people, who say "hey, want to join with us?" and to them TonyV said "no." And again the Wikia people came, and again TonyV said "no." But by the third time, the last hosting provider TonyV tried was proving to be too small, so TonyV said "okay!" And all was good for about a year (the move was in 2007, iirc, so this is 2008) until people started complaining for, as Wikia was wont to do, they started infesting the place with ads. And so, TonyV nope'd right out of there, merged with Titan, and you know where that story goes. Paragon Wiki continues to be regularly updated to this day; the Wikia version (for they do not pull their version down when the community forks the site) hasn't been regularly updated since, uh, i17, I think?


    So the moral of this story: use Paragon Wiki. Don't use the Wikia version (or FANDOM or whatever they call themselves now).

    • Like 9
    • Thanks 1
  9. 32 minutes ago, goblinite said:

    I pointed my Creamsoda to the manifest you specified and ended up with HC, HC 64, HC Safe, HC Beta, HC Beta 64, HC Beta Safe, Paragon, and Titan.  It removed COXG, Rebirth and the other non-HC servers that were available.


    Piggs all verified without issue for the base HC then it downloaded the Beta/64/Safe installs.

    Looking at the actual XML there are no other servers in there.

    If you want those servers, you'll need to add their manifests, which are listed on their sites.

  10. 3 hours ago, TonyV said:

    Good god, why didn't I extend my list of hypotheticals one more letter to E? I suppose then it would be a drug reference. Are there any safe letters?


    This is why I need a personal PR person.

    Ooh, I volunteer.


    As my application, I will note that you are actually incorrect. Task Force Hail Mary originally referred to attempt #2, as evinced by the oldest contents of the eponymous board on your forums. The downix attempt just happened to end up there.

  11. 4 minutes ago, Heraclea said:

    They appear essentially the same to me.  But I looked at a post with an attached poll that said it had 49 votes, but none registered in the bars above.  This one seems to work for all. 

    When we switched from SMF to IPB, all the votes in preexisting polls got lost. I imagine that's the issue here.

    • Like 2
  12. On 6/4/2019 at 12:51 PM, Number Six said:

    This is something I pitched early on as a possible project. It would be a lot more work than you'd think to hook globals into everything (like team invites), just because chatserver is an external thing that isn't always up and running. The dbserver/mapserver that handles all of the game logic isn't even aware of what your global name is. A ton of work to redesign all that but I didn't think it was completely impossible.


    Surprisingly, the idea was really divisive even among the Homecoming staff. I can only imagine what it would do to the playerbase, so it's been shelved and probably won't happen here.

    Never say never, as we've seen with the SG cap, although that was a much simpler (sort of) technical leap, as I understand it.

  13. Cipher and I have investigated, and it appears that the default Cream Soda manifest has not been updated in two months, and we believe it is unlikely that it will be maintained in the future. If you continue launching CoH through that manifest, you will not be able to connect to Rebirth, Victory, or even /coxg/, and eventually will lose the ability to connect to Homecoming. We strongly recommend that all players connect to Homecoming through Tequila, which we guarantee will be maintained until a future solution becomes available. If, for some reason, you absolutely must use Cream Soda, you should delete the thunderspy.com manifest and add ours; http://patch.savecoh.com/manifest.xml.

  14. I asked Cipher, and he made the point that if the default Cream Soda manifest is patching the wrong bins, it won't work, since /petition is enabled in the bins. Since we stealth-patched that, I wouldn't be shocked if the Cream Soda dev didn't update it. So, your solutions are either


    1. Don't use Cream Soda at all (highly recommended) or

    2. Use our manifest instead of the default Cream Soda manifest.

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