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Everything posted by Plummtw

  1. Thanks for the answer. If I want a Night Widow tank, should I create a new char or just swap from the Fortunata?
  2. Night Widow Tank and Crab Tank, which is better? After leveling up my Fortunata, I might choose one VEAT tank to level.
  3. Oh. Fortunata must be the most expensive archetype to build.
  4. Ice Cold Corruptor is so popular, how about Fire Cold Corruptor?
  5. No travel powers taken?
  6. Storm controller seems good, but which one is easier ? Ill or Fire or maybe others? What I mean easier is easy to play, and easy to build.
  7. For controllers best soloer are ill/rad and fire/kin, which appear in many articles showing they are really good. But other than that....some mentioned plant and dark are good soloer too.
  8. Make assault bot(and other big pet) smaller especially in cave ( not blocking the doorway ). Buff underpowered pet set New archetype to have the pet mastery as second
  9. Time might be good, but the sound of Time, I don' know why, but I don't like the sound of Time.... if I can choose to silence it I might want to try Time.
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