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  1. Brute. Sorry.
  2. I been looking again, I have a farmer I want to retire from farming, and play, It's a Rad / Fire / Mu. All I ask if it can have fly in there, and Mu can be replaced with what ever fits well. The hero is kinda like Capt Atom from DC. Thanks again and be safe out there!
  3. Thanks again!
  4. I looked back a bit, I might have missed it, but I am looking for a Dark Melee / Dark Armor Brute. I have used your builds, and I love em! Thanks in advance, and be safe out there!
  5. Really cool you all do this! Thanks for the info and insight!
  6. Not yet, still getting the feel for it, I mean it's solid as is. I mainly solo and have been happy with the pace and feel.
  7. I'm enjoying it, got it finished and all kitte4d out. It's like a mad electric man wielding a giant knife! I like it, but I am a strange one. I mean why not try it?
  8. Got it to 50, sunk about 150 mil onto it, not all kitted but fun and strong. I might of found a new main besides my farmer 🙂 It's a fun build, almost really don't need hasten to tell ya the truth
  9. Thank you so much! I'll let ya know what I think as I play it! I appreciate it again!
  10. I been messing around with some stuff, and I think I wanna go with like a Elec/BS. Thanks!
  11. I will take a look at it. Thanks
  12. Post level 50 would be great, is not to selfish maybe a leveling too? Would be greatly appreciated
  13. Just looking for some old friends from the SG Legends of Justice, this is Damon Savage! I miss a lot of ya!
  14. I was thinking of Radiation Armor and Broadsword? Or Shield. I have messed with mids some, but man I can't seem to figure it out. I'll attempt to make something, but I was wondering if someone was better in this area. Any help would be appreciated. Plan on maybe taking him to End Game maybe,
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