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Everything posted by Ya'dig

  1. Exactly. Why can't people just enjoy the moment and let the decision makers decide? Our little posts mean nothing in the end-game. Just play and shut up. It's really not that difficult imho.
  2. Yeah ok... I was speculating and so those are not facts sooooooooooo. Ever have an opinion? I have. I know you do because of how you responded.
  3. I made a suggestion before that we should have a non-hero power set to hunt heroes and villains along with a bounty system sorta how SWG used to have. The bounty system is extremely unique, no one else does it, and promotes open world PvP. So take the show "the Boys" and put it in here. I haven't really thought too much about it except "let's do a non-hero power set" but it's something I'd play. You could really keep some of the primaries like dual pistols, rifles, sledgehammers, etc. but the secondaries might be tricky if you stick with the role-play. Having guns, knives, traps, RPGs, "kryptonite" abilities, and even unconventional power sets might be interesting. I'm not saying have your toon run around slamming a toaster into a hero and kill them but I'm sure there's something that could work. As far as travel abilities go I don't see any issue with slapping a motorcycle in the game. We already have jet packs....... I don't know... just an idea I've been spinning in my head while I'm at work during down time.
  4. I think that once this was posted it really should've ended the conversation. It seems that some people have a general distaste for creating an existing IP in CoH and want to police them. I'll give those "some" the same advice my dad always told me - "If you don't like it then don't pay it any attention. You are better off just ignoring it and moving on." He also told me, "Snitches get stitches." Sooooooooo.......
  5. .... well this escalated quickly.....
  6. I've been playing since vanilla but my fav was probably BC. That's when I really got into raiding but by the time WotLK came out I was running a 25 man raiding guild that was top 5 on our server for that entire expansion. Good times but those times are long gone in that game.
  7. If DCUO isn't stopping this type of game-play then why would Marvel, DC or any other IP come after CoH or NCSoft? I play DCUO on and off and I've created many a "homage" or downright rip offs of characters and nobody cares. I'm pretty sure that CoH is not even a blip on Marvel or DC's radar so this argument is moot especially since we are relegated to "private server" status. Now if HC decides to advertise "COME MAKE YOUR FAVORITE MARVEL OR DC CHARACTER WITH US!!!" then we'd have a problem.... maybe. Also, why would a player feel the need to tell another player how to build their toons? It's like a little kid telling another kid how to play with their toys. Let them be and, as I've said before, let the devs worry about that stuff. As a dev posted earlier - it's not a rule, it's not a big deal and it doesn't look it will ever be an issue. They did also say that doesn't mean it can't change... just as with anything in life.
  8. Played WoW since 2006 and finally I think I'm done with it after this expac and WoW Classic turns my stomach because I remember how much of a grind that game was back then. Monster Hunter I think I played for 5 minutes and got rid of it. I'd go back to Ultima Online if enough of my buddies went there. LOL. Most of my buds are either doing the real life thing without games or playing Fortnite, SWTOR, WoW or some other repetitive grind of a game. I have one buddy that will only play Star Wars Galaxies private servers and wants me to come back but I'm done with that. But I'm glad I found CoH.
  9. I can't get anyone to come with me. LOL. Everyone is stuck with these modern MMO's or online games. IMO most of them are junk. So hopefully I can find a home with some cool peeps.
  10. @jubakumbi Just gotta hold fast. Social media has ruined a couple generations of people because they feel empowered by the anonymity of posting something on the internet. Sometimes their thoughts are putrid but we have to take the good with the bad unfortunately. The way I look at it is when someone comes at me with the "I'm right and I could care less what you say" attitude, that empowers me to bring my A game in a debate. It's all just pixels at the end of the day and to be honest we all could probably use some more sunlight and physical human interaction. As far as CoX goes - it's really just a relaxation device for me to unwind when I get home from work. I could just as easily replace CoX with a different hobby or make my children clean their rooms more often. LOL. SWG went through this and they were owned by freaking Sony, probably the worst company besides EA, and there are tons of private servers from all different PUBs. It'll work out in the end. We just need to enjoy it and let the devs do their thing. They are smart people and I personally have all the confidence in the world they will get something done. The most encouraging aspect is that there is an open dialogue with NCSoft when most companies would just say, "Screw you, pay me."
  11. But don't forget there are other level-headed people here... quite a few actually. The trolls are gonna troll just to troll. Close minded people aren't worth your time or response.
  12. My new band name. Called it.
  13. ::puts up permanent sign:: Free one billion inf tomorrow.
  14. See this is why I love this community. Level-headed thinking.... well said. If this was any Blizzard game the trolls would've dug in deep under their bridges and started throwing tons of stones.
  15. Those are just off-the-wall scenarios I just came up with but I agree somewhat with what you are saying. I'm done paying monthly subs for games that are sub-par. ::cough::WoW::cough:: ::sneeze::dcuo::sneeze:: ::sniffle::swtor::sniffle But I tell you one thing - if NCSoft does release this again and I see one blind box..... I'm out. NCSoft would probably sell the IP off if there's a little interest. At this point, in their eyes, it's selling a used car with 200k miles on it that's just been sitting in a barn for seven years. I think if we took a few months and collected all donations maybe we all could put enough money together and the devs can make an offer. Pipe dream but you never know. What I think is funny about NCSoft is they cancel this game but keep Aion. FOR SHAME! But to be fair NCSoft's wheelhouse has always been Asian countries so there's that to factor in as well.
  16. I don't know but I think CoX should adopt the Bounty system from SWG. Some variation of course. Wouldn't it be cool to have a powerset just for hunting down Heroes? And I don't mean hunting NPC's. Imagine logging in on your "Bounty Hunter" and heading to the Bounty Terminal and scrolling through targets to hunt down. Pick one and send out a probe to find the approximate area of where that player is in the world. Go to that point... crap they moved. Send out another probe and find where they are now. Go to the new waypoint AND........... there they are in all of their PvP glory waiting to be PK'd so you can turn that Bounty in for sweet sweet rewards. Then the icing on the cake - in the Bounty chat everyone sees an announcement that you have collected a Bounty on that target.... or if you weren't successful it will announce the target combated a Bounty. Now wouldn't that be cool? I am the last person to PvP but I'd participate in that ALL the time.
  17. Yeah, absolutely and I'm sensitive to that but there's a silver lining in my statement. Best case - NCSoft decides to release the game again. Best Best case - nothing changes and we keep on trucking. Worst case - NCSoft kills it and polices the IP going forward. Side note: I always thought it was fishy that CoH got the shaft so soon after DCUO releasing. It's like some kind of "there can only be one Highlander" kind of crap with MMO's. SWTOR did the same thing to SWG but SWG was dead long before that because of the combat changes they dropped on the player-base then letting them find out after install.
  18. The only thing that worries me is if NCSoft takes a page out of the Blizzard playbook and do what they did with Classic WoW. But that all happened because two different teams were publicly fighting over the code so Blizzard took it back and are now profiting from it. Now Blizzard is Blizzard. They are stingy, unoriginal, for the most part, and now that Activision is a part of that equation are absolutely HUGE and can basically do what they want. NCSoft is no Blizzard so negotiating with them could be much much easier. But in all honesty this is going to come down to dollars and cents. If NCSoft sees there's still a market for this game then they could pull the "private server" plug and release it themselves again. Us playing this game could be NCSoft's way of getting free Alpha and Beta testing and then release a polished version without the headache. They just offer jobs to the devs here to maintain the game and let the money roll in. Who knows? I'm just glad it's back and if tomorrow it's gone then it's gone and there's not a damn thing we can do about it. So just play and let the devs worry about this stuff.
  19. Very cool!!! I'm trying to get my wife to play this instead and cure her of that nasty WoW addiction. I got her into MMOs.... well WoW mainly back in 06 and she can't leave it be. Lol
  20. The only thing I remember was my very first toon looked like Old Man Logan. Lol. Other than that I never thought of the possibility of the game coming back so my brain said screw it lol
  21. I'll just use my older mouse and see if that works because I'm not seeing how to fix this.
  22. @MunkiLord It looks like the binds are only recognizing the "MWHEEL" part of it and ignoring the "UP" and "DOWN". I'm going to try "MWHEEL1" and "MWHEEL2" next..........
  23. Doing that now.... the mwheelup seems to be working... down not so much.
  24. Yeah, but I did get mouse wheel up to work and set to slot 1... down is also using slot 1. Think I'm going to reset the bindings and try again because I think there's probably a ton of them in there now lol.
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