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DougGraves last won the day on March 6 2023

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  1. It just took me 9 months but I got to this. In general I like the arc. It does some basic things I really like in AE and has a twist I had not thought of but really like for Villains. There are a few issues of confusion and things not necessarily working right. The basic story was confusing. I did not get how working in the sewers was going to make me a villain. It said badges a bunch, but my job did not seem villainous. Mission 1: I really appreciate the enemies. A type I rarely encounter red or blueside, so it was a nice variety. The map was fine but not very interesting. At some point I got a clue saying I didn't need to bother with mission completion. I was very confused. I figured it out on a later mission, but the clue might want to spell out that clicking on those specific glowies was not needed for mission completion. Also at the end of a mission is a clue saying I only get $20. That seemed significant that I was annoyed at my contact but I had to read the clue to get any idea that it happened. Maybe change that to an end of mission pop-up? Mission 2: I liked the story of this mission and the variety of encountering Tuatha and clockwork. But after the mission I could not figure out why I was sent on it. If the clockwork are controlling the Tuatha why was I sent in to defeat the Tuatha? I still don't understand what happened and why I was sent. Great map. Mission 3: Good map. Easy fight outside. Inside I clicked the two glowies and then was attacked by about 9 clockwork. I'm not sure if they triggered wrong, if they were hidden behind terrain, or what happened. But I completed the mission inside before I was attacked. Mission 4: Good map. I wish I had encountered or heard of the guy I warned before the mission so that meant more. The boss chain stunned and held me and I barely defeated him at level 2. His controls might need to be toned down - although having 2 allies helped a lot. I really liked the idea of turning the tables on my contact. I wish the contact dialog had been written so I was threatening him and interacting with him instead of thinking to myself in front of him. Overall I really liked the concept of the arc and the variety of maps and enemies. The contact was well done and the flavor of the writing was good. Because it was an unusual plot it probably could use a bit more explanation of what is going on in mission entrance or exit pop-ups.
  2. On a tanker I only pay attention to the health on the team bar. Otherwise I am pulling and herding the enemies. If I see someone's health go down I grab aggro from them. On a defender I watch other people's health and follow whoever is running point On a controller I watch other people's health and mostly look for lt's I can mezz.
  3. I make a character and play them to 21. Then I turn off XP. I then slot them with SOs and play them to evaluate their powers. I respec them and may create an alternate build as essentially another respec. When I am satisfied with the build I delete them and remake them and replay them to level 21 then turn off XP. Most of the time I just use the build that I made as I leveled. Sometimes I respec because when you respec you can put more slots into the last powers you got.
  4. It is a "flaw" with the game that the animations and themes are tied to the effects. So even though I love the look of dual blades I don't play it because I don't like the powers. You just have to live with it. But with so many powersets you should be able to find a set that you love the theme and the effects.
  5. Is there a GM that is cool? easy to farm? rare and elusive?
  6. Like, could some trustworthy and reliable in the community gather donations and start running CoH ads on gaming websites and such? Is the CoH team doing any advertising?
  7. I don't see nearly as many people online as there were a month ago. But there do seem to be new players in my PUGs regularly.
  8. I made an AE arc on live just to use that map. I used it as a place for Hellions to perform sacrifices on kidnapping victims by burning them.
  9. Is that the outdoor map in a fenced in area on a hill, and there are multiple buildings with a lot of ramps going up in the north part of the map? That is a map I really like. A lot of diversity in fighting areas and exploring.
  10. There are a lot of maps. The coolest ones tend to be for specific missions. For coolness factor, ease of completion, whatever - what is your favorite map?
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