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Monty Haull

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Everything posted by Monty Haull

  1. Here is an update to the Money Mouse's Mega Money Maze contest! 3 players did correct answer the riddle. Great job! Of course, none of them can make the show so, it is still up for grabs! @Akisan @icy mike @GlaziusF all got it right! Great job!
  2. Thank you! I will make some changes and see how it goes.
  3. Noted. I will add some markers. I'm glad I did not make it bigger. The plan was about double it's current size. I even contemplated making it multi-floor.
  4. Hopefully it's not down for too long.
  5. So, @Akisan was first to answer the maze phrase correctly. In fact it was the only email I received. Akisan did not want to take the spot so I send some inf in exchange. So, that means the spot is still open for the next correct answer.
  6. I did get an email from Akisan. is that you? It was the correct answer.
  7. I had thought that might happen. If you are the first, I will send you some inf and let the 2nd entry get the spot. How does that sound?
  8. I have never seen this show before. It did not play in the States that I know of. I have to check it out. Btw, no one has submitted an answer.
  9. You've heard of the game show happening next Saturday on Excelsior, right? Do you want a guaranteed spot on contestant row? It's easy, well, kinda. Here is what you have to do: Go to the Game Show base. (MONTY-27905) Find the mouse hole to the maze (clue below) Navigate the maze and find the clues. Be the first to In-game Email @Monty Haull with the answer! The clues are really obvious. (There are more than one) The clues will make up some phrase or word. Example: Baseball + screw = Screwball
  10. That is a good question. I never thought about repeating players. Full disclosure: I only select the very first player at the start of the game. The rest of the selection is done by Money Mouse. The first game, we had a small turn out so I think everyone got a shot to bid. I am hoping for a larger crowd this time. Here is my best response. If you made it on stage during the previous show, you would not necessarily be called up BUT, I do want to add some randomness to the selection so, a repeating player coul be. I hope my response answers your question. Edit: one of those "random" things will be posted on the forums today.
  11. I would like it to be. Shooting for once a month.
  12. How did I miss this post? I really like the work you have done. Are you up for doing more?
  13. A week ago we launched our first Game Show inside our base and it was fantastic! Since we received so much positive feedback, we are doing another one! That's right, Saturday, June 8th @ 8:00pm EST. You can check the posting for the last show here! How does the game work? At the start of the game, FOUR players will be selected to come to the front of the stage. There, they will be presented with some items in which they must bid on its value. The contestant that bids the closest, without going over, not only wins the items but, gets to come up on stage to potentially win MORE! MINIMUM PRIZE ONSTAGE IS 100 MILLION! After the player has completed the game onstage, we will call on another player to fill the open spot at the front of the stage. How do I get called upon to play? All you have to do is show up in your most outlandish costume you can create. This is not a costume contest but, if you want to be called up to play well, you need to stand out! There are some simple requests we have for those who decide to join us. Please turn off all powers and auras. Please no pets. Please do not go past the front row unless called upon. Please do not send tells to the game show staff. We will be REAL busy. Please have REQUEST chat channel on. We will use this to communicate to you all. PLEASE HAVE FUN! If you want to voice what you think the contestant should choose, use these emotes: /e score1 /e score2 /e score3 Base passcode is: MONTY-27905 - Follow the sign to STUDIO A1
  14. I will create a new post for the next show. Hint: we are planning Saturday, June 8th same time.
  15. Time to go visit Luna.
  16. Glad you liked it. Adding the numbers was a last minute decision and it worked well. I would like to try having it face the audience. I write down the bids so I don't need to see it.
  17. Thanks to everyone who came out! It was a real blast! Honestly, it went off better than I expected. Thanks to Money Mouse for getting the contestants all lines up and thanks to Stage Manager Wolf for pulling the strings, literally! The total cash prizes awarded last night was over 1.2 BILLION! Mr Kaos was the biggest winner of the night, taking home 550 MILLION! We will be doing another show in a few weeks!
  18. Saturday May 18, 2024, 7:30pm EST on Excelsior Game Show Starts at 8:00pm Studio A1 We are finally ready to open our Game Show base to the public. Though the base is not entirely complete (there's still lots to be built and decorate) we wanted to celebrate to 20th anniversary of City of Heroes! We have plans for more game shows as you will se more than one studio in the base. That's right! This is a functioning game show! Players will be chosen to play games with us The games are real; the prizes are real. All you have to do is show up in your most outlandish costume you can create. This is not a costume contest but if you want to be called up to play well, you need to stand out! How does the game work? At the start of the game, six players will be selected to come to the front of the stage. There, they will be presented with some items in which they must bid on its value. The contestant that bids the closest, without going over. The player not only wins the items but gets to come up on stage to potentially win MORE! After the player has completed the game onstage, we will call on another player to fill the open spot at the front of the stage. There are some simple requests we have for those who decide to join us. Please turn off all powers and auras. Please no pets. Please do not go past the front row unless called upon. Please do not send tells to the game show staff. We will be REAL busy. Please have REQUEST chat channel on. We will use this to communicate to you all. PLEASE HAVE FUN! If you want to voice what you think the contestant should choose, use these emotes: /e score1 /e score2 /e score3 I want to take a moment to thank all the players who helped us get this going. I want to thank our base builder who worked more hours than I can imagine, to build something so wonderful. I also want to thank all the players who donated to the games played in Atlas Park, Costume Contests, and other events, your generosity did not go unnoticed. Thanks to all the players who have played games with us. It is because of your excitement and enthusiasm that this base was built. It is for you. We most of all want to thank the Homecoming Staff for keeping the lights on. If you were not here, then we would not be here. Oh yeah, you're going to need this pass code: MONTY-27905 So, LET THE GAMES BEGIN!
  19. I tested awhile back. You can grab up to 32 items before getting paused.
  20. Incarnate shards was/is another method for create incarnate components and thus incarnate powers. It's confusing to use and most players use incarnate threads. You could use incarnate shards to create Alpha components if you really want to. Personally I ignore them and just convert the threads. I believe you get 5 thread per 10 shards? I wouldn't spend inf on converting. Here is a link to the wiki. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Incarnate_Shard_Component
  21. Just avoid the pet options. With that, there is something to said about non-mastermind pets. If you want a basic fire and forget pet then consider an SOA Crabbermind. You get the benefit of pets but virtually no headache of management. With double leadership pools you can be almost a tanker.
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