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Helium 3

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  1. Really... I wonder how I missed those, been looking for them all I can find are dual or tri-forms, I'll keep looking
  2. I'm looking for a single form build, most of these included here are titled human form but include the dwarf form and I want only a single form, can someone guide me to the right page, these are misleading
  3. Invul/DB sounds just to out of place on a Brute, I have done Invul on a tank and liked it, did a Invul/SS tank and now I want to do a Invul/DB tank but not finding any good builds, might have to build this one myself.
  4. Ultimatly not a lot of folks who run S/L farms so end up having to jump on my tank if I want to team, it's ok I like my tank, what I am looking for now is a Invul/DB tank build, I have found 5 samples and either they all have fly or 2 travel powers, I could plot it out myself but after so many years I just don't want to... lol
  5. actually I don't, I build a Fire/Bire blaster for farming and didn't like it for that exact reason, scattered all the mobs with the rain and that is max diff, of course it does bnot have the survivability as a tank or brute but at most I can handle 2 mobs at the very most.
  6. why 2 travel powers? You have both Hover and Combat jumping and super Jump and Fly, you shorted yourself an ability
  7. I've done a Invul/SS build on a tank, agreed makes no sense on a brute.
  8. A Brute or Tank are for sure helpful but I have a Rad/MC Blaster that does very well on S/L farms
  9. Sorry to hear he passed, I don't spend a lot of time on the forums, I do see now that it was posted in 2024, I didn't think 4 years was considered ancient. I hid the comment rather that edit it. As far as my search for a Invul/DB tank build the 2 on this page were the only two I could find that were not corrupt. Thank you for the follow up and the reprimand, I appreciate it, I will aim to be more aware of what I say, please forgive me for my insensitivity and rudeness.
  10. Invalid data chunk, does not work
  11. I can't get either of them to work, I keep getting invalid chunk data detected
  12. You're right it is a very thankless job and in todays game all folks want to do is just run missions and TF's, of course they all want to be part of a active SG but they just don't want to be active in it, I created a good SG on live and in time I will make this one good as well, just takes time to find the right people, but ultimately I think people have just gotten lazy with the Devs (love them I do) making everything just to easy, nobody in the game has to really put any effort into anything, bases are free, you can solo TF's by doing that they have taken one of the mechanics out of the game that had made it one of the best games around, now I am not privy to the plans of the new devs and what they are planning
  13. I think having a active SG is essentisal to fully enjoying the game and those folks who have private SG's are just people to prefer solo activity and there is nothing wrong with that but for those folks who are unhappy with how many SG's are run should make a SG of their own and work on inviting members to it, I suggest it because it is another level of the game, there is so much to do in the game than just missions and TF's and trials, I run my own and it is fairly active but we are new and young so there are some problems to be ironed out but that is what makes it fun, teaching and training folks to do things how you like them done, bvut you also have to make it fun for them and give them a reason to be there, I love running SG's and my SG on live did very well for itself, it ran for close to 5 years and had 3 leaders in the course of it's life, point being is that having a SG and a active one adds a whole new level to the game and if you are willing to do more than just missions and TF's and Trials I say you have a chance to ecperience so much more fun and if you are one of those who are getting bored with the same thing all the time try running a SG
  14. Hey all, this is great, haven't yet found any names I recognize but maybe they will remember me, my global on live is lost to history but you can find me at @Magnus Hetch Some names of mine you might remember... Magnus Hetch - Rad/nrg blaster Nebula Ghost nrg/nrg blaster Nebula Prime - Peacebringer Ion Flash - martial arts/regen scrapper Rage of Artemis - can't remember LeMagra - grav/storm controller (I think) The Hell's Guardians are reborn on the homecoming server
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