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  1. That did not work for me on any of my playthroughs. I eventually had a GM auto-complete the mission for me.
  2. I have tried completing this mission 3 or 4 times now from the start. The mission has multiple objectives, a computer, then 4 generators, then Diabolique's phyactery, fighting Dominatrix, and then fleeing into the tunnels with a +16 level Marauder hot on your heels. Here's the problem: Master Midnight is supposed to teleport you out, but no matter where I go in the entire mission, the office building, the sewers, Cole's tower, the teleport never comes, so the mission doesn't complete and eventually a very angry Marauder finds you regardless of what map you are on. I am assuming some kind of prompt that causes a teleport and ends the mission isn't happening.
  3. In Cerulean's mission "Meet with Diabolique's shadow" after Diabolique becomes hostile and attackable to the player she never attacks. I've seen this behavior now on two separate characters.
  4. I love playing toons through Praetoria. I like being able to switch sides, I like being able to call my other contacts and betray the Resistance or Loyalists. One thing that has always annoyed me about how Praetoria missions are set up is that the morality missions that finish off a block of Resistance or Loyalist storylines are their own unique level-gated missions arcs. They aren't part of the prior mission arc. That means you can complete a mission arc, get a big bump of XP and level, and then never get the cool morality missions! To avoid this annoying problem, the level-range for the morality missions should be expanded. If you are playing Wardog's missions that are for level 8-15, the morality mission should be set up for at least 8-16 just-in-case.
  5. Just wondering if Essence Drain on the Equinox Archon is supposed to hit this hard. I'm fighting level 52 Archons as a +1 level-shifted Scrapper.
  6. Bars Pros: I like how you can match the third generated color to the appropriate shade of a mask-piece. Nice trick for a 3 color costume. Cons: Not enough coverage. The bars are cool, but there's too few of them, especially on the torso piece. It feels disjointed. It's really lacking on the male and huge torsos. Needs more going on with the arms or shoulders. Technopath Pros: Well balanced, good coverage, neat 3 color trick. Cons: Wish there was more going on with the shoulders or neck.
  7. Congratulations! My lawyer and nerdy brain-parts are buzzing in synch! I know how difficult getting a license agreement like this is! Congratulations!
  8. I'm having the same problem.
  9. I'm working on getting the tank buster badge on my blue-side brute. I'm running Unai Kemen's mission "Get Data from 1st Dimension" from the arc To Save A Thousand Worlds via Ouroboros. Every time I defeat a Tank Smasher my badge counter goes up by two instead of 1.
  10. Another welcome change I'm noticing as I look at respeccing old 50's: This opens up a lot of creative slotting for Epic powers! There have been so many times I've wanted to 6 slot 3+ epic powers and that's now a real possibility in certain builds.
  11. Here's my feelings about it after respeccing a few characters I transferred over to the test server and building some fresh ones as well. 1) This adds a lot of freedom to builds without putting any major changes on level 50 outcomes. The number of slots at low levels will act as a good check on overburdening a build with high tier powers. As a solo-heavy player, I'm really looking forward to playing tanks again, which normally are a chore to level up. My Defenders and Dominators will probably all be losing a T1 power hooray! 2) This new freedom also makes it easier to make terrible builds if you're a new or casual player. The prior structure encouraged a natural distribution of slots and end over the the rise from 1-40 with power pools stretching out the time before slots would start going to new higher tier powers. That's gone now. There are going to be some people who build terribly and conclude that "XYZ powerset sucks". Not a big deal, but a problem if you want to expand or keep your current player base. 3) This change makes the current exemplar system seem way OP. Time to take the +5 off. It'll be good for the high 40's TF's too, less incarnate powers, more basic high-level heroes. 4) This lays bare a totally separate problem: A lot of T1 powers are just garbage and that's no fun. Blasters get a special consolation prize for having mostly worthless T1 secondaries with Defiance, but the fact of the matter is that this suggests maybe rather than having a system that lets us consistently avoid a power selection, maybe we should revisit the T1 powers instead?
  12. Yeah but if that's the intent the mission should just fail when the desk gets destroyed. I don't think it's WAI.
  13. I had the same problem today and on a replay of the mission I think I've figured out why. When I found the object for "look for anything useful" it had almost been destroyed. Something in the mission is damaging it and when it gets destroyed making the mission unbeatable.
  14. Not a big fan of this change. I don't farm, I don't power level, but I do alt a lot of characters and typically stop advancing 50's once I have t3 incarnate gear. I convert all the excess astral & empyrean merits to purchase the most expensive IO's for my next alt. I feel like these changes are a good example of where finding a solution for edge cases (power leveling AE farmers) screws over a lot of other folks for no good reason.
  15. Same thing happened to me this weekend.
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