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About Elfin

  • Birthday 12/19/1966

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  1. All my characters made it to Vanguard. I guess I did it right yay!!! Although I have already remade them on Everlasting Server and have been in the process of Leveling them up. It's really nice to still have all my original characters and all my bases though.
  2. I had this problem. I did the maximize fix talked about in another thread. It worked great.
  3. I am Elfin and I am still Elfin. Formerly of Defenders Of The Light SG and other SGs that were just me. Of course in the end DOTL was just me as well. Main 50s from Live Elfin or Elfin Medic Hells Elf Zanco Most people who know me though will remember me by my Global @Elfin
  4. Thank You I was having trouble figuring that out. I consider myself computer savy to some extent but sometimes the little things can mess with me.
  5. It is working now. After all the uninstalls and reinstalls I tried to open it the last time and it said a file was missing and fixed it's self.
  6. It's working now. It detected a file missing and fixed it's self
  7. When I first install Mids Reborn either installing it or extracting into a file. The first time I try to open it, it triggers Windows Defender. I click open it anyway and the Defender window goes away but Mids never opens. Trying to open it after that never triggers Windows Defender but Mids still doesn't open.
  8. I can't open it with extracting the zip file either
  9. There is no config.json
  10. How about Compare.json
  11. It still won't work but I am having problem getting old Mids, Hero Designer and Pine off my PC
  12. It won't open at all and has already converted all my Mids files to Mids reborn files.
  13. Probably not a popular build but a friend wants it so I am trying to figure it out. It's been a while since I have worked with builds and I can't seem to get anything to work with Mids. Old Mids can't open the build and Mids Reborn just won't open.
  14. I can not open Mids Reborn at all. It seemed to install fine but will not open.
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