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  1. I rerolled as dark/dark. Going for a death theme. How you like it so far?
  2. If you using scrap Ato right, you’re getting two attacks after it fires. Not one. Maybe two aoes. Or one at and an aoe. Depends on the set.
  3. Also, I’ll still never get a tank using fold space on an ITF. They are the easiest shit to herd probably in any game. Aside from surgeons but that is what I’m usually on the team for anyway lol.
  4. Take taunt. You can get by without it but it comes in handy a lot. The -range is huge. Keeps rom and director 11 from running. Someone aggros another group? Taunt them and they come to you. Instead of ignoring them or jumping away to them. It’s a one slot power although some of the set bonuses are great if you happen to have extra.
  5. I just started dark/sr sent after reading through this. Hs is 26 already after a bit of “jerking off” which is what I call farming up your own toon. Did posi one and two. Seems really good so far. I just finished maxing out a bio/dark and figured I’d try dark on a stalker. I still just can’t get into dark armor. Might try it on a sentinel maybe?
  6. Blaster. Build is done.
  7. Hits with
  8. 6 slot brawl it kits with guns.
  9. Sr sent is the correct answer. Can take flurry but that was more for matrix rip off for me.
  10. Ya have a taunt power so good enough for me. Seems like a testament to how good MA is on a tank. Clicking the 1-5 powers with your mouse seems like extra work but if it’s how you play then cool. I made some silly builds but did it on live and should have probably saved time and did test.
  11. Just made one. Seems fun so far.
  12. High defense. Won’t get mezzed if it doesn’t hit you to begin with.
  13. Here is what I may try first. Nice notes are appreciated. Loquacious - Blaster (Sonic Attack - Sonic Manipulation) More procs less ranged def.mbd
  14. I was looking at Screech - Scream - Shout - Scream for ST. Three cones for aoe. Howl seems bad though. We'll see.
  15. The -resist is only -14% and still there for the nova. And if a kin on the team you’ll likely be in melee a lot. Doesn’t seem too important to require being in melee all the time. I had a sonic/nrg on live so didn’t wanna straight copy it. Don’t solo but probably gonna take it anyway.
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