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  1. It’s a lot of fun. Mine is a ninja that carries around Excalibur. I have perma hasten on mine. Getting defense that high might make hasten hard if you’re going that route.
  2. Yes, please make it easier to speed/stealth it. WHY??? That is all anyone does anyway currently. I guess everyone can stealth now so it will be even quicker?
  3. SR. Not heal or anything. Just one power to put on auto. This is the answer.
  4. I have a Titan/nin and I didn’t even take the end power. Never runs outta end. I did take ageless but it was more for the recharge and ddr.
  5. Thraxen

    SS/SR help

    Just to still be at softcap during rage crash.
  6. Thraxen

    SS/SR help

    1. SR doesn't need a heal. You don't get hit. You don't get defense debuffed. You won't get much other debuffs cause you dont get hit to begin with. I like some recharge debuff if extra slots. 2. If you're constantly relying on the scaling resist you're doing it wrong. 3. You only need PB once every 2 minutes. It is handy to have double stacked in very, very few circumstances. Rommy rez period is one for a scrap. Don't think it is needed for a brute or tank. I typically slot an end redux in a 50 build.
  7. Thraxen

    SS/SR help

    +5% defense from barrier was included. Puts you at 45% even during rage crash. I played it awhile. I just kinda hate brutes. I only have one and its a theme toon.
  8. Thraxen

    SS/SR help

    You can have it all. SR is awesome. Super Thrax - Brute (Super Strength - Super Reflexes).mbd
  9. Demons force field made total black. Can bubble demons and sir back. Use repel and force shot or whatever it’s called if something gets too close. About to die? PFF. Time it right he should never die.
  10. awesome. Thanks for insight. I really enjoy it just hate the current way most people run it right now. I know I could just form my own. I form my own teams and weird “all x” ITFs. level right now is probably fine if people would stick together. I’ve had 4-5 people follow me around and kill shit while others stealthed. It’s been slow and some spiky deaths. But I think a team or two together could do it fine if not tp’d around.
  11. I love it on my ice/psi/psi dom. I’d have to look how it’s slotted. It’s perma or very close. Can live through stupid stuff. Like someone else said, it’s better regen that a regen scrap. Or brute really. Just have to dodge the alpha. Last time mine died was being one shot by rommy. Which wasn’t a lucky roll, but always a possibility.
  12. It’s fun. really fun. In theory. But like most stuff, people just run it now as a speed run. To just complete as fast as possible. Most stuff is skipped or ignored to just get to high enough level to kill Minotaur then exit and wait 59 minutes. I’ve yet to find a group to Just run around and kill stuff. Just stealth and kill then exit. Much like aeon sf. Speed run!!!!! Get it done for end reward then go do something actually fun.
  13. Just keep ablative up all the time. Use it before you jump in. Other two probably won’t need most of the time.
  14. Can double stack the mez protection on shields to get to 70s I believe. Sr on sentinels hits 95 if you hit the 75 plus ageless. Believe stalkers don’t hit 95 without ageless. Scraps/brutes/tanks can hit 95 easy and should when 50 if slotted well.
  15. I hate the word proc now cause it’s all everyone ever does with anything, but proc out ko blow. Slot rest as normal. If rage crashes it still does a little damage. My tank doesn’t have perma double I don’t think. Energy melee might be what you’re looking for though. Big hits. No crash. No footstomp though.
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