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  1. I despise glitch mode too. It’s fucking awful aside from I guess numbers wise. And my on is my second favorite character and The first I made when this came back up.
  2. SR tank crazy. I almost never even worry about the scaling resists. He never gets low enough for them to kick in. Tanked 4star ITF on him no prob. ice/spines is good for slows too.
  3. I have an inv/elect stalker. It’s a lot of fun. Super solid.
  4. I’ve got a really good kat/wp scrap. I can post build later when home. It’s posted here somewhere. I don’t go hasten and use DA. Don’t always have to use it though.
  5. I love spine burst. It’s your pbaoe power. It is a bit long but worth it. I have rad on a scrap. I use t9 as soon as up. Mostly for the damage boost.
  6. I’m so ready for proc nerf. Every single post is proc proc proc. I know this post is too lol. One damage proc per attack seems like an easy fix.
  7. I have a en/inv scrapper. He is a lot of fun. I imagine it would be fun and easier to slot up on a tanker.
  8. Thraxen

    Top build

    Anybody tried new confuse proc on a farmer yet?
  9. I want to try fire//stone. I assume brimstone armor would Add even more fire dots to the attacks. might try claws/stone cause claws setting stuff on fire seems neat. Already have two claws scraps though.
  10. Yes. I lack skill. Thats it so nice of you all to make fun of me.
  11. Soooooooo much work/effort to do something other sets do so easily. I've never even taken rune of protection on a non-squishy. Much less relied on accolade powers. If its fun though that is all that matters.
  12. I love it. A lot of fun. And free unless you pay for skins. The $5 for battle pass is worth it but not required either. It’s for sure worth checking out.
  13. Here is my staff/wp, prob be similiar. Dragoon Thrax - Brute (Staff Fighting - Willpower) 06 22 23.mbd
  14. Anyone tried proc'n out the two damage auras and the slow aura?
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