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Galaxy Brain

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Posts posted by Galaxy Brain

  1. Well, I won't go into it now as it is not completed....


    That is generally true, as many sets fall within a sort of buffer zone where the performance is close enough to where picking them for theme/fun is awesome. Kinetic Melee tho falls short of that compared to it's peers, when in theory the amount of building up you do with it should have it be *incredible* once you master it.

  2. 1 hour ago, ShardWarrior said:

    I guess the question becomes why would not expect there to be any differences?  They are two different sets with completely different themes.

    I don't think people would not expect differences, but rather there may be disappointment with how it feels given how much more work you have to put into it.

  3. On a serious note, there is a ton of power text that could stand to be cleaned up to be easier to read. Bio Armor is one of the more egregious examples, but adding in more page breaks, highlights, and so on could go a long long way.

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  4. 8 minutes ago, Haijinx said:

    I would use that as the definition for "Bad" 

    The set "works", its just slow. Its not like Fire Melee where you have *legit* problems.


    Just now, ShardWarrior said:

    Personally, I do not find Kinetic Melee all that horrible.  I play it just as much, if not more than other melee characters I have.  I would agree Power Siphon needs a review and adjusting to allow for the effect to last much, much longer.  Some of the animations are a just bit too long, but workable and at least to me fits within the theme of the set.  People seem to be forgetting that not every player is a DPS chaser and is looking for the combo that does the most damage the fastest.

    While true, not everyone is a DPS chaser, you don't have to be. Play War Mace and KM back to back just casually and you'll see a difference.

  5. 32 minutes ago, ZacKing said:

    yeah that's why I said there are a couple of changes to power siphon and such make it better.  Not everything needs to be identical IMO.  it makes the game bland.

    Agreed! Its just a shame when unique things that require extra effort end up being outshone by "SMASH THEM WITH HAMMER"

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  6. 41 minutes ago, ZacKing said:

    KM is not as bad as people make it out to be.  Power Siphon can use some work to make the effect last longer and some of the animations could be cut a hair, beyond that it's fine.  I like playing it.

    It's not "bad", but it is very very slow for normal gameplay compared to other melee sets. 


    Power Siphon is great, but you need to stack up 5 successful hits in a row, which at it's fastest takes about 5.5sec? And *then* you can toss out a big-hitter move which also takes about 2-3 seconds to animate, so even though you accrued a 150% damage bonus, it takes a long time to get there and use it.


    Meanwhile, a set like  War Mace can just hit build up, and in the same amount of time (10ish seconds) toss out a ton of fast, hard hitting moves at 100% damage.

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  7. 14 hours ago, Gulbasaur said:

    Electric is arguably only viable on a defender if you want to make use of its secondary effect because endurance drain is a bit of an all or nothing thing and only defenders really reliably hit the tipping point.

    Wanna touch on this real quick as its actually the opposite, defenders and blasters have the same end drains.

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    22 minutes ago, Heraclea said:

    I gather you took it on a Brute?  On a scrapper or tanker, attack speed is much less of an issue.  It does work best. I think, with armors like ninjitsu or radiation that have an inherent recharge buff. 

    No no, kin needs buffs.

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  9. 20 hours ago, Greycat said:

    Eh. *Should* there be? Would you have sat through a bunch of Marvel movies if it were hero moment - talk  - hero moment - talk - hero moment - small fight - Hero moment? I mean, even Michael Bay doesn't cram that many explosions in. 🙂

    The problem is that they don't give you hero moments on the sets they are part of.


    Looking at Elude again, given the way the game works it does not actually improve your performance in any meaningful way or even change what you do as SR. The T9 armors that stack the same stat on top of the armor again are really, really pointless as they give such a small boost for the downsides of them. Another example is elec armor where you very well may have near capped resists to several damage types, where popping overload wouldn't actually buff you.


    On a squishy character where thats all they had, or say if a resist set got elude, thatd be a totally different story as it has much much MUCH higher value.


    The best ones IMO are the t9s that offer something radically different. Meltdown being a boost to offenses for a time, Icy Bastion patching holes that ice normally doesn't cover, fire and dark having tide-turning rez nukes, MoG giving you the Mario Star power up, etc. Thinking outside the box with T9s I feel would be much more fun as you then have a meaningful choice of how to incorporate them instead of them being near auto skips or mules.


    Like, imagine if Unstoppable was changed to be more of an offensive/cc tool. You pop it, get some minor res/def, but also have a 3ft PBAoE around you for the duration that causes knockdown to foes as you barrel through/adds KD and some smashing damage to your attacks. Overload on elec armor grants you some res, but also a ton of recovery and a supercharged damage aura where everything around you is constantly shocked. Elude grants maybe some elusivity in PvE to counter accuracy on top of your defense, and a larger movement and recharge bonus. Etc, etc.


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  10. On 8/15/2020 at 7:20 PM, Silent Method2 said:

    You can say the same about wavedashing in Smash, but good luck trying to find anyone willing to play competitively without it. The fact that it can't be fixed simply by banning Crey Pistol or easily policed (because other, more "legitimate" powers can do the exact same thing) is extremely relevant to this discussion. It's not as black and white as "features are good, exploits are bad."

    Wavedashing is a movement OPTION and is not always the best option in any given circumstance as it still requires a bit of time dedicated to moving a certain way + different characters have radically different WD physics / uses beyond that.


    Animation Canceling as described seems to strictly be advantageous as it removes the rooting of power activation and it doesn't seem like there would be any reason not to do so?

  11. On 8/11/2020 at 1:14 AM, Apparition said:

    No.  Some powers have different activation times across ATs, some power sets have different powers across ATs, and then there is Scourge.  Some power sets are better with Scourge (Fire and Water Blasts for example), than others.

    I would imagine it would be a *similar* spread, but yes certain sets would definitely change.

  12. What I like:


    Ice offers a bkt of everything you'd see in any given armor set


    Chilling embrace and the theme of ice debuffing enemies around you so that you are tougher by contrast is cool, and provides team support.



    What I don't like:


    In a super duper meta sense, ice's strength against cold damage is near useless. Cold damage is found in only 2% of enemy attacks (give or take) which makes it an incredibly dubious thing to be immune to. 

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