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Galaxy Brain

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Posts posted by Galaxy Brain

  1. Ok, so I was able to test with Maneuvers, Hover, CJ, Tough and Weave all 3 slotted + 1 End redux (except hover [fly] and CJ [none]), and that took all of my slots to do so. On top of being a major endurance strain, that kind of build is just unrealistic. 


    I ran Rad Blast again and while I did notice a difference, when the stray hits piled in I was still in trouble.... maybe something between these values could be worth it but I still think the initial round is still good to show what "the primary alone" brings to the table.





    • Like 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, Tsuko said:

    Nice testings, for people in SO level 30ish.


    All sets are not equal in term of optimisation : a fully build blaster dont need the tiny heal of water to stay alive.


    I never use a new toy without a full build +5 and at least Veteran level 12/20 with accolades/incarnates buy with transcendent merit.


    So the "safety" measure is "a bit" blurred when you have a full caped range Beam / TA blaster with bonfire, emp arrow and Glue arrow able to dps at 100+ range, for instance.


    So.... YMMV for some reason as americans says 😄

    Not everyone can build like that, everyone can use SO's at all lvls of play 🙂

    • Like 3
  3. TBH, I just kind of threw CJ and Hover together just for the +Air Control and the minimal defense it gave, and had already gone through like 4 sets by the time I had thought of adding more... so I just went with it 😛 


    Looking at it, I put 1 fly SO in gover (and swift), and then 1 Def SO in CJ, resulting in a total of:  ~4% def


    If I were to say, have CJ, Hover, Weave, Maneuvers, and Tough all 3 slotted: 14.5% Def / 16.5% res to S/L, which is a very decent boost... but not *super* significant in terms of "would 100% make a set that was unsafe into a 100% safe one", at least compared to one another! Ice would likely have not had that 1 death (and possibly elec), but the others that has a handful of deaths would likely still have those handful as they did not do a good job of preventing damage outright compared to their peers.

  4. Just now, zenblack said:

    And no Maneuvers, Haste, Tough or Weave? These are uncommon on most Blasters, regardless of combo?

    Hasten I exclude specifically because it is unstable until you perma it and given each spawn is not the same it would wildly change results run to run in terms of timing unless I pause, let everything recharge, and tackle each fight fresh. I did this with the melee test as well.


    The other toggles in hindsight I could have included but I doubt it would have made a HUGE difference in the relative safety between each set.

    • Like 3
  5. 10 minutes ago, zenblack said:

    Then why is Hover and Combat Jumping included? And the definition of a "standard in-game environment" cannot be achieved unless you include the basic mechanics available to any character playing in the game. I don't think it can be achieved without bringing in things that would skew the testing environment (as I stated with Inspirations) perhaps unfavorably to one set/condition or another. But ignoring them completely also skews it significantly.

    Hover and CJ are included as they are often taken on most characters (or some combo thereof) and it helped align cones in some cases. 


    The "standard game environment" is reflective of this test emulating a simple mission, which is what 90% of the game is comprised of, instead of a Farm Map or stationary Pylon which test more extreme attributes of a character (AoE / ST on either end). The map and custom enemies / difficulty was chosen to be be just difficult enough to not be a raw speed test, but also not dangerous enough to not be doable with just primaries. 


    Now, is this a bit unrealistic as the secondary set / etc was mostly ignored? As well as X factors like accolades/insps/temp powers? In a sense, yes. But, every set had the same rules applied with the same sort of slotting to get what I like to call the "Baseline / Floor" for the set's performance. A set like Fire would do well with a more defensive secondary or team mates (as would Rad), but then so would most any other set. A set like Psy Blast would likewise shine with an AoE heavy secondary, and so on, but that does not change the set itself and what it brings to the table.

    • Like 3
  6. @zenblack, in the interest of fairness all sets would then be run with the same inspirations, else why artificially patch one over the others?


    The safety metric I feel to be a valid point of reference when comparing the sets at a base level and could be useful when deciding a set as a whole. Ignoring that though, yes fire definitely has a big edge on the rest but it doesn't get it for free.

    • Like 2
  7. 16 hours ago, Bopper said:

    I will add, just in case someone gets the idea of slotting a ton of PT procs, it can only proc once per cast and there is an issue with that mechanic that prevents multiple procs from different sources at the same time (like slotting one in Stamina and another in Physical Perfection). That impact will diminish returns on slotting multiples.

    not unless you slot them in elec powers 😉 

    • Like 1
  8. Just now, Greycat said:

    Read. The. Rest. Of. The. Post. Which describes where rezzing in a jail cell does *not* equate to 'relative safety.'

    Hint: The most relevant point has a "3" in front of it. Though 2 is also worth considering.


    Regardless, this is another point where depending on what's going on ("triggering alarms in the pawn shop" plus "someone ran back and triggered more longbow ambushes" is rather a perfect storm, especially on a low to mid level, mid to large team) yes, you will get killed and have ambushes sitting there while you rez.


    Having the ambushes not lock on to you there (say, until you reenter the pawn shop, or at least wait until you're out of the PPD station to lock back on) would be a huge improvement.

    The bigger difference here is that there is a door separating you from the enemy for at least 8 or so deaths that afford you time to actually get up and recuperate. Even without the jail door there, the room is far more secluded in terms of what can engage with you compared to the corner of the mansion and allows you to use LoS, etc, to give yourself a chance. Let alone using Inspirations / etc.


    The mansion gives you NO such chances once you get stuck there.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Bentley Berkeley said:

    Can you not honestly see that if they change this, this mission becomes a trivial thing with no real challenge and no way to fail it?

    This isn't the point.


    Failing should not equal getting spawn camped forever.


    Look, I understand that if you tweak it to run at absolutely the easiest setting possible you probably will not encounter this issue. But that does not excuse that the issue still exists in most anything but said setting. It does not make the mission any more challenging if a defeat essentially soft locks the game, it instead makes it more frustrating.

    • Like 6
  10. 4 minutes ago, Bentley Berkeley said:

    Why should I at your request when your offerings to this discussion are often vague and shallow, and what details you have given Ive basically had to play 20Q to get out of you?  I mean ive been pretty reasonable in admitting that plenty of factors can make this tougher on some. lack of flying, lack of ranged dps, lack of mass aoe nuking all certainly play a part in the OPs original issues imo. But and lets be clear here, you as well as I have been doing this at increased dif solo, just doing that alone means it is not some unfair thing for a full party of characters actually up to snuff for the content at baseline which is what actually needs to be the dif being tested for a discussion on balance and if dumbing down the mish is truly a need.


    Do you struggle on baseline? Does the OP? Do you struggle on baseline in a team ? Is the team a team you consider capable in general? These are the Qs no one is answering and why I dont see an issue. Because I know the answers to these for myself and those I run with often already. And the answer is nope, nothing in this game at x0+0 short of some AVs and GMs is really going to slow us down let alone stop us cold and force us to give up.

    It does not matter the before, I want you to experience what I did on my /Energy Aura scrapper and happen to take an L at that part. It really doesn't matter what lead to it, but it seems you have not experienced it.


    Experience what we're talking about, then get back to us.

    • Thanks 5
  11. If they simply move the respawn somewhere else in the mission so you have time to prep, but not enough time to have the ambushes swarm the location like if it were outside, that would help the issue.


    For context, my claw/ea soloed all of nightward on +1/x4 with only an Overwhelming Force KD in Shockwave / numina/ perf shifter for IOs, the rest being generics, while leveling. That was the only mish to give me trouble due to getting bad luck at that one part.

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