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Painbow Brite

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Everything posted by Painbow Brite

  1. Boom Babe ...still amazed I got that one.
  2. It's the most wonderful time of the year!! Christmas(hup) in July is streaming NOW! Grab your hot cocoa, hang up those stocking, and turn your speakers to 11 as Spectrum Radio brings you merry mixes ALL DAY long. ❤️
  3. Remember to leave out a bowl of Skittles and a can of Red Bull for your prismatic DJ, Painbow Brite, and Spectrum Radio, tonight/tomorrow (7/26) at Midnight EST (7/25 9pm PST) as Chtistmas(hup)! begins! Merry musical mayhem ALL DAY provided by Spectrum Radio: http://listen.samcloud.com/w/120297 Holiday party 7/26 at the Winter Forest begins 8pm EST/5pm PST and goes until ?? Let's shake off these Summertime blues and spread a little cheer...and maybe a little insanity!! ❤️
  4. Forgot a few others: Peng Win: Ice/Ice Blaster Tankin for Granite: Stone/Staff tank Shadendarude: Water (rp'ed as sand)/Time corr - Their powers grow in proportion to others misfortune/discomfort with memes. Consentacles: Peacebringer Boom Babe: Energy/Atomic blaster The Fantastic Freem: Energy/Elec blaster
  5. Sailor Mercury (Freddie as a sailor scout) Painbow Brite Die Frightermaus Stevie Nyx
  6. I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way...
  7. Tonight 9pm EST/6pm PST it's a SUPER-SEKRIT Pre-Comic-Con music set with Painbow Brite! That's right. I'll be playing a special 4 hour block of nerdy/geeky/pop culture inspired mashups, remixes and other insanity to help get you into the Comic-Con spirit! Beam yourself on down to ZONE-8888 and step into the blue Police box. I promise you, it's bigger on the inside! It's time to party on, dudes!! http://listen.samcloud.com/w/12029
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  8. Sunday July 26th - Everlasting Server -It's CHRISTMAS(Hup) In July!! Who's been Naughty and who's been Nice? It doesn't matter because everyone gets the gift of MUSIC!! -Christmas Music starting at 12am EST July 26th, and playing ALL. DAY. LONG. On Spectrum Radio! http://listen.samcloud.com/w/120297 -Christmas Party starting at 8pm EST/5pm PST until ??? hosted by Painbow Brite at the Frozen Winter Forest!! talk with Null the Gull in Pocket D to get there Come on down, grab some hot cocoa, skate on the frozen pond, and stomp your feet to some Merry Mashups. Hope to see you there! ❤️❤️
  9. For those who could make it out to Summerween tonight, and for those who were there in spirit, thank you for making tonight freaking UH-mayzing. So many awesome folks, SOOO many gorram creative costumes, and I don't have words for how wonderful this community is. ....stay tuned, because I'll be doing a Christmas(hup) in July at the end of the coming month too! ❤️
  10. Tonight's the (Fright) night! Bring your best Trick or Treating costume, your dancing shoes, and have a little bit of silly spoopy fun! ❤️
  11. Just a little update/reminder bump that Summerween happens this Tuesday, June 30th at 8pm EST/ 5pm PST on the Everlasting Server. Talk with Null the Gull in Pocket D to travel to a very special Halloween version of Atlas Park!! Go. Haunt. Chill Skuls. ❤️
  12. Hey nerds! Painbow Brite here. (of course you knew that, because it says my name here). You've heard about that thing folks do and have Christmas in July?? Well... get a load of THIS!! **JUNE 30th, 2020: 8pm EST/5pm PST , Everlasting Server - It's SUMMERWEEN!!!** Best Halloween Contest with a total of 2 Billion in prize monies to be held at 10pm EST/7pm PST You read that right. It's Halloween in June!! 4 hours (maybe MORE!) of Halloween Classics all (Monster) Mashed-up along with Gothy/Spoopy standards to chill your blood and get you doing the Time Warp again!! We'll be rising from our graves in the special Atlas Park Halloween instance. Talk with Null the Gull in Pocket D to get there!! We'll have a Best Halloween Costume contest with over 2 Billion in total prizes, friends, fiends, great music, and a cauldron FULL of full-sized candy bars at the Haunted Mansion! All broadcast from Painbow's "Spectrum of Sound" which you can tune into 24/7 at: http://listen.samcloud.com/w/120297
  13. I just want to say a HUUUUUUUUUGE FREAKING THANK YOU. To all the planners, volunteers, attendees and all those who were there in spirit for the Pride Event today. You ALL are freaking amazing and my dorky heart is full and I have. Not. Stopped. Smiling. For the past 3 hours. ❤️❤️ Be safe, Be Kind, Be Loved. ❤️❤️
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