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Everything posted by scarlet_f

  1. I play for a few minutes, and all seems fine then as soon as I zone the PC just hard crashes and restarts. this has been happening for about a week and a half and only when I play this game so far. I may be due to another game I got around the same time but that game only crashes when I tab out too often in a row.
  2. are you telling me they are ppl running around at lvl 50+ with Only SOs in their build? that's insane! why would you do that?
  3. yes, but you can't use the AH in missions while a portable workbench can be used in there.
  4. at this point general IO's are better than SO's so there's no real reason to keep them. also, if ppl are using 100% XP boost, they won't have the money to buy/upgrade them anyways. so, either remove them or make them dirt cheap.
  5. maybe be able to make inspirations with Salvage? also would be nice for every crafting bench, even the portable ones to make buffs too like from bases.
  6. agreed we also need more primary's plant blast would be fun too
  7. Hi, all I have a few questions concerning some maps: Who made the circle of thorns and council maps? Why are most of them so hard to navigate? was that on purpose? If you could remove/revamp them to be less annoying would you?
  8. ok this is just getting real odd now my ice/SS controller can't use the bind with her auras (Steamy Mist and/or Arctic Air) on either. she was able to do so yesterday... what is going on?!?!? am i cursed? is this game mocking me!?!?
  9. i was this bind /bind shift+w "autorun 1$$e flypose2" but the pose won't come out had to turn both of them off to get it to work. works on every one of my mystic flight toons so far including an ice/SS troller edit: just tried on my water/ice blaster Frigid Protection in /ice is doing the same thing.
  10. scarlet_f


    as 1 that hasn't played a /cold Corr I just want to put in my 2 cents. take from that what you will. I think it sucks that sleet got nerfed and understand why the players of it are either angry or just shrug their shoders and keep playing cos it will always be in demand regardless. that being side when my time/sonic defender was passed over for a 4star LGTF because they had too much corrs/defenders did I get mad? no, I rolled a cold/sonic defender that I plan to io out soon. nerfs/changes are always going to happen there is no way to fix that all we can do is roll with the punches. why not just make a sonic/cold corr to make up for the -res lost form the sleet nerf? it's not like lvling/ioing out toons is hard in this game.
  11. they don't need to do that to all the powers just this 1 and then work on the rest bit by bit would be a nice QoL change. maybe make a commend to have it the old way so ppl that like it that way can still have it.
  12. ok got it to load but now its saying that the target is in the air even at up:1 so not only is SC not working with Target but it can't even be used on targets in the air, and when i set it to "me" it won't work at all 😕 Edit: now it won't even work with Target anywhere, this is so annoying! wish they would just make it a Toggle at least my BF macro/binds work
  13. it won't make the macro and am not getting an error message, am i typing something wrong? /macro_image "BanishedPantheon_Frost_SnowStorm" "Storm Cell" "Storm Cell" "powexec_location up:2 Storm Cell"
  14. a fix would be to make them toggles like snowstorm or shadow fall
  15. i was on BAF and the commend wont work on mot of the mobs in there, please make it a toggle like snowstorm or shadow fall macro used: /macro_image "BanishedPantheon_Frost_SnowStorm" "Storm Cell" "Storm Cell" "Powexeclocation target Storm Cell"
  16. Savage Leap (Stalker): Power should now grant Assassin's Focus can we get this fix for Stalkers Touch of fear too? I bug reported it a good while ago
  17. Please add more "dark modes" to power sets between the new control set and storm blast. its getting REAL hard to see things. ice and other powers that don't have a dark mode need them too. or even better yet let us have a way to make others around us with powers be in a "dark mode"
  18. title, no matter where I try to hit it from it just says target blocked making the power useless on it. happened on my stalker and a brute I was on a team with had the same problem I don't know if other ATs with the power have the same problem.
  19. i'm guessing Voltaic Sentinel isn't a toggle, even tho it kinda acts like 1, would be nice if it didn't shut off every time i get mezed
  20. i've have seen on my dm/da stalker touch of fear gives no AF stacks which is bad to say the least. . also could you buff its damage to please? 😛
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