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GM Crumpet

Game Master
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Posts posted by GM Crumpet

  1. I think it depends on your available inf. For me I generally buy procs and sets as I level. I'll get the three blessing of the zephyr into my travel power at level 7 when it becomes available, and prioritise ATO's. Then as I hit the appropriate level got the procs I need for health and stamina. Otherwise I'll SO until 22 then respec and sell them, then go IO 25's and go up as I hit a level change. When I hit 50 I'll use a catalyst on my ATO's to make the superior, along with any winter sets I need, and buy as many purple sets as I can squeeze in. I buy everything attuned anyway 🙂 


    I can follow mids when someone else has made a build, I can't create a build from scratch. So generally my powers either have full sets of something or are stacked with useful procs.

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  2. 42 minutes ago, PeregrineFalcon said:

    Grumble... grumble. I really didn't like the changes to Energy Melee when they first went live. I kinda like it now though.


    No one hates you Moogly. Not even me.


    What? Get off my lawn!

    Kids these days. Get off my lawn!! That's not music!! When I was a lad..... etc. etc. 😛 


    And we all love Googly 🙂 


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  3. On 6/1/2024 at 11:06 PM, Boudicia.Dark said:

    I dn't post very much anymore, I lurk a lot and my play is pretty uch just special events but this community and this game still mean everything to me. As a queer person, I've almost always felt at home and welcome here. I remember when our first Pride Event happened and how it was an honest to goodness official event. I also remember the troubles that caused but nevermind, love is love and thanks to this community and this game for being safer places for queers like me.



    Photo Apr 11, 8 16 25 PM.jpg

    Happy Pride. I hope you have as much fun at yours as I did at mine the other weekend 🙂 

    • Like 4
  4. People play how they play. Sadly for a lot of modern players they expect the grind to 50 to be the difficult part and the fun to start once that's over. Despite all the advice (from myself quite regularly) new players still think there is some magic after 50 and get disappointed when they realise that that's basically it. From now on it's task forces, iTrials and mothership raids. There is still plenty to do at 50, but you need to have worked your way up and spent a lot of inf to enjoy them. I see accounts a month old with a dozen or more 50's. I automatically assume they power levelled up as there is no way they can get that many that quickly. Are they enjoying the game? I hope so. Fingers crossed they get bored sitting in a farm and start actually playing. 

    • Like 6
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  5. 5 hours ago, Kampe24 said:

    So I don't know if anyone is still interested in this issue but I found the solution.  I had to go into Control Panel, click on devices and then right click on my headphones.  Then under the services tab there was a checkbox for Handsfree Telephony.  Once I unchecked this box it resolved my issues.  Apparently the computer treats the headphones as a hands free device and mutes some sounds so that you can hear what's important if you were on a phone call.  Hope this helps anyone else who is having this issue.

    glad you worked it out. sometimes its the most ridiculous things

  6. 3 hours ago, Zhym said:

    Okay.  As they say these days: it gets better.


    I don't think I've ever seen a character shift so much from tedious at level 23 to fun at level 24.

    In fairness, many characters die a lot early days then get awesome later on. I struggled with a plant dom and illusion controller to start, but with the right powers, more slots and some good sets suddenly I'm a lot more powerful than I had any right to be on paper.

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  7. 1 minute ago, PeregrineFalcon said:

    I'm not a busy body, I don't report people. I just laugh and move on. I'm just trying to explain to people who think they know what they're talking about how the law (in the US) actually works.


    But the fact that the law does work like this, and that Disney could destroy Homecoming in a situation like this, is a reason that people should at least consider not making a trademarked character. Disney has sued daycare centers because they had Disney characters painted on their walls.


    You say "This is low level BS." I say Disney could and would shut Homecoming down over something like this.

    Beware the Mouse!!

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  8. There are many words that have fallen out of use and been taken up as words in modern media. They can't be copyrighted but they can be trademarked. So words like Sith, Droid, Jedi etc can be used but only if they are used outside the context of the media where they are trademarked. Original creations can be copyrighted, but copyright expires and trademarks don't. You just have to use the trademark to keep it active. Sith is old English, Droid has been used occasionally in the past by other writers, and Jedi is a recognised religion in the US. It's a tangled mess.


    If you see something you think breaks the CoC you are more than welcome to pop a ticket in and I'll take a look. It doesn't have to be the full package, it can be the name, costume or bio. Or a combination. I'll make a decision and then act. If in doubt I'll seek advice. I'll also listen to an argument as to why I was wrong and if I am, I will apologise. I have done in the past. Otherwise I'll pass it to the leads to adjudicate. Their decision is final, and contrary to popular opinion will overrule a GM at times. It's rare, but it has happened. 


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  9. 30 minutes ago, Snarky said:

    To be honest I was not paying attention.  Was running a new Dom. (and distracted by rainbow domination!) and trying to figure my powers against vickies and high end enemies.  So I was just grabbing glowies and dealing with mobs in front of terminals.   Maybe they were going for that badge.  But I went to a CoP where my team dropped the pillar even while screams of STOP were in chat.  I stopped DPS above 50%  Goal was clearly stated 40 before team assignments.  It is the crowded Excelsior we wanted lol.

    I've been in CoPs like that 🙂 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  10. Much as I enjoyed the show, they needed to breath a bit more. They could have stretched the goblin queen out a lot more and had it be the entire season antagonist. They flew through so many story arcs that it was almost like a TL:DR version of the X-Men

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  11. 6 hours ago, Snarky said:

    So, I joined a PUG Keyes.  I knew at least some of the people were "challenged" when 1 person could not find Pocket D for 5 min.  Then we start.  I am happily working around the first reactor. I guess team was about half done there.  And they killed Anti Matter.



    So, do I still PUG?  O, yeah.  to quote someone i avoid as much as possible...

    GIF - Imgur

    And most of the iTrials I join are pugs. And TF's. The only time it's not been a pug is when I join Laucianna's 2* ITF

  12. 19 minutes ago, Clave Dark 5 said:


    Anyone else get this upon re-install?  Whazzit mean?

    It means what it says. The build will load but it may have been changed since you made it. Or not. It's just warning you of the possibility

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  13. On 5/14/2024 at 8:18 PM, Saiyajinzoningen said:

    after reading this thread I feel like I'm doing something wrong cause I actively try to get rid of as much UI as possible.......


    I'm the same. As little stuff on screen as I can get away with. 

  14. On 5/15/2024 at 1:33 AM, Shenanigunner said:



    Sorry, kinda tiny. Full size on request. The two tiny trays at right center are Event stuff, temporary.


    (And caught me in the shower, sorry about that.)

    That's a heck of a screen. Do you need to take an uber to get from one side to the other?

    • Haha 3
  15. 6 hours ago, Krimson said:


    I never do Task Forces due to health reasons. I have to AFK a lot. Anyway, so doing Incarnates with regular content. It should be common knowledge that by Vet Level 12, if you just do regular content like radio missions and tips, then you will most certainly have enough threads and Empyrean Merits to get all of your Incarnates to Tier 3. It's baked into the system, it will happen. Getting your Incarnates to Tier 4 takes quite a bit longer. I too like to use my Shards for the second pass at Alpha. That seems to be the only use for them aside from converting to threads later. If you do nothing but regular content, then getting all of your Incarnates to Tier 4 will happen somewhere around Vet Level 39-42ish. If you have Salvage, you will probably get it done sooner. The earliest I have fully Incarnated was Vet Level 30.


    Since I like to solo, I do a lot of content in Dark Astoria. Though when I go there depends on the toon. Usually, after you get your level shifts. I waited until around Vet Level 19 on my latest Sheild/Battle Axe Tanker because I really wanted Tier 4 Ageless before I wanted a Lore Pet. 😄


    With the Notice of the Well, when I have done TFs, I usually just convert it to threads. If you want to make a nice amount of threads while unlocking Incarnates, I recommend doing a bunch of Mother Ship Raids. There are so many buffs flying around, that you get a preview of what your toon can be like fully built out.

    I generally get to tier 4 on everything around vet 27, but I do like the incarnate content and am often quite lucky with the salvage drops.

    • Like 1
  16. 17 minutes ago, Ukase said:

    To me, this is the best method. 
    I hear so often about how threads drop so much more, etc..and while that's true, you need 25X as many threads as shards, so they should drop more. 
    (That's 5 incarnate slots that need threads. You need 60 threads for the t-1 compared to only needing 12 shards for the t-1) 

    But- as I've stated a number of times, if you're only doing iTrials, shards will never drop - so by all means, use threads. I use threads to get my t-3 as soon as I unlock alpha. Then I hoard the shards until I can get t-4. Just makes sense to me. 

    I personally rarely do the WST so get maybe 4 notice of the well a year. I will use the shards to make a tier or 2 when Im doing the second run of the alpha slot to tier 4, but most times I convert them to threads.

    • Like 1
  17. 7 minutes ago, UltraAlt said:





    Why is that nav bar at the top? I am primarily going to be using that when I'm looking at the map.


    Costume changes at the top, because I'm not going to use them all of the time. Same with /lfg speech macros and the Fast Travel menu. Out of the way so that they aren't distractions.


    Why is the HP/command bar in the middle at the bottom over the target window? Because I'm going to be watching my recharges on powers a lot and it allows me to keep track of the enemies hps and my own hp/end without looking all over the screen.


    When I'm running a mastermind, I have another tray open above tray 5 for the henchman spawn and related power-ups.


    If you want to know why I set my 3-stack the way that I do, check this out:



    I've tried having the bar with my health lower down but my screen is so big I still don't see it. For some reason my eyes tend to go right so having things I need to see on the right seems natural. As with all things, do what you feel comfortable with and what works for you. nobody else is going to jump on and complain 🙂 

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