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GM Crumpet

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Posts posted by GM Crumpet

  1. On 2/3/2024 at 2:32 PM, Luminara said:

    Yes, that's right folks, we're back for another round of Whack-A-Spammer!  Join in and you could win a spam-free forum!  A chance to engage in friendly banter with a GM!  The respect and appreciation of your fellow forum members!  A deep and visceral satisfaction at seeing a scumbag spammer beaten down by the GMs!  And more!

    How do you play?  It's easy!  Simply hover your mouse pointer over the spammer's post, select Report Post in the window that pops up, click Spam and Report!  Fun for the whole family!


    This is a limited-time promotion, so play now!



    And much appreciated the reports are too, thank you to everyone who is participating!!

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  2. On 1/31/2024 at 2:22 AM, Cpt. Caveat said:

    Shesh I had no idea there were near this man “gather” powers out there.  That’s an interesting addition. I’ve never played a war shade. I know they have some ranged and melee builds but if we are looking at melee I’m guessing axe would do a better job though there may be a damage trade off. 

    that said I realize a controller’s damage output would be lower than both but would come with additional CC effects once mobs were gathered

    Warshades work by having as many enemies nearby as possible so they can suck their energy out and use it for their own defence, damage and self rez. Using their "gather enemies" power (shadow slip) they can teleport all the enemies in range (I think the limit is 16 but not totally sure) into a nice tight group at their feet. Most times it isn't a problem, shadow slip, eclipse, 2 mires, nuke. Turn into dwarf and mop up the survivors. Sometimes it backfires and you die so self rez (stygian return) and then eclipse, 2 mires, nuke and dwarf 🙂 Then a quick Dark Extraction for a short lived pet and move on to the next mob.

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  3. 6 hours ago, Laucianna said:

    I've seen a few new players with the help me above their head and amazing outfits based on copyrighted characters, a lot of the time a simple message saying that it's a cool costume but against the ToS lets them know in a gentle way I find, I know I would rather be told be a fellow player then hit with the generic hammer if I didn't know ❤️


     - Lauci x

    You spoil all my fun!! 😛 


    But yes, if you see a new player who looks amazing then please tell them they are breaking the ToS if you feel confident in doing so. You have no obligation to do so, all reports are confidential.

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  4. 3 hours ago, TheZag said:

    Perhaps the GM that said dont report too often meant dont become the costume police and go out of your way to find people to report.


    In fairness, if someone is reported for having a comic accurate costume then I'm happy to take a look. We've had endless green lanterns, Homelanders, Deadpools etc that the name is fine but the costume is amazing!! And I do feel quite guilty hitting the big shiny button on it knowing how much work they put in.

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  5. 4 hours ago, ZemX said:


    This is change we can believe in!

    I wake in a cold sweat worrying it'll all go horribly wrong and I'll log in and find the implementation went wrong and all my funny and silly names got wiped and I'm left with 80 characters called generic<number> 😛 


    Which can't happen as we do make backups before any big changes in case we need to do a rollback. The biggest mess up was years ago when somehow the patch went live and all the floors in Atlas had vanished 🙂 

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  6. So. The way it was explained to me was as follows, and I might be wrong in the technical details but not the effects. All name will be given a flag. Depending on the level of the character will determine when the flag expires. So a level 50 will have a never expire flag for instance. Logging in will reset the flag and it will be safe for however long the flag is set for.


    Saying that, the name won't suddenly be taken off you, what will happen is it will become available. If someone makes a character with the new name THEN the old character will lose that name, but if nobody else picks it then it will be fine. You won't log in on day 31 and find you have 300 level 1 alts all named Generic-number.


    I have no idea when it will go live, but the majority of player won't even notice.  If you have potentially popular names then you might, but for a lot of people they will mostly try to get back names they had on live but someone else now has.

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  7. 2 hours ago, Oubliette_Red said:

    @GM Crumpet I would have to disagree slightly regarding white salvage/recipes. There are always people working on their Crafting Badges, so there are always people looking for these on the AH. Is it a huge return? Not really, but it also gains you progress towards AH badges, for those of us who care. Otherwise yeah, they are pretty much trash.


    Oh I agree, and as a long time player who has more inf than I can spend it's not a problem. I'll drag everything into the AH. For a new player trying to get a boost up on their inf levels it's better to sell for the best price though.

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  8. 18 minutes ago, nzer said:


    There are not enough GMs to police copyright infringement across a playerbase that has no idea those copyright violations are against TOS. Of course we should be telling new players to not do that.

    True, We could have a GM stationed on every map 24/7 and still miss a lot. Which is why players reporting violations is really helpful. What is also helpful sometimes is "this character is a direct copy of someone from the 1982 manga named blah blah" as we can't know every character from every IP 🙂 

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  9. 4 hours ago, WuTang said:

    Hi everyone! So been playing CoH a few weeks now and so far it's pretty great. The playstyle, the customizability in character creation (almost overwhelming and quite amazing), the vastness of powers, the enhancements (which was confusing at first), the AH (which is still kicking my butt)... Everything adds up to a really good experience. No "but" either.


    I'm still in the new-boy phase where I'm just cloning my favorite super heroes from the comics so haven't gotten too exotic or original yet, though I did just create a "magic" Hulk as a Brute with dark melee and willpower armor. I did an original science super strength and invulnerability brute Hulk but it felt like I pigeonholed the toon, though I fully intend on leveling him out at some point. Oh I lied...did create an original Brute with energy/radiation fun combo so far. Also wanted to say....some of y'all have some incredible imaginations when it came to character creation. 


    I came from playing WoW since vanilla and played Star Wars Galaxy before that and before that it was Doom 2 Team Fortress over my 56k modem, good ol'days...also first and last 1st person shooter I've ever played. I prefer a game with some meat to it, SWG almost had too much meat, huge sandbox.


    Any ways, so far I seem to be partial to the Brutes, I've always preferred melee to range, and always like a side of tankiness with my damage. Am thinking about building a Tanker, are Tankers and Tanks the same thing? I ask because in creation you can select Tank or Melee but then Tanker is included in the melee set.


    If y'all haven't figured it out yet, I suffer dearly from the same affliction alot of y'all do....altoholism.


    The AH, man that is dog eat dog... You vets show no mercy, all good though. But I'm getting the hang of it...somewhat. I'm not raking in 100s of mil but I've socked away a few mil....nothing to brag about but it keeps the lights on.


    Enhancements, what are "SO" etc? IOs are the sets, right?


    Any who... I keep getting interupted which might make all this seem disjointed or maybe that's just my mind today.

    I will have follow-up questions....

    Thanks in advance! 

    - WT

    P.S. great community btw!

    The auction house is a weird beastie and no mistake. It's quite simple to use though so here's a simple starter guide.


    Type /AH to open the auction house in any open zone. It won't work in missions or in bases. Best done near a vendor so you can compare sale prices.


    The Auction house uses the "lowest list price gets highest bid" system. So putting something on for 10 inf will net you the highest current bid. That might be 10 inf, it might be 50 million inf. It just depends on what the highest current bid is. Putting something on close to the price of the last 5 bids will sell eventually, but it could take weeks. It's a buyers market and anything listed for a lower price than yours will sell first. 



    White salvage is vendor trash, sell it at any vendor.

    Yellow salvage price fluctuates wildly, drag it into the AH window and see what it sells for. If it's higher than the vendor then sell it on the AH otherwise vendor trash it.

    Orange salvage don't even check. Drag it into the AH and list it for 10 inf.


    Special salvage like catalysts and converters make good inf. Convert merits at a merit vendor to enhancement converters and sell them for instant inf.




    White are vendor trash

    Yellow and orange you need to check each one individually and compare to the vendor sale price. Some go for millions, others go for pennies.

    Purple don't even check, just drag them in and list them for 10 inf.


    Sometimes you'll need to click the find button a few times to see the last 5 prices.



    When buying enhancements like IO's or sets look at the last 5 prices and bid under that, then work up in increments. A 10 million inf sale might be available at 2 million, or 5 million. 

    Always buy sets attuned when you buy them. There is a separate menu on the side to buy attuned. Attuned means the enhancement will level up or down with you so once slotted can be safely ignored. The Auction house strips the level off a sold enhancement and allocates a level or attunement depending on the choice of the player. The price is the same attuned as levelled as it's the same enhancement. The only reason not to attune is if you are level 50 and want to use boosters on them. Purples, PvP and procs don't need to be attuned.


    And that's the basics of the auction house. Just be careful you don't buy a recipe instead of an enhancement, or an enhancement instead of a recipe. That happens a lot 🙂 

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  10. 1 hour ago, Wiseguy said:



    I vaguely asked in /General while a GM was around, and the consensus seemed to be 'feel free to report copyright infringers, just don't do it too much'. Which is sensible, GMs have better things to do than to police new characters all day I'm sure.

    There is no such thing as too much. See something you think is a breach of the code of conduct, report away. I do most of the generics (sorry) and am never too busy to look into reports. It might be the character works under the parody/tribute rule. Something that looks like The Tick but is pink and called The Flea would be fine, as it would fit under the rule. Something that looks like the Tick and is called THE T!CK wouldn't be. Same as the Hulk. It's a massive green character with tattered shorts. Make him Blue and called The Bulk and I wouldn't look twice.


    If you do get hit with a generic and you feel it was in error (I do mess up sometimes) please feel free to reply to the ticket you get and explain why you think it was in error. "I've played this character since live and nobody has ever complained" isn't a good reason. "I named this character because of X <insert link>" is much more likely to succeed. I can also accidentally hit the wrong button and generic a name when I only meant to hit a bio. In that case I'll happily apologise and let you rename the character back. If I mess up I will always apologise.

    Final arbiters will be the lead GM's. If you wish to appeal the decision then you just need to ask explaining your reasons. The lead GM's decision is final, but they will come to a consensus and even take it to Cipher if they feel it's that close to the line.

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  11. I think it's amazing!! I'm so happy to see so many new and returning players.


    Just remember, when you make your new characters please don't use other peoples IP. It's always sad when we have to generic a name, bio or costume (or all three). Especially when it's clear someone has spent a long time in the costume creator getting it exactly right. We want you to enjoy your experience and not get upset/angry/annoyed because you suddenly find yourself nameless and in your underwear.


    Be creative and be brilliant, just be original 🙂 

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  12. 7 hours ago, arcane said:

    As a GM you should probably know about popular exploits that players are using to achieve otherwise impossible levels of performance. No? This admission strikes me as a tad embarrassing on your part…


    I want to see problems get fixed and the actual homecoming team is over here saying they don’t have a clue. Discouraging.

    Hardly embarrassing. I don't do macros as I find them confusing, and much cleverer people than me have looked at it and said it's fine for now so that's good enough for me. We can't all be good at everything. I'm good at what I do though.

    And I didn't say the Homecoming team don't have a clue, please don't put words in my mouth or quote me out of context. I said I didn't have a clue. there is a massive difference.

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  13. I have no idea what people mean when they say changeling. Laucianna sent me a video of it in action and I'm still none the wiser. If people use something that makes them happy then go for it. I have my forms bound to keys and swap between them as required. I think personally some people are so caught up in the idea they forget the majority of us who play khelds don't do it and have no idea what to do even if we tried. I feel powerful. In a team I feel OP due to the inherent bonus. I swap forms with gay abandon and use the powers as needed. I'm maybe not as fast as someone above who has the manually dexterity and coordination I lack to click and double click in a rhythm, but I solo +4/4 very happily. 


    As a GM I often see complaints when something is changed from people who have built their character around a particular power or exploit. I'm sure you saw all the stuff when fire powers were altered and it filtered into fire farming. That was a shock to my system too when I logged into my favourite map and died instantly. But the devs don't do anything out of malice. They make changes to streamline AT's and power sets so they aren't OP compared to others, or worse, underperform with comparable power sets. I am not privy to any of their conversations about khelds so don't know what they think, not do I know enough to contribute properly to that conversation if I was asked. I do know that they will extensively test any changes internally, then throw it out to the closed beta. If that time comes I'll see about getting the leaders of the kheld community access to the closed beta (it's not hard to join) and your voices can be heard.

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  14. It depends on what you are saving I suppose. It's tempting to save all your salvage and enhancements of any colour, but you need to prioritise. I save IO's and sets, and sell all the DO's and SO's. I save 100 catalysts, boosters, unslotters and converters. The rest are all filled with event salvage and PaPs. Salvage I don't bother saving as I don't craft very often, but orange salvage might be useful to store a few of each type.

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  15. 6 hours ago, MsChevious20 said:

    Anyone have any idea why I keep getting kicked from map server? I recently upgraded my wifi to one of the highest speeds you can get and have no problem doing anything else. For some reason after 8-10mins it kicks me saying disconnected from map server. Any suggestions? 


    Thanks in advance!

    I had that, rebooting my router really helped, but to solve it I ended up having to plug my PC into the router direct. Not had a problem since. Did take a very long cable though as it's in the other room.

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  16. On 1/24/2024 at 9:56 AM, Clave Dark 5 said:

    Sayyyy, they were supposed to be working on Kallisti Wharf, where'd that go?  I'd have thought that'd be done by now.

    I'm not privy to anything the devs are working on, but I know they are always doing new things and looking at areas that need some love. It's more a case of "How long" rather than "what" as far as I can tell. 

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  17. I play masterminds a lot, and they are my favourite AT. They are just as good as other AT's. I don't actually like cold. I'd go as far as to say I hate it. I like thermal, time and kinetics. The other secondaries are decent too, despite me not liking cold. 


    Slotting your pets as early as possible is the trick. I put all my slots into the pets first, then get the ATO's and a pet set, plus the pet upgrade powers. They are versatile for solo, and great in teams. I love beasts, mercs, undead and bots. Demons is OK and I've never had a lot of luck with ninja or thugs.


    Play what you want because it's fun for you. Teams aren't going to go "Demons/empathy MM? N00B" and kick you out unless the team leader is a bit odd.

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  18. Empathy gets a bad rep these days. It has some nice buffs, and those heals come in real handy at lower levels. Yes pure healing is less important at high levels, but try doing a MSR with no clouds of green numbers flying about. It's painful. Where I would agree with people is that calling yourself a healer isn't the instant team invite it is in other games. Just being you and available is generally enough. Teams in this game are more interested in numbers and contribution rather than power sets. As long as you don't hang back by the door and take part in the fights nobody cares that much if you are an empathy defender or a broadsword brute.

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