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Everything posted by Dz131

  1. The problem isn't that scrappers can't differentiate between stalkers, it's scrappers can't differentiate from brutes. Who are a much better comprised between tank/dps with a taunt aura so that AOEs are also more effective. Scrappers need their own unique role to continue being a popular class. I think like stalkers then need skill changes to their power sets instead of just different %. Honestly I think giving offensive secondaries (like shields) to brutes was a huge mistake, since it made scrappers a lot less unique.
  2. They seem to have nothing unique going for them, though I guess that's expected from a AT that hasn't changed since release. Very bland and vanilla. We have brutes now that serve better as a middle of the pack between tanks and dps. At one point Scrappers were the king of solo dps. Now with Stalker who stole the crit mechanic and use it much better + better single dps with fixed ass strike and STJ, I don't see where scrappers fit in.
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