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Everything posted by Dz131

  1. I agree, nerf hasten. It's power level is obviously way above any t1 pool power. Do it you cowards so we can finally have some build shake up and not need to include this mandatory skill.
  2. Well I ended up building the toon. Ended up being okay, the t9 is very lackluster, its basically a Footstomp, but unfortunately, Rage >>> Insight, so it's a much worse version. The animations also feels slightly wack on pretty much all the skills except Greater Psi Blade. It solos 54x8 fine and has around 330-4 pylon time(only proc monster version, set bonuses version is much much worse). Overall I give it a 6.5-7/10.
  3. For example Marauder Since he's SS/Inv, do we know the numbers on his resists? Is it always capped at 90% at lv54?
  4. The Rad/ damage aura is a proc monster because of the pseudo pet. You probably want max the damage then 4 slot it with damage procs. However it might be nerfed in the future. The Ice aura is honestly not worth proccing out except with maybe your ATO proc.
  5. Dz131

    Best Brute

    I would go /da /elec I haven't played Rad so I can't comment. but /da /elec in my experience are the most well rounded and I've soloed 54x8 on both. If you wanna solo 54x8 you need well rounded defensives because there's a huge variety of mobs trying to kill you.
  6. That would just end up with people never going to those zones.
  7. We've already seen enemies buffed in Incarnate content with much higher +to hit and more challenging power combos. There's a lot of evidence that higher difficulty especially for 50+ heroes were coming down the pipeline, but it just never materialized in time.
  8. Best is probably the DA one that ends with a giant battle of all the factions againest MoT. Worst are any legacy CoX contacts, like Khalida.
  9. Lol... Soloing with Lore and temps are not a feat of strength. Everyone has access to them at the same powerlevel, it says nothing about how well you build your character.
  10. All they need to do is change something in Devices to a second snipe, then instantaneously it would be super competitive.
  11. Dz131

    Savage guide

    Hi, I'm actually building a sm/inv right now. Which powers do you use as your ATO mules? I proc out all my attacks but I need to try to slot the sets in there somewhere nvm, found your build in the op Is Hemo worth proccing out? Wouldn't the hidden dot scale better with more straight +dmg?
  12. Just be aware lethal damage is one of the most heavily resisted damages along with PSI at end game (lol Psi Melee). It's also one of the earlier powersets, so not sure if it kept up with the power creep.
  13. I would love a change in mechnics for the scrapper. I'm sure everyone feels that just +numbers is a super boring way to balance something. A charge mechanic would be nice, and it gives the scrapper the additional role of hunting down ranged / running units.
  14. CO had huge potential. It could have been COH2. However the gameplay just wasn't there.
  15. Ouch, I figured DPA was going to be an issue. Thanks for the insight!
  16. Yes regen is not that good. People trying to make their own wolverine forget that he has adamatine bones as well. Without those he would be squishy as hell.
  17. I know that it s garbage again pretty much any thing with high psi resist, which is like all the AVs and 50% of end game content. But has anyone tried to build a high end verison loaded with procs? If so how did it perform?
  18. Well their damage are not the same as blasters. The whole idea is that they give up the 2nd offensive line for defence. So already, if all numbers were equal they are way behind blasters, no need for them to take another numbers nerf on top.
  19. TW is obviously an outlier, but only when it comes to high end builds. You can easily fix it by nerfing the CD on follow through. Without double followthrough in one momentum it's sustain drops quite a bit.
  20. Sentinals are terribly balanced. They need at a minimum to go up to blaster dmg coefficent.
  21. Stalkers are def a solo class. It can be a boss killer if you're doing incarnates all the time, otherwise it's basically for speed running missions. If you see all other MMOs the ST DPS is good for 2 things: DPsing down the boss or PVP. Neither is very relevant in COH, which is why they're one of the lost played classes.
  22. I think we when crunch the numbers scrappers is closest to stalkers. The problem is that scrappers have no real identity in the game. They're supposed to be the in your face warrior archtype, then brutes came along and just does it comparable or better, alot of it due to their taunt aura and just being tougher in general. Many people in this thread feels the same, that brutes are just scrappers+ Which led to the decline of the original warriors: the scrappers. I definitely think scrappers need something other than critical strike to make them more appealing again. More players are not going to know the coefficents for the classes, just what they bring to the table in terms of game play, and scrappers are the most bland.
  23. Blasters are melee/range hybrid, afaik no other AT has a ranged and melee set. Yes there are no complaints about Stalkers because they inherently differentiate themselves in their playstyle and powersets. The issue is how do you differentiate scrappers with brutes. Right now the consensus seems to be brutes are just better in most ways, so where does scrappers fit in? I would propose powerset changes for scrappers, just like stalkers. Instead of buildup, maybe make it an AOE build up that effects people in range as well...simple things that sets scrappers apart from brutes.
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