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Posts posted by Naraka

  1. Currently, the most complicated attack in City of Heroes is Brawl specifically because, to utilize the various stances some powers put you in, it will change the animation.  So popping brawl with a Katana in your hand will give you a unique animation.  Same with popping it with an Assault Rifle or a Shield.


    That being said, I feel the tier 1 (or tier 2 in the case of some powersets) is actually the auto-attack you're talking about.

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  2. On 5/13/2021 at 3:28 PM, OmnibusOmnh said:


    Hey @Leogunner, sorry for the absence, heard your criticism of the Permeable, great assumption that is exactly how I intended soul melees Permeable to work apologies on not being specific, as it would be unfair to phase in and out at will. There is now a lookout after 25 sec of usage of Permeable.


    As for Revenant it is an already an existing concept in the game, creating a pet from a defeated foe, an example of such power is the similarly related Soul Extraction from Necromancy, it would work similarly to that. You'd be able to activate it only on a foe you defeated not at will it will only work on a defeated foe.


    Hope that this clarifies thinks up. Saw your post on Reaper Scythe (Battle Axe), was very phenomenal a lot of work went into it. However I will contrast my set to the Reaper Scythe as it focuses on the weapon of the reaper himself while Soul Melee Focuses on manipulating or reshaping your very own essence onto others, eventually seeping into the underworld in terms of the theme as well as the abilities. 


    Overall thanks for the observation towards Permeable always appreciate the feedback.


    On 5/13/2021 at 3:31 PM, OmnibusOmnh said:


    hey @Naraka, I made edits on Permeable and on the Revenant Pet you should see the add ons I made this as a light proposal without going into many specifics originally, but I went into more detail as to how Revenant works. it will use Soul melee abilities as well as degrading a foes defense. I added your suggestion on improving the casters own abilities, Now when a Revenant is active it increase the Dot and adds minor time towards Permeable


    Not going to nitpick about the durations as a balance pass would likely have to happen with regards to just how useful and defensive phase shifting while fighting might be.  Overall, I feel 25sec of usage might still be too high but again, it'd have to be examined fully to decide just what would be the best balance.


    Having a "buff" pet sounds interesting.  However, you didn't respond to the point @Leogunner mentioned about the missing Taunt ability.  Every Tanker/Brute melee set has an AoE taunt with a -range debuff and the Scrapper version has a single target taunt.  If I were recommending a fix to that, I'd just remove Seized Soul from the Tanker/Brute/Scrapper version and fit the taunt in its place.  I think, in Psi Melee, Boggle is a mostly skipped power anyway but having the always up buff pet would likely be more preferred.  For Stalkers, maybe tie some of the benefits that the buff pet has to Seized Soul so it at least gets some of the offensive benefits (improves the DoT) but not the defensive ones (extending Permeable durations) when you use it to confuse a target.

  3. Funny, why is no one talking about buffing Battle Axe?  Energy Melee just got a huge upgrade but it wasn't even that bad (just ST).  Battle Axe is slow, rech and END hungry and is mostly sub-par DPS compared to equivalent sets (Broadsword and War Mace).


    I hope they do improve battle axe more subtly rather than changing whole powers and adding whole new mechanics.  Overall, if they did add a new set based around battle axe's cast times but two handed, it needs a bad-A whirling AoE.


    I'd also recommend adding some chance of sleep in place of some of the Knockdown (keep KD/KU in some of the attacks). Sets like Electric Melee use it too so it's not unheard of.  Also, the 6sec duration/lockout for minions sounds a bit frustrating.  I guess it was so you're not chain stacking a bunch of AoE fear.  A 4sec duration without a lockout on minions might be better but I guess that depends on the casttimes of this set. If it's only 4sec you might only get in 1 attack during that MFD period...I dunno.  Seems a bit clunky.

  4. Seems like Psi melee but with an actually powerful secondary mechanic.


    Considering the defensive nature of Permeable, I'd ditch the single target confuse for an attack or that "soul extraction" pet but you don't say what the pet actually does.  Does it debuff enemies?  Does it buff/heal the user?  Does it attack or taunt?  What might be good is making the Revenant soul pet like a Photon Seeker that kind of explodes on a target when it aggros, doing some moderate damage but somehow improving your own attacks by reducing the foe's resistance to negative energy or maybe enabling your attacks to do more DoT.

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  5. 50 minutes ago, UberGuy said:

    So the woe here doesn't make much sense to me.



    It's because you're not paying attention.


    Assassin's Focus wasn't the only change made over the transformation of that particular AT. As outlined by @siolfir, the crit changes that scale with team was also one fix as well as an often forgotten effect, demoralize. 


    I think, among most criticisms (or woes if you want to be dramatic), the more prominent is the perception. Stalkers always could scrap and with using their tools, would match Scrapper unless the fight stretched on too long where Scraps would surpass them. Now Stalker mostly surpasses Scrap in ST DPS. But it's not that it CAN do that, it's HOW it does that which is basically by being a better scrapper than Scrapper and discarding what was considered the Stalker's signature.


    Again, you really have to depart from personal preference to ever understand my point. But one symptom that tend to spark my suspicion is overall perception: barely anyone dislikes new Stalker; in fact, most love new Stalker and people tend to do that when it's something with huge power and no drawbacks.


    As for the point that the normal hidden AS and placate is still there, you can't just end there. What niche or team contribution does that provide? Stating that the novelty still exists is just a throwaway point. Most people don't even take Placate since they replace it with an enhancement (which is another point that affects this line of discussion).

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  6. 8 hours ago, UberGuy said:


    Do you mean Stalkers? Because, if so, I could not possibly disagree more. Hide/Placate + Slow AS was completely out of step with other DPS ATs' performance and pretty incompatible with large team play. The Assassin's Focus mechanic made Stalkers playable for me.

    I guess RIP anyone who found Stalker playable so that you could play it instead.


    Obviously that's an exaggeration but from what I could relate, that might be how some feel when they go out of their way to make some alterations to the game.


    ... That and the Stalker change is so drastic, it really does invalidate the old style (which you didn't address) since it's probably better DPS to use the hide crit on another attack or AoE while building focus.


    You see, you have to look past your own preference when philosophically examining arguments. 

    • Thanks 1
  7. 43 minutes ago, arcane said:


    EDIT: it doesn’t even sound like Naraka needs help since he’s now acknowledging this is not a huge deal and more of a frustration with the narrative.

    I guess it only matters if people get upset and make noise.


    I think apathy is probably worse for this game in the long run.


    But no, I was never asking for help. That ship sailed when I suggested making Power Crash stun it's primary target and not the rest of the mobs in it's AoE which would keep the powers initial functionality. My build didn't need more chance stun.

  8. 21 minutes ago, arcane said:

    You’re not complaining about nothing. You’re just complaining about something very minimal. If you really rely on such precise stun calculations so heavily on a melee character that you’re this sore about a clear net buff, I have doubts about your efficacy with that character.

    It's not as minimal as you think. The more simple the build, the more profound it feels. Just the notion of having the stun in your back pocket for some purposes is something you completely ignore which isn't the case with TF+Barrage since they'll be in your rotation constantly.


    Look, I'm not even complaining the change is bad or messed up or ruins my game. I'm saying you're pissing on people's legs and telling them it's raining. It's dumb and obvious and I doubt anyone appreciates it.


    As for it being a minimal change: I somewhat agree (I could adapt, I just have less enthusiasm to try) but when you put these changes in along with all the other buffs, the casualization guised as QoL (Blaster had become a whole different monster than it was live, Tanker is a whole different monster with it's buffs, Stalker became a whole different monster with all it's additions), those little things add up and continuing to let them slide uncontested is a mistake you should recognize. 


    And don't take any of those shout outs as a call for nerfs. They are just examples to prove a point.

  9. 1 hour ago, siolfir said:

    I never said it wasn't. What I said was that two mag 3 guaranteed stuns is now possible in less total animation time using Total Focus then Barrage than it was with Stun then Total Focus.


    And unless you were talking really old Energy Melee, your "Stun one, TF another, stun a 3rd with ET" pattern you described - using the long animation for ET - can be done with TF, Barrage, and ET (which never had a guaranteed stun) for the same stun magnitude and chances to the same number of targets. As for concentrating damage on the more resilient foes, if you always took Barrage and Energy Punch and Stun then you can use Power Crash (which replaced Stun) to add more damage than Stun did and possibly hit other mobs as well. There really isn't a situation that got numerically worse than it was just prior to the patch, it's just that they almost always require Total Focus now. I also haven't made an EM since the beta, because I didn't want everything gated through TF, but I am willing to acknowledge that I didn't lose anything that I could do immediately prior to it going live - even as I call it a cottage rule violation for breaking IO slotting.

    Nope. I tried it. If you utilized minimal slotting for stun duration in Stun (basically just an Acc and Stun), relying on juggling TF to enable Barrage to simulate Stun alone ended up getting less stun or just more juggling. Keeping those targets stunned, at best, could be accomplished faster but you're reapplying even more often made more tedious with TF. 


    Can you get better stun and damage with the new EM? Probably. Shaved down animation times does work wonders and an added cop out power to pump up AOE with is a sure fire performance bumper. It still took base performance and locked it being more high-end build slotting because +rech is even more important to that build than it ever was before.


    I believe I mentioned, if they wanted to keep the same base performance, they could have just kept the new power as a ST sun while the AoE was just damage. 


    All in all, the individuals arguing the numbers pan out and I'm just complaining for nothing usually never took Stun in the first place and don't take into account targets aren't training dummies that stand around for you to parse your damage numbers. It only takes them a portion of a server tic to get their moves off.

  10. 19 minutes ago, golstat2003 said:


    I wouldn't want the actions of a few to affect the whole zone as I don't think it's good or fun game design. Full stop. Has jack all to do with troling.


    I'm assuming you have some reference or example to support your conclusion.


    Putting "full stop" means jack all here lol

  11. On 5/3/2021 at 2:22 PM, siolfir said:


    Wasn't intending to multipost, but this came in while I was typing my response. Even if you are concerned with precisely how much magnitude of single target stun, you're still better off. You just use Barrage instead Stun (and do more damage while applying the same magnitude). The people who were complaining about losing Stun during the feedback thread were  talking about wanting to Stun one mob quickly in a fresh encounter, then switch to another one. They can use Total Focus for that now with a slightly slower animation, and Barrage as a follow up in less total animation time.

    Uh huh. Before the change I could swiftly stun 2 foes using  Stun and TF then proceed to stun a 3rd with ET. Depending on the situation, I could juggle multiple bosses nearly guaranteed and still have the other attacks to concentrate damage on some more resilient foes.


    Even though I'm over it (haven't really touched EM since but that's for other reasons), I do find it interesting how the defenders will go so far to validate their own perspective that they try to shape those that disagree as unreasonable or uncompromising. 


    No if, and, or buts. If you liked your guaranteed stun mags in old EM, now it's locked behind using TF. 

  12. 5 hours ago, golstat2003 said:


    Nope, not necessarily. Other folks have said they're not to keen on the OP's suggestion. A no point did trolling come up.


    EDIT: Now if you're saying trolling is something to be worried about for such a feature being implemented . . . maybe.


    You don't have to say the word trolling to encapsulate the term or meaning in an argument. Why wouldn't you want the actions of a few to affect the whole zone?


    From what I could tell, one argument made was about putting the responsibility of further regulating their own difficulty which just seemed like an excuse. The other argument seemed to be only wanting to opt into things which, either or feels like kicking the ball further down the road because the only way to make players do more difficulty content is to put a reward behind it and you likely won't be able to put a noticable reward behind it because people want the ability to opt into difficulty while still gaining the same reward. You're just kicking the ball down the road so the next sub-group of dissenters get their turn to kick.


    Which leads to what someone else in the thread said: "this is why we can't have nice things."

  13. 2 minutes ago, golstat2003 said:


    Yeah I wasn't talking about trolling. I just don't like MMO mechanics that affect entire zones all that much. (Specifically ones that happen the way the OP is suggesting).


    i'm not sure where you got that anyone was talking about trolling. I don't think any comment in this thread even mentioned that.



    You're talking about putting power of change in the hands of a few individuals. The simplest conclusion is someone my abuse that power (Ie, troll).

  14. 1 hour ago, golstat2003 said:


    With that said I'm not too keen on a change that enforces or changes whole zones based on the actions of a few. Or similar suggestions.


    Imagine playing an MMO and lauding the community but not wanting anything to do with said community or their actions lol.


    And before you response with "it's because they don't have the tools to troll", I don't see anything here that is putting power in the hands of a few, merely the environment shifting. At worse, is a learning curve which comes with it's own hardships.


    You're exaggerating the results.

  15. 11 hours ago, Clave Dark 5 said:

    Not when it applies across an entire zone, not just which mission I pick from a list.

    You don't get to pick what mobs show up in a mission arc and sometimes there isn't going to be a uniform single faction you face for every mission.

  16. 6 hours ago, Clave Dark 5 said:

    But you're still putting the onus on me.  I mean, sure, I'll not die mad over it, but still.

    Isn't that the same as shifting from Devouring Earth to Arachnos or Malta? Some stuff will just be harder to do.

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  17. 1 hour ago, Koopak said:

    Id say the risk of confusion from "They" is pretty minor. But ignoring that, converting to "You" or "The Tanker" shouldn't be any significantly more difficult. I don't know what English courses taught they as exclusively plural because a casual perusal of English literature of the last 50 years destroys that suggestion. (Example: The accountant is coming by tomorrow, can you make sure they are helped?) Now the argument that it doesn't translate well from other languages when learning it as a second language is fine though.

    I'm all for this, it shouldn't take to horribly long if someone on the dev team feels up for it, but yeah, not something anyone should be planting their flag and declaring their eternal devotion to as a cause one way or the other. Inclusivity is more important than some people make it, but this just isn't a pressing issue.


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  18. 17 hours ago, PeregrineFalcon said:

    For 1,000 years he has been the default pronoun in the English language when the person is hypothetical or sex of the person being referred to is not known.


    Combing through a ton of descriptions and changing them to a pronoun that is "more acceptable by today's standards" is an awful lot of work just to virtual signal to your friends on Twitter/Facebook.


    Speech is not violence. And being accidentally referred to by the wrong pronoun isn't going to harm you in any way.


    Just in case it isn't clear: I vote 'no'.

    No idea why you had to go so hard on this topic.


    I tend to play devil's advocate but the OP didn't say anything about gender binary or have some sort of agenda to the suggestion. It's merely a grammatical suggestions since you, in fact, can make characters of any AT that are male, female, asexual (ex: robots) or some alien combination or absence of sex and gender. Nothing to do with controlling speech, just outlining an oversight of the character creator feature.

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  19. 1 hour ago, WindDemon21 said:

    I'm glad someone actually seems to understand the base nature of what my suggestion is for, but I far from feel that it would make it anywhere near overpowered. The main benefit would be that when you use it it would actually let your fast healing/integrations regen mean something rather than how it's mostly cast aside in most gameplay compared to the other main abilities in regen. In the majority of cases, it's healing would be "increased" simply by the amount that you regenerate from fh/integration while the absorb is up. With the same values as current reconstruction but as absorb, if enemies are tearing through your 50% heal, they'll still tear through the 50% absorb, and your health will still be lower, but plus small amount you would regenerate in that meantime, and would actually mean something during the time that say IH is up, outside of basically having no purpose as a heal during that time. As to thinking it's "not needed" people can say that all day, but i've talked with and seen enough people/posts who simply do not agree, so the main issue would be if the devs think it would be overpowering, as again there is clearly no thematic loss if you look at sentinels (and that absorb is basically another form of heal anyway).

    Well I understood what your suggestion was for, I even agree it wouldn't be overpowered. I just feel every expressed change is almost always increasing and pushing higher the power curve.  There have been plenty of suggestions to "modernize" power sets, "fixing" tier 9s, covering over sets' weaknesses and buffing Regen's heal to an absorb is no different in my eyes.


    Some might say that's just a slippery slope fallacy but it's not... It's more like a slippery slope observation. But really, any positive change could possibly fall under such a trend, even the ones I suggest.

  20. 13 hours ago, MsSmart said:

    Cause statistically take a look at the arch types that does most of the dying, and hence, they need help. A simple observable, having alts on both sides of the fence, I can see the need. As a melee, I need my support boosting me, while boosted, watch me tear thru the baddies, but they are no good to me if they are dead or in la la land due to status effects. From a support perspective, say healer, the tanks today are so well built by design that they really do not require much help at all, I have several tanks than when properly IOd, I am essentially invulnerable for the vast majority of the situations.

    Why not suggest nerfs to melees and tanks?

  21. 1 hour ago, Replacement said:



    But pound-for-pound, case by case, Regen is bad and needs a rework.


    We see these threads every week for a reason: people can feel it. That amount of subjective "something is off" likely doesn't mean you're somehow amazing if you don't notice it - it probably means you started your character at 50 fully-slotted.


    Parity means that across the level bands, playstyles and competencies, and assorted activities, Regen should at least be in the same ballpark as other sets for performance, even if it requires a different gameplay loop (cycling clicks) to get there.


    Saying something like "Regen is fine because I have Superior Winter sets and permahasten" is like saying "Regen is fine because of i4 Hamidon."  It doesn't change the facts for the rest of the game or its players.



    I have other counter arguments to this and some other points made in the thread but I'll only respond again with my main one since others can engage the talking points if they choose:


    How much of the disparity you're observing is actual necessity and how much is due to the expectations you have of the new and improved ATs and sets and IOs and other conveniences? Because I'm personally not arguing you can't throw a bone to the set, but rather you don't need to throw a whole chicken dinner at it just because of a perceived handicap of that others view as a playstyle. 


    Considering the vast amount of sets one can pick from and the custom colors and animations to set them to, parity is mostly a pipedream that has spiraled the game ever closer to boredom.


    25 minutes ago, WindDemon21 said:

    No cause that already assumes you're at full health most of the time where it wouldn't be needed. The point of having reconstruction being absorb is so you can block damage letting the rest of your regen powers actually do their job rather than "instantly full health, other regen is doing literally nothing now."


    I think the main tactic to such a change wouldn't be trying to get the absorb mid-combat but rather overclocking while out of combat.

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  22. 40 minutes ago, WindDemon21 said:

    Not from anyone i've ever talked about it with, but i'm not saying there are none. At either rate though that's where my main point about it with this is to change recon to absorb so it's actually useful and help regen out a ton. Besides theme, which it obviously works with sent regen anyway and is kinda a heal, there is no way that absorb isn't 100% better than a heal for reconstruction.

    I find it arguable that it's thematic but I don't think anyone is arguing that your suggestion wouldn't improve the set. It's mostly if the armor set is good enough. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  23. 10 minutes ago, WindDemon21 said:

    Regen is not fine as is, everyone including the devs know it, but just haven't figured how to tackle it yet. Changing reconstruction to absorb though would easily fix like 80% of it's issues mechanically.

    I think it is fine. Your expectations have, however, changed.

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