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Posts posted by Naraka

  1. 45 minutes ago, Hew said:

    You mean, so the ONE THING people go redside that people seem to care about at large is... Patron Pools... for 1 mish, or (gasp) 1 abrievated, frequently run at 0/-1 with autocompletes arc?

    Yeah, lets find more (wait, there are no more... really) things that the _general_ population gives a crap about redside, and kill that too.

    To double-reverse UNO your argument:  so one of the things people complain about redside, being a lowly lackey to a big boss that follows orders, yeah, let's proliferate that to blueside and then hypocritically herald it as the greatest form of story telling and inclusion.


    That being said, I wouldn't be against adding more lvl 36+ pools and unlock them through various content but you'd need to be more creative than just copying villain patron pools.  Also, don't just plop then in a neutral piece of content, make it require being a villain or hero or rogue or vigilante.

  2. 2 hours ago, FUBARczar said:

    #1 is that Rage is of poor design.  The original form got people addicted to "crack", causing people to rage about keeping their double stack.  And then to "fix" Rage a lazy crash was slapped onto to the end without giving the power and set proper consideration.  But the fix for the broken power was broken and avoidable so they made it unresistable.  So they went from bad to still bad to really bad. 


    #2 The set suffers because of the broken power.  The broken power Rage isn't available until lvl 28 on Tanks so while leveling up to 28 the powers are not good.   Rage's so called balance also does not take into to consideration it's affect on powers in Defensive sets, Power and Epic pools   Rage allows for broken slotting such as not slotting for any accuracy and only putting in procs.  There is all sorts of stupidness in and around Rage.  In a way Rage is an Exploit in the game and should be addressed.


    #3 Also words have these things called meaning and Rage has nothing to do with Super Strength.  Sorry that I think for good game design a game should stick to it's own themes.  Yes Jab and Punch have similar DPS compared to some other sets because of lower recharge times.  But that isn't Super Strength, super speed maybe.  So as a part of that game design the powers should relate to the theme and it has nothing to do with RP.   MA feels kinda like what one would expect.  StJ feels way more like Super Strength than Super Strength.  I also think they should get rid of Fire Swords and Ice Swords just because they are kinda lame design wise as well.


    #4 For those that do RP good for them, and for them the power is uncharacteristic to the theme. 






    I have a certain expectation of what dark powers are/look like/function.  But the game defines dark powers differently. That's how game rules/limitations work. It's called Homecoming, not Homebrew. You can't just make your own pet power set, you have to work with the tools available. If you don't like how the powers are defined, that's just something you're going to have to live with and pushing forward the argument that "words have meanings" ignores that groups create those meanings and the group that created the meanings here define those terms different from comics. It's not wholly different but it's apparently different enough for someone to have to explain the difference to you.

  3. 1 hour ago, FUBARczar said:

    Lol, me RP?  I'll tell you my play style...I play pretty much everything at +4/8 and mostly run TFs with Inspirations turned off.  I often play with enemies buffed and players debuffed.  Sometimes we even turn off enhancements.  We also run death-has-consequences TFs where if you die you either quit or get kicked.  

    Then I have no idea why you cling to the moniker "Super" in the name Super Strength.  It's literally just words that then have to fit in a game where a person without "super" strength but rather "trained and abnormal" strength (see any other physical set) has to be balanced to function *at least* similarly.


    That said, I think the suggestion @Vanden pointed to seem like a good idea.  A damage proc type effect would, at least, be unique with the only other power that does something like that coming from Plant Manipulation and Fiery Aura.  Only thing that miffs me about that is the extra damage isn't affected by damage buffs.  

  4. 1 hour ago, FUBARczar said:

    Well Archery, Fire Blast, etc. have access to perma Soul Drain in addition to Aim...so yeah they kind of do.  


    Also Martial Arts has Eagle's Claw which gives a damage bonus, and Storm Kick with +def.  Wow a set that doesn't debuff itself.  And like someone else said sets like War Mace, Martial Arts, etc. don't suck w/o their dmg boosters.   


    All of this points to the terrible design of the current state of Rage.  Rage has nothing to do with Super Strength as a concept, the crash is the antithesis of Super Strength, and it is just bad design for the set and for a power.  The current Rage was a lazy quick fix for the set.  Which is sad because of the iconic nature of SS in the Super Hero genre.  



    Don't forget perma Soul Drain on Dark Melee and double and triple stacked Follow Up in Claws. 


    And what is the average buff and uptime of said buff (Soul Drain + Aim)?  I tend to not try to be disingenuous when making comparisons but taking into account outside powers will get you a lot of shady areas since having access to AoE powers not balanced around the presence of Rage (or double stacked) has always felt unfair in Rage's favor and Soul Drain requiring many targets to get a high bonus was its balancing factor.


    As for War Mace and Martial Arts not sucking without damage boosters, that's kind of the fucking point.  If those sets did suck without Rage, that would make SS unfairly more powerful.  If they made Rage non-perma and just a regular BU, then SS would be unfairly weak.  I KNOW you understand this simple logic but you're trying to twist things to make people arguing against you wrong while completely ignoring the fact you're twisting words, definitions, logic and arguments harder than a pro-wrestling league rival plot.


    Falling back on Rage not working with your concept of SS....I DO NOT CARE!  I don't fucking care.  Storm Summoning doesn't conform to my concept of summoning storms and THAT'S FUCKING FINE! Learn to separate your dream concepts and *conform* to the tools a game gives you.


    1 hour ago, Lazarillo said:

    The set would still be bad from a fun-factor perspective (I don't care personally if every power could one-shot an AV, frankly, a power that encourages alt-tabbing is abysmal), but in that case, "balance" could probably be achieved, yeah.  But then Rage would have to be nerfed even harder.  So you'd be okay with that, right?  Granted, I would.  Personally.  Just buff the rest of the set and let me skip Rage (in theory, anyway...frankly, I don't think any power in any set should just be dismissed as a skip power, but most sets have them).  But that's far less reasonable than just making Rage not suck.


    Then get a 2nd monitor.


    This game isn't twitch reflex competitive play.  It's slow and deliberate.  But I believe the point of the argument about turning Rage into a BU clone and rebalancing the whole set is that doing so makes the set just a clone of other powersets.  If you want that, go play Martial Arts or Street Justice. 


    1 hour ago, Lazarillo said:

    If it's the only set that has to take a penalty, then good balance should indicate it'd be above them.  You're all for 0 damage for every TW attack that doesn't have Momentum applied, I suppose?


    Why does SS, and SS alone, have to pay to be "middle"?


    Personally speaking, I think missing a TW attack should make you lose momentum as a balancing point for the set but the set has already received some lickings and it's still a high performer.  Your contention seems to be tied up in envy that SS isn't above TW?  If not, being balanced should be the goal, not being the best....which is the arguing point you don't seem to understand.


    And no, having a penalty to help make you balanced doesn't give you a free ticket to be the best.  Jeeze.


    1 hour ago, siolfir said:

    And since this came in while I was writing my last post... the point of Super Strength is that these aren't supposed to be considered tremendous feats of strength. They're just how strong you are naturally, so that you lifting a car is like a normal person lifting a toy. That's the argument being made for why the crash doesn't fit the theme.


    1 hour ago, FUBARczar said:

    no they are not because they are super strong, it is what they do.  And their feats are not so great seeing as how it's a middle of the pack set.


    So you are the type of RPers that like to godmode and be ultra powerful?  I also bet you're the type that would want to skip all the ikky RP talking/conversations and get to rolling the combat die.


    As for naturally being strong, YOU ARE!!  You can hurl boulders, uppercut foes into the sky, clap your hands and break the sound barrier or stomp your foot and upheave a room to the ceiling....you just don't get all the D33ps you're looking for.  The fact you can't even see that makes me chuckle.  Come on, guys...

    • Thumbs Down 1
  5. 16 minutes ago, DrInfernus said:

    No, but you’re missing the point. Super Strength IS the power, just like Fire Blast IS the power or Martial Arts IS the power. You’re literally supposed to be able to hit harder than everyone else all the time, otherwise it’d just be strength, not super strength. 

    So why shouldn’t you be able to use the set’s power all of the time? Why should we be happy with 90%? Could understand if you just lost the buff for 10% of the time, but make you literally unable to bruise a peach for 10% of the time? When you’re meant to have super strength? Come on…


    To clarify going 3 quotes in:


    -Someone mentioned the *benefits* of Rage and rebutted with how people fixate on the negatives

    -You then state, if several other sets had the negatives of Rage, would the benefits still be benefits.

    -I asked do those sets you mentioned have a damage buff equivalent of Rage.

    -You say I'm missing the point.


    The interesting point is, I'm actually in the camp that would consider reworking SS because of how wonky it is built but then I do not play the set.  But I'm also in the camp that would consider putting in more drawbacks to work around in various powers OR pullback some effects to make room for improvements across the board.


    I view a lot of the arguments as requests to get rid of the negatives partly because they're inconvenient and partly because of RP.  Said arguments could be compelling to some, but I'm not buying it.  Super Strength is merely a powerset name.  I've been making characters for years that takes a powerset and ignore the name and name it something else.  Just because the set is called Super Strength doesn't give it a pass to be better than every other set lol

    • Like 1
  6. 8 minutes ago, Snarky said:

    sure, lets give some 80% 83% 85% uptime.  good thinking.


    There were some at some point.  Inferno, Black Star, Blizzard, Thunderous Blast, etc.  There are still others like Power Surge, Unstoppable, Elude, Overload, etc.

    • Confused 1
  7. 24 minutes ago, DrInfernus said:

    So would you call it a positive of War Mace if you could only use it 90% of the time? Or if an archer couldn’t use archery for 10% of the time, would that be a positive for the set? An empath who could heal 90% of the time… ‘positive’? 

    A damage buff is literally the entirety of super strength. That’s what the ‘super’ part is. That’s the ability. Fire blasts are available to fire blasters 100% of the time. Martial Arts are available to martial artists 100% of the time. Archery is available to archers 100% of the time. Why the hell should super strength being available to super strength characters 90% of the time be seen as anything other than a negative? 


    Does War Mace, Archery, Fire Blast or Martial Arts have Rage or an equivalent damage buff?

  8. 1 hour ago, Vanden said:


    I think ToHit is plenty valuable. Say you're fighting +3s and get hit with a -30% ToHit debuff; suddenly that 100% accuracy enhancement you've got that put you at 95% chance to hit is putting you at only 36%.


    Alternatively, you just target the foe with the -ToHit debuff first before they can use it.


    But I'm talking about circumstances outside of buffs/debuffs and just speaking on the hypothetical of ToHit being as valuable or nearly as valuable as +dmg.  To point out how it isn't, ToHit really won't do much outside of countering -ToHit once you can hit 95% of the time which can be common against +3s while +dmg will continue being valuable to counter -dmg as well as up to an AT's damage cap OR until you can one-shot foes with weaker attacks.


    Imagine a system where everyone could critical hit and not just SoA/Stalkers/Scrappers (those ATs would just get enhanced crits or something) and ToHit affected that rate?  That's closer to what I'm talking about having closer to equal weight between +ToHit and +dmg.  Not exactly but moreso a hypothetical to make my point.

  9. 1 hour ago, Haijinx said:

    Yeah.  How defense works.  Hell the entire to hit/ to miss system is borked.


    I could be reaching here since I started playing the game after the release of CoV, but I feel that +ToHit was supposed to be a highly valuable stat for doing damage, just as important as +dmg when they were designing the system.  But because defense was tied to it and eventually got reworked a lot over time, the link between ToHit and damage was less important up until the end of live where everyone is running around with 95% Hit chance most of the time.


    Excluding the current meta and looking at a hypothetical circumstance where the game still has 2 effective variables for damage output (that is, +ToHit and +dmg having similar weight of importance), which offensive sets would look more enticing?  And could having such a circumstance (outside of circumstances like support buffs and stacked Tactics) provide more varied ways to balance sets rather than the all or nothing +dmg and low ani-time/rech?


    tl;dr: if ToHit were more valuable, maybe we'd be looking at Rage differently.

  10. 1 hour ago, FUBARczar said:

    no you selectively quote while not looking at the entire post and argue against things that were not said with the meaning in which you selectively frame them.

    I didn't have to selectively quote.  I quoted your whole post and my point was still relevant TO THAT *WHOLE* POST.


    I'm sorry that my clarification didn't help you.

  11. 1 hour ago, FUBARczar said:



    It's funny how many people defend bad design.  Is it just because it's the status quo?  Do they feel like people are attacking the Devs and they must heroically defend them?  



    I'm not defending bad design, I'm dismantling crappy arguments.

  12. 1 hour ago, FUBARczar said:

    I wasn't just comparing 1 power (T5s).   Go ahead and compare the whole sets.  Even with SS's MASSIVE Damage buff (that everyone uses to justify a Hard Crash) is SS the king of sets? 2nd? 3rd?  No it isn't because the set isn't really balanced and Rage is stupid broken not just because of the antithetical-to-Super-Strength Crash but also because of it crazy buffs which allow for stupid things such as not slotting for accuracy.  Read above there are many ways in which the set is not balanced and Rage is stupid broken.


    You were in the post I quoted.


    And to clarify, putting a throwaway "and same goes for the other powers" isn't actually comparing anything.


    In the post I was quoting, you were comparing tier 5 powers and I was commenting on how pointlessly useless that was.  Hope that clears things up.

  13. 1 hour ago, FUBARczar said:

    It works they same either way because it does no damage.  It's an ancient power from a long long time ago that the game has left in it's dust.  It leaves the set in dire need for a good attack until level 20.  


    And hmm let's compare Hand Clap to other T5 Attacks...Whirling Hands, Parry, Siphon Life, Psi Blade Sweep, Ripper, Eye of the Storm, etc.  Hand Clap is the bottom of the barrel.  Same goes for 6 out of 9 powers in SS (and one of the other 3 is broken).  


    Oh and I bet you defended Frozen Aura doing no damage too back in the day too.  


    Okay, let's compare their +damage buff powers...


    You know that straight power comparisons is useless.

  14. If I were trying to make it cool, I'd give it a power that it uses on it's master (you, the player) that changes all your -END/recovery/self+END from your blast set into a +absorb shield stackable buff for 6sec.  You'd basically become a highly defensive blast set with decent DPS potential.  You can then take more offensive oriented powers if you wanted to try and shore up the offense.


    So your VS would occasionally grant you a buff (call it Magnetic Barrier or something) that lets all energy drawn to you become a barrier.  I don't think it would cause an issue for a player if their blasts no longer grant +END for a time as most don't rely on it, but if that was somehow turned into an HP equivalent ontop of IOs/procs, you could become a pretty defensive option for blasting. 

  15. 12 hours ago, Snarky said:

    I NEVER double stack Rage.   I still hate the entire mechanic.  Why would i want two crashes?   I absolutely despise one.  The amount of power is not the issue.  It is the concept crushing crashes.  Do you see Luke Cage falling over every two minutes in combat grasping for breath?  The Thing? Colossus? The Hulk? Superman?  The Tick?  Mr Incredible, old and fat, never stopped to pant.  Name one Super Strength character that has to pause every couple minutes to swoon like a victorian era lady with her corset too tight


    Rage crash has a "gasping for breath" animation? Or do you RP it as gasping for breath?


    So you have the creativity to play a "gasp for breath" emote when it crashes but not the creativity to form a personalized reason to not attack for a handful of seconds after you just went on an onslaught?


    11 hours ago, Lazarillo said:

    This gets things into a bit of tangent, but this sort of thing hits me hard.  Like, for example, I have a hard time playing Street Justice because I hate the animation for Shin Breaker, and so I don't take it, but I still end up with this little voice in my head reminding me that I'd be "better" if I did and so I kinda beat myself up over it any time I don't do quite as well as I'd like, and conversely, Martial Arts, where I really like the animation for Thunder Kick, but it's "objectively" the worst attack in the set.


    And actually that ends up applying to SS, too, because Jab, like Thunder Kick, is an attack where I really prefer the animation over Punch, especially, but I know I'm handicapping myself by using it, which just brings the set down even more on top of the Rage crash being so annoying.


    Imagine min/maxing Hopscotch. I'm sure a rare few do but even they probably play hopscotch just for fun.


    And imagine reforming the game for people that are fine with hopscotch just so you can min/max it to be better.


    7 hours ago, DrInfernus said:

    I think the theme one is definitely quite subjective, although I’d argue that the Hulk style theme has been completely catered for by the Brute AT and the fury. That’s literally a case of the madder you get, the harder you hit, and once you calm down you return to normal. So that theme is definitely catered for. 

    But then there’s the Superman style theme, where they just have super strength. And yet, with Rage how it is now, you make a super strength character and you somehow end somehow end up with (as far as my memory serves) the only powerset in the whole game which leaves you unable to do any damage at all for a spell, i.e. no strength at all. 

    Definitely think super strength should come with a cost. You shouldn’t get it for nothing. Just don’t think the damage crash is remotely reasonable. 


    Game powers be like that. You're not always going to get a 1-to-1 of a narrative ability when transitioning it to games because no one wants their Brute to have a Bruce Banner mode or give their Supermen a kryptonite weakness. Those are better for stories and comics and it would be easier to conceptualize for players if that hurdle was accepted and understood.


    4 hours ago, Snarky said:

    to be clear, with great wherewithal, henceforth, and forevermor, in this year of our Lord Recluse I have stated these incontrovertible facts:


    1) Super Strength is not the best damage dealing set for Tanks or Brutes.  It may be near the top.   But it is not standing over anyone.  

    1b)  check powergamer builds.  SS is not the go to.


    2) The crash is a Homey Clown "bonk on the Head" every 2 minutes just for playing the set. 



    3) This whole "What do we do about it?" conversation is now in it's second decade.  

    3b) If this was not such an iconic comic book power set I would have moved on years ago.  

    3c)  How could you screw this up?  Seriously?  Then stand behind some cottage rule like the CEOs coked out son "This is how we do business here.  this is good. why do you have a problem with it?"


    Guess what?  I would put real money that most of those people screaming how bad the changes were on the test server?  You give them an alternate power set where they have to level enhance accolade and incarnate the new SS toon?  95% will do all the work just to play the new SS and avoid the rage crash.  Even though they whined like an engine with no oil about how horrid it was.  Because everybody hates the crash.


    1.) Near the top, with no context, *should* be good enough. Why does it have to be *AT* the top to counter your point?

    1b) no one should care about them. They will pick whatever is at the top so they are a shifting variable at best.


    2.) & 2b) there are other sets, you just skip the powers with drawbacks now.


    3.),  3b) & 3c), most just emotional outbursts. Even if a new set with super strength animations and no need for rage came out but it was called Tai Chi, people would still grasp onto that same argument of changing SS/rage because of name alone and it's a faulty stance, imo. They do it with Regen all the time despite WP sitting right in front of them.


    4 hours ago, DrInfernus said:

    Don’t think that’s fair at all tbh. How can we give something up when many of us are saying SS is unusable to us in its current form? 

    From my perspective, at the moment there is nothing about SS to give up because I’m not using it specifically because of Rage. So what position would you like me to take? 


    If it's unusable now, is worry to see what merely "usable" would be to you guys. And just to be clear, I think introducing something on the mild side and then bumping it up a bit later if needed is a better approach since no one ever wants to consider bringing things down.


    2 hours ago, Marshal_General said:

    The reason people can't get past the rage crash is the feeling that the game is punishing you for using SS. It is also the reason sets that have a lot of powers that you can't use on your character are not as popular as other sets that allow you to use all of you powers when solo.


    If you can reliably double stack Follow Up even though the bonuses are less than rage without being punished with a crash, the why would people use rage?


    One Hallmark of a comic is tension and having powers with drawbacks. Of course, you could skip over those if you like but you miss out on the highs you gain that come along with those lows. You're addicted to highs to the point you just gotta use them all the time that the highs don't even register as highs anymore to you.


    1 hour ago, Lazarillo said:

    The whole "perma" thing for me comes from a different direction.  Having a non-perma buff means, effectively, that I don't need the buff.  A power that won't be on all the time is one that I might as well not take, because I'll have to be able to approach any content in the game without it anyway.


    Yes, you've reduced the combat from being a game of tactics and resource conservation (the whole point of END as well as powers economy) to a simple button mash. A game that, at one point, could have been a set of intense chess matches are now just long and fast bouts of Uno. 


    I'm not dogging on Uno, it's a hugely fun game, but it's a bit of a downgrade regardless. But the point is, now you're looking at everyone to be playing Uno. All MMOs do it, really. GW2 has gone through many patches decreasing and limiting boons because people push for Perma boons. I can understand the appeal and I can also understand how destructive a progression it makes.


    As for not needing the buffs, I challenge you to turn off an essential power on a team. I bet you you will still come out on top because the game is dogshite easy.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  16. 12 hours ago, saltyorange said:

    I like this the most but I think at end of the day it isn't going to make sense it was just more important to have a fire armor set for game play diversity. I guess me using that it doesn't thematically make sense for it to buff your tohit isn't really a valid reason because you can make most things make sense if you try hard enough and it doesn't matter if they don't fully anyways like with fire armor.


    I still think the core design with rage is broken. It's not like with other sets you can try to build around their weakness you just take a set about slam then ask people not to slam for 10 seconds. I know people say they use judgement or whatever but is that really when you should be using it? or are you just further crippling yourself by using it at a poor time to feel like you are not just sitting there for 10 seconds?

    I think that's the beauty of the game: you can technically rationalize almost everything into your character's concept and if you choose not to, like the case of Rage, you're probably taking for granted the boon the power does afford you. Because I believe rage is one of the best pound for pound offensive buffs a melee can get. Wanting to get rid of the downside would warrant a weakening of that power.


    Further still, this "Perma" push has been a thorn as well. Having the biggest buff all the time with no drawbacks is human nature but knowing that should be the rationale for the game to oppose that path to enforce a human to adapt (i.e. play the game).

  17. 4 minutes ago, saltyorange said:

    That's interesting and does help me understand why certain sets that seem like they would be resistance they made defense like stone armor. I guess the logic would be that even though it damages the rock it doesn't damage you so you take no damage. If they were using that logic what about something like fire armor? Shouldn't they have considered that defense because it's melting the bullets or whatever before it reaches your skin? Kinda strange.


    Still though to me it's more clean to say that something is deflected as resistance approaches 100% and just make the defense stat about avoidance.

    That's because defense has flavor text of "dodge", "deflected" and "absorbed". I believe "missed" is if the roll was too low for the target's level or due to low ToHit. 


    The "melting projectiles" sounds like a ToHit debuff mechanic since I don't see how that would work on a melee attack (if you melted their fist off, wouldn't that just be a defeat?). Overall, I think the concept of the set (fiery aura) is indeed melting things before they hit you but you're not vaporizing them before they touch you thus "something" is still going to hit you, just a more mushier something. Also, how do you melt an energy blast it a psychic attack, exactly?

  18. 35 minutes ago, Galaxy Brain said:

    This is poignant. 


    I feel similarly, tho it is sort of a see-saw. Yes, concept powers can be fun... but then they can quickly lose their fun factor when another power is just flat better that you have at your disposal. Or, a method of using said power is just better (3 slot rech and keep rage perma), or other comparable sets/powers do your concept more efficiently to the point of subverting your concept (compare TWs effectiveness vs SS where you could conceptually say you use SS to wield said weapon).


    At times I see it as a sort of weird irony where the sheer amount of choice and conceptual wiggle room we have ends up actually biting certain choices in the butt. 



    This is usually why I end up on the "stop changing all the powers" camp. At the end of the day, if someone wants to power game and solo 4+/x8 TFs or what not, they can do it on the sets broken enough to do it. You don't need to go breaking every set so you can pick any flavor you want while removing the flavors of others (I am still done with Dark Melee because Shadow Maul is just not cutting it with it's out of sync shortened animation and that was the whole reason I even played the set).


    Beyond my own personal grievances, I can probably pick it a few other flavor redux powers that likely do more harm than good. Domination (or specifically, perma-dom), pretty much every blast nuke, anything that has to do with travel, most sets that highlight endurance management (or defensive support in general). All different flavors of RP but minimized or removed for convenience or power building but not just any power building... They want their [inserts random powersets] on a [inserts random AT] to solo as well and efficiently as the most powerful meta builds in the game, flavor/RP be damned.


    On the subject of Rage, maybe change it so you can put it to scrapper/Stalker but I leave it for Brute/Tanker? I dunno, I feel if you don't like something and you can't go without it, there are other sets. Go play Martial arts or Street justice instead.

  19. I always thought the actual trope of a power was a combination of damage types and effects so when making sets, you want to aim for something unique so...


    Energy = energy/smashing w/ stun and/or KB

    Radiation = energy and sometimes toxic w/ -def (defense penetration)

    Electric = pure energy w/ END drain/-recovery and sleep

    Sound = Energy/smashing w/ -res (and does it still have an accuracy penalty?)


    Overall, having the secondary effect be a hard control like Stun or hold is something to avoid in a blast set. So I'd say, it was mainly coming up with themes of damage types+secondary effects while not overpowering a set in favor of other sets.


    I like to imagine, when creating new sets, that is part of the process that goes into thinking of themes. Like the "holy light" set having energy and ally healing, could use also some energy paired with lethal for variety.

  20. 1 hour ago, Luminara said:

    I miss mice with balls.  I liked balls.  They felt good.  They felt right.  You could do things with balls that you can't do with lasers and infrared LEDs.  Yeah, sometimes you had to pull your balls out and clean the gunk out of the hole, but it was worth it.  😕


  21. The G502 was the mouse I swapped to after getting over the Razer brand. I've opened to be more conservative with my mouse button economy rather than try mapping as much to the many side buttons, I use combined inputs as well as more of the buttons around my movement keys (habit I not have from Blade and Soul).


    I, too, bought an extra just in case of a breakdown but I haven't opened it for, like 2 years and I worry it might be missing firmware by the time I do open it.

  22. 4 minutes ago, arcane said:

    I’m getting around to it now. Originally it was just that melee interested me less than ranged, but >15 defenders, 10 blasters, 10 controllers, etc later and that is starting to rapidly change. And then I got addicted to Tankers because they’re so easy to build (much like Blasters). 

    If I had to agree with an AT still needing some more attention, it’d probably be for Sentinels, Masterminds, and Dominators. Though I’d only think they need minor tweaks (except Sentinels, which may need a larger revamp IMO).


    MM is another one of those ATs that is heavily benifitty by their ATOs but I think it's a more dire situation with them and their pets.

  23. 16 hours ago, Sancerre said:


    not a stab at you personally but i find it amusing that you are one of the few people to ADMIT this.  everyone else hating on this topic probably has the same opinion here and doesnt want to acknowledge it.


    Not everyone. Plenty of people did make similar compromising statements, myself included. 


    My previous statement was pretty much saying, if they wanted to add to hidden AS somehow to make it more attractive, adding to it's defensive nature like better fear chance, longer duration or higher -ToHit that is resistable on demoralize could be a possible arguing point. Asking to do more damage tho, is unnecessary and just rocking the boat of the meta in your favor. 


    I think it'd be cool to make each AT have variations of their inherent abilities to use to your liking (Blaster with old Desperation, for example) so that Stalkers can have a super killer AS *BUT* you should have to give up Assassin's Focus along with the team scaling crit for it. Just adding more on top of more is just asking for everyone and their dog to get more. Stalkers already have a laundry list of special unique effects granted to their AT, they don't need a super-killy shadow mode too...


    And the argument that the AT was designed to be that way; that was before they morphed the AT into a mutation of Scrapper and unless you're willing to give that up, don't expect to get more cake unless you go to cake.

  24. 1 hour ago, ExoGrimz said:

    Well, if no one at Thunderspy is being held accountable for their actions... then why would I want to be a part of their community?


    Not the point I was even making.


    As for holding people accountable, that can't be done, at least when we're talking about actual accountability besides what you personally view as such. 


    As for being part of another community, is someone holding a gun or something?

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