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  1. I've always wanted to convert the full-screen windows like the costume editor and enhancement manager to modular windows. When CoH was first a thing, it seemed to be optimized for 800 x 600 and 1024 x 768 monitors. The smaller elements become like grains of rice on our newer displays. I know me, and I know my skills at c and c++. The closer I am to real hardware addresses, the less useful I am, so I don't think I'd be a great match for someone to work on the CoH codebase. However, I was *okay* at understanding Win32 calls, and window management like that is *usually*, but not always just window handle properties, and then layout work.
  2. There's always a spaghetti noodle touching some other important part of the game in CoH. Tweak hat models and we might find that Regen was taking some of its values from the hair geometry.
  3. I don't like the huge. laggy, crowds, and the extra exp doesn't really do anything for me. I don't begrudge those who do enjoy the Mapserver Invasion event, but it just ain't for me. That said, one of my biggest complaints about the event is that the huge crowds tend to drag entire zones to a crawl. Please consider spinning up non-invasion zone instances during the event to allow those uninterested in the invasions to bypass the lag. Thank you, and enjoy the event!
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  4. I kinda wish /stuck would nudge enemies out of walls as well as nudge the player out.
  5. I joined a delightful Defeat All Penny Yin TF a few days ago. The hard part of organizing it didn't seem to be getting people who wanted to do the content. Rather, it was keeping them from jamming that 'Exit' button out of habit. The team leader made the statement, "Every last enemy on the map must die. I'll stay on the map until everything's been killed," and the team seemed more than happy to try to stay with them. I suggested at one point that there should be a 'Must Defeat All' challenge setting for TFs and story arcs, a suggestion I've made before. Most of the team seemed to agree with me. Accordingly, here are some suggested badge titles to go along with such a setting: Completionist Complete a taskforce, strike force, or story arc with the 'Must Defeat All' challenge setting enabled. You came. You saw. You defeated every last enemy in front of you. Unresting Complete 5 taskforces, strike forces, or story arcs with the 'Must Defeat All' challenge setting enabled. There's no rest so long as there are enemies in front of you. Action Addict Complete 10 taskforces ' ' ' ' It's not the reward that matters. We're Not Done Here Complete 50 taskforces ' ' ' ' They can run and they can hide, but not from you. You Heard Me Complete 100 taskforces ' ' ' ' "I said 'Defeat Most' is for amateurs. Problem?" Delivery Driver Complete 200 taskforces, strike forces, or story arcs with the 'Must Defeat All' challenge setting enabled. Because you absolutely, positively HAVE to deliver every enemy you see into another world, parallel or otherwise.
  6. On the first mission of The Ouroboros Initiation, given by The Pilgrim, Mender Lazarus sends you to a Council base to collect information. There are several glowies to click on, including one that starts you collecting letters from the 'Mysterious Letter Writer'. I just happened to get one that was on a map that had the 'Jail Room', and the letter writer's crate was hidden in the back corner of that room, on the bottom floor, between two of the jail cells. After destroying all the doors in the room for my Doorbuster badge, I went to click on the crate to get the 'Dear <Heroname>' letter clue, but was surprised to find that something was keeping me from completing the action. At first I thought I'd nudged my mouse while doing the clickie-thing, but I found that I could repeat it fairly easily. It was the 'anti-teleport' field mob that covers each jail cell interrupting me while I tried to click the crate. I tried several positions near the crate, but was reliably interrupted in all of them. Eventually, I found that if I climbed onto the wall between the two jail cells, I was just out of the radius of the anti-TP field and could complete the action. A newer player, unfamiliar with the anti-TP effect, probably wouldn't have any option but to try to skip this optional clue. It's surprising that I haven't run into this before, but, to be honest, I LOATHE Council Caves and avoid them whenever I can manage. In other jail rooms, like the Orenbega magical barrier room, the few glowie detail locations are well away from the cells themselves, so are not affected by this. There are a couple obvious ways to fix this. The first and most obvious is to simply remove that detail location from all the maps that have council jail rooms. That seems kinda sad, reducing the map variety very slightly. The second, more difficult way is to adjust the coding or data on the interrupt effect so that it can still keep players from teleporting, but doesn't interrupt attacks or clicks.
  7. These people are going to soil themselves when they hear about hard Roman 'C's. Kinema. Keaser Kenturion
  8. I have yet to do it with EA, but my ice armor characters dominated it as well. The characters that seemed to have the best time was my Darkness/Time controller. She didn't do a lot of damage, aside from doggo, but she kept all the NPC allies alive to fight the waves of enemies. It seemed like it was over in just a few minutes with her. In a team with a few other controllers, Recluse poofed like he was lieutenant.
  9. You knocked it out of the park with this one, Arachne! I always felt a bit miffed that the original Wedding took place in a way that locked some players out of attending. I completely understand WHY they did it that way. Your effort to bring it back as a faithful recreation is VERY appreciated. IIRC, Sister Psyche was wearing the Bridal Heel with the Bridal & Lace texture option in the screenies posted on the original forums. (It's been more than a decade, *OUCH*, so I'm willing to be corrected on this front.) The mismatch in net textures between that and the full fishnets texture has always put me off using them for my characters. I REALLY like the anklets she's wearing in this incarnation of the event, and I want those for my own characters! At first I was put off the event from the huge mob of people swarming Sigil and Kadabra Kill in Pocket D. After doing it a few times on various characters, I've turned around 180 degrees. I love the chaos of doing it with a full team. I love the 'Boss Gauntlet' effect you get while doing the event solo. The flavor text from the NPCs you can speak with in the wedding is top-notch. I've noticed that if you can protect the ally guests at all, the event plays out MUCH faster than if you can't. Ironically, that seems to make it FASTER to complete solo with low-damage tanks, controllers, or defenders than with high-damage blasters. I don't mind that at all, and I like that it's tougher challenge for my favorite AT. 'Down in Front' is touch of genius. Let's give the players a badge for trying to bomb the cutscene, and then forcibly escort them out! You can stand in the Maid's or the Best Man's spot, but can't be in the center. I TRULY APPRECIATE that there's now a universal damage set that doesn't nerf KB. I think that with the length of the fight, the 20 hour lockout is spot-on. 10/10 all around. I'm very happy with the event and am eager to see what else is going to happen this year!
  10. Back during the live era, I happened to be on a Bots/FF mastermind tooling around Grandville. As just a matter of course, every time I saw another player, I tapped my two ST buffs to driveby some defense onto them. This was *PRE*-IOs, so Diminishing Returns was a thing, but softcapping with just enhancements was not, so 99.999% of players were not only not unhappy to receive some extra defense for 120s, they were usually pretty appreciative. Then I ran into that .001% person. "DO NOT BUFF ME!" was shouted in broadcast upon what I saw as a beneficial action. IIRC, they were a fire/fire brute. They were melee, at any rate. I was confused, so, intrigued, I began following them around, keeping them in my big AOE bubble and keeping them topped up on single target defense. The abuse being hurled at me only intensified over about 20 minutes, until a GM finally contacted me via tells and asked me something like, "Please don't taunt them. I don't know WHAT the deal is, but they're pretty upset." So one person's 'Nice!' may be another's 'OH GOD WHY ARE YOU TORMENTING ME?!' To the OP, there's actually a villainous story arc that lets you act pretty unfaithfully towards the Midnighters if you have some kind of beef with them. Look for Darrin Wade. I have family members who shy away from any kind of fiction remotely attached to 'magic', thinking it's ultimately Satan trying to tempt you. The kind of mystic stuff that goes on in CoH's complex, intertwined lore would be exactly the kind of thing that would upset them. If that's the kind of thing that's bothering you, be aware that there's magic all through the game, at all levels. Even if you try to go purely tech/science, you still run across it. If this applies to you or anyone else, remember that everything that goes on in CoH is fiction, and the developers who wrote that fiction have been very open and straightforward about their creative process and influences. Nobody is trying to lead anyone into evil or damnation here. The story bible that contains all the original Cryptic/NCSoft/Paragon game lore is easy to come by and, unless you're trying to avoid spoilers, well worth reading.
  11. For me, if I'm not enjoying defeating every enemy on the map, I feel like there's something wrong. If you're not enjoying the core gameplay loop of 'click powers, defeat enemies in interesting ways', you're playing the wrong character or even the wrong game. So when I use autocomplete, it's almost always for a bugged mission. Then I get to the variations on 'Rescue n+1 hostages in Oranbega'. I LIKE Oranbega maps. They're interesting without having too much crap to get caught on. If I can't find all the hostages within a about 40 minutes of starting the mission, though, the part of my brain that associates with my character turns off. I quit enjoying the game. That's when I start looking for the autocomplete button.
  12. I'd be interested in seeing a with/without firey aura brutes numbers. At one point we had a spreadsheet that had both with/without simply because there were so. very. many. fire farmers.
  13. The problem here is that Gunn is working against not one, but two cinematic continuities, both with some horrendous stinkers clogging the pipes. DC movies have established that these characters exist in their own cities in the last 10 years, for better or worse. (Mostly worse.) He's not really buying himself anything by pretending that the world he's working in is NOT already populated the way first superhero movies tend to. Despite all the turds DC flushed into theaters in the last few years, Gunn somehow made Polkadot Man vs. Starro work, and work *WELL* in the last Suicide Squad movie. He made Rocket Racoon work for not one, but THREE films. We *all* wept for Rocket in Guardians 3. I'm willing to let him cook with whichever characters he thinks he needs to make a non-Snyder Superman movie work.
  14. Wine is one huge collection of edge-cases. It's amazing it doesn't break more often than it does. I've watched my darling spouse STRUGGLE to get the exact right combination of Proton versions and/or Winetricks configs to make games like Fallout 4 work. Bethesda had a big update earlier in the year that broke several previous years' worth of fixes.
  15. The hardest part of this is converting the artwork to the texture format used by CoH, and that's been fairly well documented. Changing the color without changing the artwork is as simple as opening the images for the icons in the editor of your choice, adding a flat color layer of your choice, and adjusting the blend options on the layer until you like the color. It's more work for set IOs that tend to have color artwork on top of the colored background. I've poked around the Ourodev git repository specifically looking for artwork and haven't been able to find much. Devs, please consider making original artwork files for powersets and IOs available if you have them to make this kind of mod easier to accomplish.
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