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About Stormenergy

  • Birthday 03/12/1975

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  1. So gotta say I was pretty excited when I started reading this about the farming and was even ready to Arc#2915 and start trying my hand at making millions of infamy, however, hearing that it has now been nerfed leaves me with the big question, is it even worth trying to farm now? If so are any of the previous builds still applicable or is any old build pretty much good for fire farming? Has anyone updated the inf/minute and inf/hour lists now that the nerf is in place to show if is still a viable option for making infamy? I just came back to the game recently after being gone for over 10 years, so my knowledge of the game isn't all that with all of the new updates and whatnot. I don't have a Rad/Fire build or even a Spines/Fire build... I made a Brute for Fire/Fire and have been trying to farm with him (albeit inefficiently I'm certain) on one of the Clown maps. I don't make even close to the amount of Infamy discussed on this thread, maybe 15-20 million per map and it takes me about an hour or more to clear a +4/8 by myself. Granted after reading this I realized a few things could be contributing to this fact. Such as I don't have my Incarnates at T3 nor do I have all of my powers placed with the best enhancements, something I was hoping to find here actually. Also, I was surprised about the usage of Red inspirations (not in a bad way mind you, just never considered it). I've rarely used Red inspirations, but have had to use blues several times as well as the occassional green, but more than anything purples. But it would seem Fire/Fire is something not to even be considered for a fire farmer which I'm curious as to why? I'm open to suggestions, although I'd rather not role another Tank at the moment. If I have to I can, just a personal preference. This is my current build and I nearly have all of the enhancements in the slots as seen. Suggestions are appreciated. A friend set this build up for me to help me out. Brute - Fiery Melee - Fiery Aura storm's build.mxd
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