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Everything posted by GatorHead

  1. I am sorry to hear that and I do not blame you if you decide to put this in the rear view. Having said that, I appreciate what you do and I am sure many many others do too.
  2. Been looking for a Beast build and I think this it. Thank you. I could not really decide on a secondary but this fits as an angry druid bent on revenging Gaia or some sh*t And more importantly looks fun
  3. I appreciate it. I don’t really know what chains honestly. I have never played that primary….but I want to. So thank you.
  4. First off, thank you very much for all of these builds. Very helpful. I would love a scrapper DB/Energy Aura build. Sorry if its already been done but I could not find one. Thanks
  5. I’ve tried all the ATs that can be DP. This was the last one. Done...the coolness factor of this combo is off the charts. This is my guy. Thanks for posting this.
  6. I appreciate the reply and the work you put into this. I can get by and this is a really great starting point.
  7. I appreciate the work you’re doing...THANK YOU
  8. I love the pinnacle build guides but let’s say I’m a total newb ass...I am... how do I level this beast? Like what powers and cheap enhancements do I take on the way to godhood? thanks in advance im editing this because I’m newly returned and my first guy ever in COH was a MA/SR scrapper that I now am motivated to recreate as a tank.
  9. Yeah I understand staff is probably not as effective as other skill lines but I really like the bio/staff tanker so far. I am leveling atm but I would like to see what staff tanker end game builds look like.
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