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  1. What are your thoughts on on CoH closing like literally right before the big superhero boom with mainstream audiences? Do you think CoH could have capitalized on that audience and craze at the time if it was still up? Does it make CoH closing even more of a misfire in hindsight seeing as how Superhero stuff became even MORE profitable afterwards?
  2. 1. Do any of you keep up with Superhero media these days? Especially since after CoH's closure, there was definitely a big Superhero movie boom. 2. How far along WAS CoH 2 before sunset? Was it just a maybe one day kinda thing? Was it greenlit? Was anything done for it?
  3. I kind of wish the new controller set was a lot less Assault Rifle and more Gadgety. Cause some of the powers in there would make a REALLY good Batman style powerset. Cloaking Devices, Sleep Grenade, Smoke Grenades etc. but then the Assault Rifle stuff kinda makes it a bit more Deathstroke instead. I hope the grenade and bomb powers are taken and put into some sort of patron or ancillary power pool because those are really cool for a Batman style hero!
  4. Didn't Live devs have a thing where whenever they announced something they just said "SOON (tm)"
  5. mYES more costume pieces, my number one thing
  6. Geniuses on the voting thread admitted to skewering and boosting votes because apparently winning something that was actually about touring the bases and showcasing them is so important that they have to cheat so the votes had to be redone with something in place to ensure the votes are all legitimate
  7. The point is to look at cool bases. It was meant to be a showcase of creativity that has desended into vote bickering. Visiting the bases is more important than casting the vote, but now we have people casting votes and not visiting the bases, so its failing its entire point which is to incentivise people to visit the bases.
  8. Dropped Light Lad
  9. Can confirm. Happened to me as well.
  10. Released the name Captain Collision
  11. Completely fucks the RP community who often uses AE to play out their story arcs. Not all of them are 50.
  12. I feel this has descended into bickering with nothing substancial at this point. Its just people who personally like farming who think the sky is falling vs people who personally dont like farming and are finding "justifiable" reasons to get rid of it. Its just dictating player preference at the end of the day and I feel its just ignorant at this point because they're depicting farmers as lazy people who don't care about the game or don't play it at all, and JUST farm which is never the case. Even after multiple people say "I power level because I dont have time to level due to my life at the moment but wish to enjoy the game by still participating in the combat, making character, making good builds, chatting with friends as I farm, challenging myself woith farms, RPing (a lot of people farm/power level so they have a good character to go on AEs and mission with with their SG, or have enough powers to demonstrate their power level), or just simply power levelling to max so they can do end game content which they prefer but again, dont have the time to level all the way there. ALL these reasons have been explained and for people like Skoryy to go "lol just play the game bro you're here to play an MMO stop being lazy" as if doing any of the prior stuff I listed ISN'T playing the MMO and the only "correct" way to play the MMO is purely do missions and tips and nothing else is quite frankly ignorant. Same for the person way earlier who went "Its time to explore the city guys, its time to go out" as if all farmers do is sit in AE the WHOLE time is again, very ignorant. And when people give you their justified reasons as to why they do farming, to just discard that and stubbornly remain in your position that they're not "Really" playing the game and farming content is some weird random asspull reason as to why new players leave this game for FF14 and not because its a private server of an almost 20 year old dead game in comparison to a live server of an actively updated modern MMO is just being shitty. At the same time, the sky isn't falling. This isn't gonna kill farming, and GMs don't intend to kill farmers, nor do they have anything against farming content or are trying to dictate how people play (unlike some in this thread) I think it was just poor communication on the GM's part as they did not explain their reasoning for the nerfs and removals. Which to be honest they should have as it lead to this, and more importantly it lead to people, including me being left to speculate. However if you play the test server or look at other things such as the aggro buffs. It makes sense. Aggro buffs mean that fire farmers are even more powerful and the XP rate grows even faster as thats more mobs being defeated in a shorter amount of time. I believe the devs intended to nerf farming so that missions arent made obsolete and farming isnt SO good that its pointless not to farm. However at the same time they should have explained that instead of leaving it out in the open for people to speculate and eventually argue. At the end of the day, people should be allowed to farm as thats how they enjoy the game. Thats their entertainment. And it's harmless. However, it should not be so good that it makes the rest of the game obsolete. People should also be allowed to mission as thats how they enjoy the game. Thats their entertainment and its harmless. However, it should not be the only way to play the game as CoH is about variety and thats part of its attraction. Another part is also the casual nature of CoH, and how easy it is to get into, how easy it is to feel powerful, how easy it is to level, and how theres very little grind. It makes it the perfect drop in and out MMO, you feel like you're not missing out. That casual nature makes it an excellent MMO for those with time constraints and a busy life, compared to other MMOs. We need to keep that casual nature, that easy to get into the game nature, not make the game more grindy. More importantly we need to respect how others play and stop saying its the wrong way to play, as all they're doing is having a good time. Saying random snide remarks like "Actually go out into the city and explore the city for once" implying that they never have, isn't gonna suddenly make that farmer hate farming. It's just gonna piss them off. And if your intention is to piss them off then that says something about you more than them. I think at this point the devs are very much aware lots of people people aren't a fan of the change, and have received that feedback.
  13. Well some things to consider concerning that: Like you said, thats gonna be a niche of a niche issue. The thresh hold isn't even a "Okay once that year is up your name is GONE, wiped, you're renamed" kind of deal. Its a warning system. That's when the warning appears, and then someone else has to take that name which could take anywhere from up to a day, to 1000 days, to never. So that buys even more time for that person to check in. And finally I think the most important one - The GM's aren't gonna bite that person's head off if they tell them that. They do tons of things by requests, I've seen it. If they're willing to do stuff like help out with CCs and events, I'm sure just ticketing or PMing one saying "Hey I'm gonna be inactive from this point to this point due to this personal reason. I won't be able to log in, can you make sure my names arent lost" They're not gonna go "NO, YOUR NAMES ARE FORFEIT" and throw them into the wind. Also while what you're saying is possible, the chance of this happening to someone where they can't log in for a while year and then they proceed to lose all their names, is pretty low that it doesn't overwrite all the people annoyed they can't find the names they want because its taken by some guy who hasn't logged in since the first month of HC or new players who literally can't come up with a name for their first cahracter anymore that aren't full of punctuation just to get it past availability
  14. I thought I'd post a reminder, especially to those who claim they MUST now level EVERY character to 50, that the majority of the threshhold (21 - 49) is if they have not been played in the past year. You don't have to power level to 50 at all as once a year is absolutely more than enough time to log into a character and you'll probably do so naturally at least once in that year, so there'll be no need to do check ins and stuff like that. (And if you do have alts that haven't logged in in over a year I believe you should seriously consider whether you want to keep them or not anyways because somethings stopping you from playing them for an entire year) I feel people are hyperfocusing on the 30 days. You are not gonna be pressured to log in to all 100 or so alts every month (which IMO is already A LOT of alts), unless they're all like level 1s (in which case wtf??) I feel like some people are kind of afraid they might just suddenly get name wipes out of nowhere for characters they don't necesarilly play much but are still attached to, and names are gonna be snatched away but that's not the case. I think some people are trying to make this seem like its gonna be more of a chore than it is and that they're gonna have to be logging in all 200 characters of theirs every single month. Which just won't be the case. I do agree the level 1 - 5 threshhold is a little too short, I'd say 60 days instead of 30s as some people do have low level RP alts, but thats what? One DFB run to get out of that threshold? That gets you to level 7. If anything most people will barely even notice it. Why? Because everyone's bound to log into their characters once a year naturally. Which is again, the majority thresh hold. The longest character I haven't logged into is 100 and something days and I'm like "Do I really wanna keep that character? I dont play them much" and thats not even half of the 364 day thresh hold.
  15. Yeah I'd love the new police baton ported to dual blades. Or even the nightstick from war mace. It feels like CoH's never had any Nightwing style weaponry of his twin batons which is a pretty popular hero weapon in general. Black Widow too etc. Though as said in the thread it might not be appropriate to the damage type. But perhaps it could make a cool new power set idea? A mix between War Mace and Dual Blades. Take some War Mace powers, take some Dual Blades powers, add some smash damage, maybe some electric stuff near the end for electrified batons and BAM. Nightwing power set!
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