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Posts posted by Ironblade

  1. 10 hours ago, jkwak said:

    The economy is absolutely broken because people screw with it intentionally since I think 2021, it seems there are people who have nothing better to do than fire farming and buying stuff at 3 to 10 times the actual value, with the influx in new and returning players this year since the announced deal with NC Soft it has only gotten worse because because now there are people who don't know those prices are manipulated and willingly place bids in those price ranges as soon as the can afford it.


    As if.  Aside from brief blips, the economy has been steadily improving and is VASTLY better than it was back on live.  That last part is absolutely indisputable.

    I would conclude you don't really understand the game economy and this is causing you to misinterpret what you see.

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  2. 19 hours ago, Zombra said:

    I don't remember the early/mid levels being this rough, contacts don't even sell enhancements any more even though they all say they do, can't even afford DOs for my level 15 characters when I finally get to the zones that have stores.  The auction house looks like a Wild West of "exploit or die".


    So .... what's your take?  Is the economy perfectly fine if you don't do these weird exploits people are talking about?  Or should I give up on fun and L2Farm?


    If you don't remember it being this rough, then your mind is playing tricks on you about 'the good old days'.

    The in-game economy is DRAMATICALLY better than it was back on live.  Prices for the 'good stuff' on the auction house are far lower than back on live.  I mean, the +3% resistance unique cost me 2 billion inf back on live.


    Also, it's easier than ever to earn influence.  The one factor that might be working against you is the common practice of getting the free double XP buff and/or playing on one of the servers that currently has an XP buff to attract new players.  These make you level faster without increasing your influence (and actually decreasing your earnings in the case of the Pay2Win XP buffs).


    Final note:  If you're genuinely struggling, plenty of people will throw money at you.  Go to the thread linked below for info on how to have Yomo send you 100 million inf.



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  3. 16 hours ago, Force Redux said:

    If you are having problems coming up with names, I'm more than happy to help. Just ask, and I'll do my best. 


    As you can see from my previous posts in this thread, it's not hard or time consuming to find names that are sensical and colorful. I was surprised with what I could come up with!


    And the are multiple threads and players who both demonstrate that good names are possible, and people are willing to help, much as people get help with costume design. Not everyone had the same talents. I'm always amazed at Player2's costumes, for example. Mine are rather meh.


    I don't expect him to take you up on this offer.



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  4. Characters disappearing and deleted ones reappearing is very unlikely.  However, what happens quite often is that the character LISTING, which is stored locally on your computer, gets screwed up.  We've seen that happen a lot.  This is the file that keeps track of the character position in the list when you move them around.


    The file is under /Homecoming/accounts/(your account name)/playerslot.txt

    There will be one of these in each account folder.  Try deleting that and see if it fixes it.  Deleting this file doesn't delete anything, it just removes the record of what order they are displayed in.

  5. 20 hours ago, AboveTheChemist said:

    It appears to be the blank lines in between groups of binds causing the issue. I ran it as-is and saw the same output as your screenshot (more on that below). I removed the blank lines and it loaded without echoing the pink/yellow text to Sys. I noticed also that the text echoed in pink were the lines preceding each blank line.

    Oh, very good.  Yes, that does seem to be what is going on.  Good to know.  I'm going to leave the blank lines in because it makes the file easier for me to read.

  6. 7 hours ago, AboveTheChemist said:

    The second mod is basically a popmenu version of the same mod. You select the zone and a starting badge in that zone, then use a set of rolling keybinds to navigate along the route using in-game nav markers. It requires manual installation, but instructions and more info can be found in the mod thread at this link.


    Yeah, this is the one I use.  It's excellent.

  7. Well, it's a mystery to me.  I wonder if there's some setting that one of us changed and forgot about.

    This is what it looks like when I load binds and it has always looked like this for me.



    Edit:  By the way, this display is wonky as hell.  Each load, it only displays about 14 of the bind commands from a file that has like four dozen.  They all load correctly, but only a handful are displayed.  And it doesn't display the same ones each time.  Not sure what that means, if anything.


  8. On 1/27/2024 at 2:36 PM, Shenanigunner said:

    Every time I load a bindfile, the entire contents read out in the System window. I don't recall that ever happening before. Is this a dev/update change,


    If it was a change, it wasn't recent.  I don't remember it ever working differently.

  9. On 1/26/2024 at 1:43 PM, Qinelenlea said:

    There is another similar topic about poor leaders that has me rather irritated; when I'm on my farmer and see someone posting for a needed task force or mission and asking for other players, only to get a "oh we filled up and don't need any extras at this time" after I have been told there is a secured spot and have jumped out of the farm and moved over to the other toon which doesn't take but a few moments


    Yeah, that's crummy.  When someone asks to join my team but has to switch, I actually click their name in the tell so I can get their global so I can be sure I'm getting the right person after they switch.

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  10. On 1/27/2024 at 4:09 PM, Glacier Peak said:

    February's donation goal was much more this month due to additional costs noted in the announcement thread, but we still stepped up and hit the donation target in less than three hours. That's a good look!


    Yeah, that's nuts.  I was playing something else online with my family and figured, "Eh, I'll do the donation when we're done here."  Five hours later and it was too late.  I'll have to get in earlier next month.

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  11. On 1/27/2024 at 3:13 PM, meyerwolf406 said:

    my private SG storage is getting kind of full.

    I would respectfully suggest you're storing a lot of junk that really is not worth storing.  I have more than 50 characters and my girlfriend has a couple dozen.  We don't have the max number of storage items and have plenty of space.  Back on live (we're talking almost 20 years ago), I kept all kinds of stuff that "I might need".  Now I just hold onto stuff that's clearly super useful and/or high value.

  12. 12 hours ago, Gunnarr said:

    -gets the Void Skiff free flight disc power (a random nice person gave each of us each 1.5m Inf as a 'welcome to the game' gift!)


    If you need more money, one of the richest people in the game gives 100 million to anyone who asks.

    See this thread for info:  https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/43870-yomos-new-and-improved-bang-up-salmagundi-spectacular/




    12 hours ago, Gunnarr said:

    -develops an immediate dislike for other players with vision blocking and noisy pets/effects who join her at a vendor, and is apparently griefed by a Demons MM player who follows her around standing next to her each time. Eventually he goes away, but she wrote his name down for later revenge (she's from Chicago, and holds a grudge like a Sicilian Elephant)


    You can right-click on people to bring up a menu.  One of the options is Add Player Note.  You can rate a person 1-5 stars and add a note.  This is stored on YOUR computer and absolutely no one else can see it.  Then, if you go into the game options, you can set it so that the stars will always appear above the persons head when you see them so you can instantly spot trouble-makers (1 star) or your best pals (5 stars) or anything in between.


    • Thanks 2
  13. On 1/27/2024 at 4:40 AM, Gunnarr said:

    She's pretty simple in her play style (you've never met anyone more 'scream and leap' than her)

    Okay, that says either scrapper or brute to me.  🙂



    On 1/27/2024 at 4:40 AM, Gunnarr said:

    If she wants to play a Brute (style/animations, rage) but be a hero in Paragon City, can she start there? Likewise, if I play a MM (necro/dark, or bots/thermal) can I start there?

    Yes, you can.  My one recommendation for new players - do NOT start in Praetorian Earth.  That was added much later.  I think it's quite well-written, and has beautiful zones, but the enemies are also a lot harder to deal with at low level.


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  14. On 1/27/2024 at 12:01 AM, Captain Fabulous said:

    If people are so upset over losing their name that they leave the game, well too damned bad. Byeeeeee.

    Except the devs feel, and justifiably so in my opinion, that is not an acceptable position.

    The game is supported entirely by donations.  So, taking a sarcastic and cavalier position toward managing the game just doesn't cut it.

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  15. 11 hours ago, JasperStone said:

    I have not had a bad PUG experience in a very long time.

    Same here, but I think I know the reason in my case.

    About 95% of the PUGs I'm on, I'm the leader and I know where to expect trouble in most of the task forces.

    • Pizza (Pepperoni) 1
  16. On 1/26/2024 at 9:44 PM, Badmethod68 said:

    Sprint is in slot 1 but my 'E' key activates it on my keyboard. Is there a way to have the 'E' key shown under the power or am I permanently stuck with the number 1 there? I hope this makes sense as I am terrible at remembering keybinds for slots and would love to be able to replace them with whatever keybind i have bound to that ability.


    Here's my solution.  Remembering keybinds is an issue for me also, mainly because I have like 50 of them.  I have most of my keybinds set to the F-keys.  That's 36 keys since you have F1-F12, then alt-F and ctrl-F.  I have a paper template with 3 rows of keybinds listed, positioned above the F-keys.  Then I have a few more that I memorize since they are the same on every character.  R turns on/off sprint.  Alt-E turns on/off athletic/ninja/beast run (yes, I have one keybind that tries to toggle all three and it succeeds with whichever one the character has).  Alt-F fires either the Nemesis Staff or Blackwand (whichever that character has).  Etc.

  17. 21 minutes ago, macskull said:

    Task Force Commander, not Atlas Medallion, but I could argue that isn't necessarily the best thing to steer new players towards since doing TFC awards a whole heap of XP and merits.

    That's what I think also.  I do the full set of signature task forces on every single character.  Even the long and annoying ones aren't so bad when it's the weekly and dropping double merits plus bonus XP.

  18. 4 hours ago, Excraft said:

    How is the game going to grow and evolve to compete with more modern games if it doesn't?  If you ask me, nonsense like "team diversity bonuses" and recycling of powersets ad nauseam can pushed very far to the back of the line in favor of things like account based storage and properly correcting unique character name issues.

    Okay, so you have your priorities.  Sadly, I do not think they match the priorities of the 100% volunteer dev team who, pretty much, work on WHAT THEY FEEL LIKE.

    They don't have the manpower to "grow and evolve" the game and they're not getting paid.  The goal is not to compete with more modern games.  This game is free.  The goal, as far as I can tell, is to make gradual improvements.  A major overhaul is simply wishful thinking.

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  19. 21 hours ago, Mister Mass said:

    I found crafting a restful diversion from the game, but now just do it to get each of my alts the crafting & vending badges.  I long ago made more influence/infamy/information on the AH/BM/TH than I would ever spend in the game, so I have no need to make more.

    Exactly.  It's one more thing to do in the game if I don't feel like playing a different game.

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