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Posts posted by Ironblade

  1. 12 hours ago, Gunnarr said:

    -gets the Void Skiff free flight disc power (a random nice person gave each of us each 1.5m Inf as a 'welcome to the game' gift!)


    If you need more money, one of the richest people in the game gives 100 million to anyone who asks.

    See this thread for info:  https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/43870-yomos-new-and-improved-bang-up-salmagundi-spectacular/




    12 hours ago, Gunnarr said:

    -develops an immediate dislike for other players with vision blocking and noisy pets/effects who join her at a vendor, and is apparently griefed by a Demons MM player who follows her around standing next to her each time. Eventually he goes away, but she wrote his name down for later revenge (she's from Chicago, and holds a grudge like a Sicilian Elephant)


    You can right-click on people to bring up a menu.  One of the options is Add Player Note.  You can rate a person 1-5 stars and add a note.  This is stored on YOUR computer and absolutely no one else can see it.  Then, if you go into the game options, you can set it so that the stars will always appear above the persons head when you see them so you can instantly spot trouble-makers (1 star) or your best pals (5 stars) or anything in between.


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  2. On 1/27/2024 at 4:40 AM, Gunnarr said:

    She's pretty simple in her play style (you've never met anyone more 'scream and leap' than her)

    Okay, that says either scrapper or brute to me.  🙂



    On 1/27/2024 at 4:40 AM, Gunnarr said:

    If she wants to play a Brute (style/animations, rage) but be a hero in Paragon City, can she start there? Likewise, if I play a MM (necro/dark, or bots/thermal) can I start there?

    Yes, you can.  My one recommendation for new players - do NOT start in Praetorian Earth.  That was added much later.  I think it's quite well-written, and has beautiful zones, but the enemies are also a lot harder to deal with at low level.


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  3. On 1/27/2024 at 12:01 AM, Captain Fabulous said:

    If people are so upset over losing their name that they leave the game, well too damned bad. Byeeeeee.

    Except the devs feel, and justifiably so in my opinion, that is not an acceptable position.

    The game is supported entirely by donations.  So, taking a sarcastic and cavalier position toward managing the game just doesn't cut it.

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  4. 11 hours ago, JasperStone said:

    I have not had a bad PUG experience in a very long time.

    Same here, but I think I know the reason in my case.

    About 95% of the PUGs I'm on, I'm the leader and I know where to expect trouble in most of the task forces.

    • Pizza (Pepperoni) 1
  5. On 1/26/2024 at 9:44 PM, Badmethod68 said:

    Sprint is in slot 1 but my 'E' key activates it on my keyboard. Is there a way to have the 'E' key shown under the power or am I permanently stuck with the number 1 there? I hope this makes sense as I am terrible at remembering keybinds for slots and would love to be able to replace them with whatever keybind i have bound to that ability.


    Here's my solution.  Remembering keybinds is an issue for me also, mainly because I have like 50 of them.  I have most of my keybinds set to the F-keys.  That's 36 keys since you have F1-F12, then alt-F and ctrl-F.  I have a paper template with 3 rows of keybinds listed, positioned above the F-keys.  Then I have a few more that I memorize since they are the same on every character.  R turns on/off sprint.  Alt-E turns on/off athletic/ninja/beast run (yes, I have one keybind that tries to toggle all three and it succeeds with whichever one the character has).  Alt-F fires either the Nemesis Staff or Blackwand (whichever that character has).  Etc.

  6. 21 minutes ago, macskull said:

    Task Force Commander, not Atlas Medallion, but I could argue that isn't necessarily the best thing to steer new players towards since doing TFC awards a whole heap of XP and merits.

    That's what I think also.  I do the full set of signature task forces on every single character.  Even the long and annoying ones aren't so bad when it's the weekly and dropping double merits plus bonus XP.

  7. 4 hours ago, Excraft said:

    How is the game going to grow and evolve to compete with more modern games if it doesn't?  If you ask me, nonsense like "team diversity bonuses" and recycling of powersets ad nauseam can pushed very far to the back of the line in favor of things like account based storage and properly correcting unique character name issues.

    Okay, so you have your priorities.  Sadly, I do not think they match the priorities of the 100% volunteer dev team who, pretty much, work on WHAT THEY FEEL LIKE.

    They don't have the manpower to "grow and evolve" the game and they're not getting paid.  The goal is not to compete with more modern games.  This game is free.  The goal, as far as I can tell, is to make gradual improvements.  A major overhaul is simply wishful thinking.

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  8. 21 hours ago, Mister Mass said:

    I found crafting a restful diversion from the game, but now just do it to get each of my alts the crafting & vending badges.  I long ago made more influence/infamy/information on the AH/BM/TH than I would ever spend in the game, so I have no need to make more.

    Exactly.  It's one more thing to do in the game if I don't feel like playing a different game.

  9. 11 hours ago, Doc_Scorpion said:

    It lists us as having 1.13 million players...  Which I find suspect.  According to Number Six, we currently have 64,000 active accounts.


    That does seem awfully high, but I think this might be a comparison between 'number of accounts created ever' vs '64,000 *ACTIVE* accounts' (emphasis added).

    Also, realistically, how can they know how many total accounts a game has?  I think they're probably extrapolating that number from the numbers they actually have.

  10. 4 hours ago, Mopery said:

    If you call out said player, you will be called a poor leader.

    If you don't call out said player, you will be called a poor leader.

    If you boot said player, you will be called a poor leader and then panned in General chat for it.

    If you don't boot said player, other players could quit the team.

    If you do boot said player, other players could quit the team.


    I care.  Everyone has their own image of a 'good leader' and so do I.  I do what I think a good leader should do.  If someone doesn't like it, big whoop.

    If I get called a poor leader and panned in General chat, so what?  Anyone who knows me will recognize who's the idiot in the situation.  And, of the people who don't know me, probably 95% will recognize that the person badmouthing someone in chat is the idiot.

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, WuTang said:

    My first impression of the market...overly complicated, but doable once I understood how it works. However, on Everlasting, I can't seem to keep my head above the water.

    Worth noting: every shard has the same rules and drop rates (except for the current XP adjustment to drive traffic to less populated servers).

    Also, something many people do not know: the market extends across all shards.  There is no 'Everlasting Market' and 'Indomitable Market'; there is just the Homecoming Market.

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  12. 20 hours ago, Shenanigunner said:

    If you can stealth to the objective, why bother to team at all?


    To save time for everyone.  I run a lot of task forces and I will typically run the weeklies multiples times in a week.  Synapse and Citadel are TORTURE.  On SOME of the task forces, when I'm giving initial instructions and telling what difficulty I'm setting, I tell people to please stealth objectives whenever they can.

    • Thumbs Up 3
  13. 22 hours ago, Snarky said:

    I never kick. I honestly do not even know if you can kick from a TF

    You can.  If I recall correctly, the only time you can't kick on a whim is in incarnate trials when you're running an 'open league'.  Then you have to have a vote to kick someone.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  14. 16 hours ago, Go0gleplex said:

    Don't discount foreign languages for names as well.  I had a KM/EA Brute named Mass Meister since Mass Master was unavailable.  Fire Bolt taken...go German with Feuerblitz. Sounds just as cool. Just don't use Welsh...I'm Welsh descent and not even I can pronounce much of the language. LOL

    Some names are okay, like Clwyd.   🙂



    22 minutes ago, WuTang said:

    Almost hate that I never played live and literally feel moderately guilty that such a quality game is free. Also, CoH always for way more flexibility in naming than WoW does. It ain't difficult...

    Did you know that you can contribute to the server upkeep to assuage your guilt?  Homecoming accepts donations through PayPal on the last Saturday of each month.  When the donation window 'opens', it is announced on here and on Discord.

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  15. 20 hours ago, ZemX said:

    If we're placing bets, I think it's likely that policy gets turned on at some point in the not too distant future.

    I agree,  If for no other reason than to be able to say, "Okay, we ran the name purge like people keep asking.  If you can't get the name you wanted, well, we did all we could."



    17 hours ago, macskull said:

    Reaching level 50 is a completely arbitrary distinction and has no correlation with commitment to a character.

    True, but life is full of arbitrary cut-offs.  Why is the drinking age different in different states?  Because it's an arbitrary number and people had different opinions.


    • Microphone 1
  16. On 1/24/2024 at 12:28 AM, SupaFreak said:

    My opinion on why (behind closed doors) NCSoft truly decided to shut down the live servers was primarily due to the shortcomings of the Going Rogue expansion and its inability to grow and maintain its subscriber base.

    Basically, yes.  I'd heard that they simply didn't see any point in maintaining the game since it took significant resources and only represented 2% of their revenue.  Yes, it was still profitable but 2% of revenue is pretty insignificant.



    On 1/24/2024 at 12:28 AM, SupaFreak said:

    What do I mean by that?  Why, I'm talkin' 'bout Giant Monsters and them rewarding 1-3 Unstable Aether.  The Reward Merits were a nice carrot-on-a-stick but this is icing on the carrot (that is a thing, right?).

    I think that only applies to carrot cake.



    Anyway, speaking of 'forging ahead', whenever I hear that phrase, this is what I think of:



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  17. 19 hours ago, Scarlet Shocker said:


    Stuff is easy to find, if you know where to look and that's not always apparent here


    I guess.  Forum search capabilities tend to be sub-par.  When I'm searching a chat forum, I usually use Google and restrict the search to that domain.  Works better than most forum search functions.

  18. 16 hours ago, Pony Up said:

    How many people are sitting on names?  Will there be a clean up?  Because this is worse than OG COH.

    Define "sitting on".  Plenty of people have pages of level 50 characters who are immune to the name release policy.  Personally, have 43 characters at level 50 and 6 at lower levels.


    Will there be a clean-up?  Maybe.  Maybe not.  The devs have looked at the situation and the simple fact is that it's not going to free up vast numbers of good names.  It just isn't.


    You'll just have to deal with it.  We're all in the same boat.  When I create a new character, I have the same odds as someone who signed up yesterday at getting a name I want.  Well, maybe my odds are better because I do a lot of concept characters with odd names: Fidgety Girl, Sparkie McSparkface, Toggle Man, etc.

    • Like 2
  19. 18 hours ago, Water said:

    I don't know how to word this without upsetting anyone/everyone or tempting some troublesome retort to my views in an attempt to nullify them. But it's like this....


    ....why join a team if you don't wish to play in one?


    Sometimes, the answer is "to confirm the KICK button works".

    Most of the time, if someone wants to 'do their own thing', it's not a big deal.  But if I have made clear EXACTLY how we're doing some task force and someone goes off on their own completely ignoring instructions - I will warn them and then kick them.

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  20. Four points is plenty for pretty much every AT that doesn't get it in a powerset.  I never bother getting more than 4 points on anyone that isn't a tank or brute.  Most of the powers that give KNB protection ALSO give KNB resistance, making them even more effective than the points of KNB protection would suggest.


    For a tank with an armor set that doesn't give KNB protection, I've done it with 8 points and it was rarely an issue.

  21. 1 hour ago, BurtHutt said:

    I don't have facts but will throw common sense at you (which is not common, clearly). If Live had 1500 players per shard and had 12 shards or so, they wouldn't survive. The sub fee from 1500 people per shard would not come close to covering their costs etc.


    The HC capacity is far different than Live.

    Stop and re-read what you wrote.  No one is even close to saying that live had 1500 players per shard.  You're confusing numbers of players online simultaneously with total number of paying customers.

    • Like 4
  22. 2 hours ago, eldriyth said:

    I am indeed a hard ass on everybody because I believe in no excuses and getting things done. We live in a generation of "my feelings and safespace" over action and discipline. Take it or leave it. I don't offer praise that much which I gave on this post.


    Apparently, we also live in a generation of being ill-mannered.

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  23. 18 hours ago, Ralphie8on said:

    I am sorry you can delete this thread now thank you for y'alls help.

    It's a safe bet that if you had trouble finding it, other people are having trouble too.

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