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Everything posted by SaxyGuitar

  1. Hey I love stats and I was thinking something other cool stats you could maybe pull is. How many lvl 50s there are snd what the pie chart brakedown of them. And maybe even AT play times. I know you can get play time from "talking with" npcs but I'm not overall sure how much data is tied to that.
  2. You can use "find contact." Some contact will just let you talk to them and start doing missions, too. But I understand if that doesn't feel natrural.
  3. I see this as more proof a Port Oakes SF would be a good idea haha. Either way keep up the work. Looking forward to whatever you have in the works.
  4. Hey i did it! That was the goal haha.
  5. The cool thing about a fighting tournament sf is the "contact" could just be a news stand or vender Where you go to to check your next match. Making a villain contact that feels like it's your team making the decision. Even for the 2nd half of the sf it could still be the same thing. You're using the paper to find clues to where they took your money or where/who you can go after next to get info.
  6. Resurrection this because I ran two DFBs in mercy got to lvl 9, then got my Atlas park bank badge but after that I found myself thinking, OK what the next big group villain thing to run. Then remember I was still to low lvl to start Virgil. Also another fun idea could just be the mooks are hosting a fighting tournament. The 1st part of the strike force could be you doing that. Then the last mission the fight is rigged. You still win but the Mooks ran off with the all the money. Then the 2nd half of the strike force then is about getting that money from them.
  7. I can understand the team wanting someone to take a power to give everything flying. So what if when you take group fly, it came with a 2nd pop up window power like a lot of the travel powers do now. Then when you turn base group fly on it gives fly to just your pets like how it gives fly to your pets now. But when you toggled the 2nd power that only works when base group fly is on, it does the other part of group fly that gives all allies fly in its radius. You make the base group fly cost all the End, then the pop up window 2nd toggle would cost nothing extra. Just give that a very good fly speed because it will not be effect by enhancements. I'd recommend Group Fly + EM speeds.
  8. Sorry, this is what I was trying to say. Group fly does this already (It just has the downside of giving people in its range a slow fly). So why can't other travel powers do it. Group fly just gives fly to your pets. They a mile away from you, they now have fly on. I didn't turn Group fly on until my pets where already out of its range. But you can see in this photo they can fly. So why can't normal fly come with a toggle to give my pets fly. I don't want my bruiser flying all the time just when they need too.
  9. So I will double check tonight, because im not 100% sure. But group fly just gives fly to your pets. They don't need to be in it's radius. So another option is make it like afterburner. Where if you have fly on you toggle "pet fly power" and it gives fly to all your pets. This doesn't fix all the problem, but it helps remove some of them. Because there are some fights where you become a petless mastermind with out it.
  10. Hey thanks! I should be able to do this than. Between group fly, darks hold, fluffy hold, and Bruiser KO blow that would get me there. I did try this run, but I got overwhelmed by rikti, and lost track of Yin. Killing her, and I didnt feel like I could count that haha.
  11. "Back in the day, you used to get some reimbursement for SOs et al that were left unassigned and deleted, but now they just go away." A quote I found from a dog. I see where my confusion came from. Is there a reason why that was removed?
  12. I thought it sold your SOs left in the window. Yeah it deleted IOs.
  13. That is true! At least it sales them all for you. I always enjoyed that part of respeccing.
  14. I will do that as well as push for QoL changes to the Respeccing process haha. I'll grab some pictures when I respec tonight. This does come down to personal preference. Which is why I think both would be good. Personally the 1st thing I do when respecing is put all the enhancements I know I'm not using the enhancement trays. To clean up the reapec window. Which is why double clicking would be my preferred. HOWEVER when I finished if I could just click a button then confirm in a pop up to move everything left over into my trays I'd be so happy! Also for QoL request I like to assume worse case. So that would be a lvl 50 keeping very little enhancements they had equip and a full tray of 70 enhancements when they start respeccing. Does this happen yeah maybe, but I'd like to make sure that person has an easy time when doing it.
  15. I've never been able to get that window to scroll? Ive respeced countless times haha. Well I got another one or two characters i need to respec. I'll mess with it tonight. Thanks for the heads up.
  16. This doesn't work as well, but would be nice in addition to the other change. For example you cant scroll to look at the enhancements at the bottom of the list if you have alot. So if it was just this you'd still find yourself dragging enhancements into the enhancement tray. The other issue is if you have more enhancements then you have Enhancement Tray spots. You'd still find yourself dragging enhancements out of the Tray and in to the Tray. If you did it. Still might be better then what's there already.
  17. Should of turned off stealth but it's still a good picture. Thank you again!
  18. Yeah but you have to back out of it. That's what I meant by lock you in. You can't glitch out of it and brake your character.
  19. I assume it's safe to guess that reapecing locks you into respecing, because it would be very mess if you didn't. But that is a good point. Who knows how those two system interact behind the curtains.
  20. I would 100% be cool with shooting beams and nades out of a baseball bat. I 2nd this!
  21. This is just a little qol thing that could be done with respecing. When you get to the end and you're placing your Enhancements; it'd be really nice if you could double click an enhancement, and have it be put into your Enhancement Tray. There's plenty of times where I know I have enhancements I'm not going to need anymore, or let's say I forgot to clean out my enhancement tray before starting. This change would make that last part of respecing a lot faster.
  22. Soulbound can proc off multiple different abilities. Where Gaussian only has one power to proc on the Enforcers. I've not test this on my Bruiser to see if it's really stacking buff wise, but I can confirm I've seen it multiple times on there bar.
  23. To bad minions have such a low dmg cap.
  24. I guess I was more asking for the break point on the mez you need. I think I can do the range and melee dps with my pets. But I'm not sure how much Control I needed to brake the Greens. And thank you! I didn't know it was toxic dmg so that saves me some EoE inps.
  25. Hey! I've been slowly making my way through tf/sf trying to solo them with my MM just for fun. I'm working on also making a list of ones to not even bother trying. So more on that half, my question is does anyone now how the Weaken Hami works in lady grey? It's the biggest hurdle in that tf I can think of. I assume it's not going to be possible, but I'm having trouble finding info on it online. Thank you!
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