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Everything posted by SaxyGuitar

  1. We talked a little about it on the discord a week or two ago. I was testing on a lvl 20 though 24 thug/cold, and i did a little at lvl 50 as well. But that alt was only lvl 20 on main servers. I will still most likely get this thug to max level to add to my every growing collection of lvl 50 thug mm.
  2. The absorb was better for my Thug mm so I am a sad to see it get rolled back. Even with my t1s low max health, it kept my Arsonist alive better then the +Max health vision in live.
  3. You used a pylon for testing, so your pets are even con to it. You wouldn't have the level difference on top of just being a lower level. But that only explains the difference on minions not on ffg or mortar.
  4. I do like this idea, and would prefer it. However I could understand why the devs might not want to do it.
  5. I will happily transfer my warshades over to help with this badge. Just let me know. Shades are sick and I need to play mine more. Also Soldier only runs will be fun. I might have to find a day to run them weekly with my main.
  6. Thank you! This is how it reads in my head but I wanted to be sure.
  7. Question on this wording. Does this mean you can't have anyone be a different Archetype, correct? So you can't go 7 Defenders and 1 tanker, and get the badge?
  8. Like the name change. I'll start thinking of possible acronym for it. So far I have. Supe's Temporary Abilities and Resources Trader This is assume Supe isn't trademarked. If it is maybe us Super's or some other S word that can be replaced with players.
  9. I like doing all one AT sf/tf and getting a badge for doing them is cool. I also like the idea of this as a whole. I think I could understand an argument on not having the duplicate runs getting a reward, but it would be nice if they both did. Removing some form of secondary reward seems odd, unless all you want it to be is another badge to hunt. Which isn't a terrible thing. Is the problem that it gave Aether? Have you consider it just giving some extra merits, enhancement salvage, etc? Also it's hard to test what the rewards will do until then hit live.
  10. Yes this is want I was trying to say haha. Just more things like it might make them stay.
  11. That'd make sense. I can see them using the new Villain contact instead he is also a science just not sure what field haha.
  12. I'll see if I can test this tonight. Thank you for the heads up. -So I forgot about this tf and it's a contact you talk to in the city. This will be interesting.
  13. I'm not sure about this one. If bank heist gave good inf for there level people would start forming paper missions more often, or just run the bank contact over and over. People might be will to stay red if they got popular. And we agree Aeon is good at pulling people over. So a couple more things with a RNG table/reward like Aeon would be nice. It'd just have to be balanced for the level it's at.
  14. Honestly the hardest pick is best secondary. I'll always vote thug because I'm biased to it. On a side note last night we on the discord realized thug is the only one that doesn't have a heal.
  15. I enjoy not having travel powers and beating teammates to the missions. Like someone said before slot mental training and the Fitness power with lvl 55 sprint speed IOs and you'll feel fast with the p2w runs.
  16. Overall I love the changes, and you guys are already addressing the couple of things I've considered. One more think I've consider is. I think it might be time to change the name of P2W vender. I know I've had to explain to one person that the P2W vender wasn't a pay 2 win vender. I love the joke but I think a makeover/name change would help players. I also think flavoring them for each side would be cool, but could also confuse people.
  17. I've only skimmed this forum so I apologize if someone already said it. But I made a lvl 24-25 fort to play with fate seal and I thought doing some of the Isle missions would be a good place. How ever I can only do the repeatable missions the 1st contact gives. I don't get recommend to the next one, I don't see the other ones in "Find Contact" It'd be cool if I miss the 1st contact I could still easily find the other contacts.
  18. So this is something I think about often, and these are some things that have come to mind. A SF in Port Oaks is an important one. Especially if that sf did a couple of things. First unlocked a contact for you to do after (like the Radio). This would help smooth content together. And second have a big rng reward at the end like Dr Aeon. Nothing crazy big maybe a random Attune enhancement (AT, Event, or otherwise)? Another one is bank heist giving good inf. I just rob a bank in a city FILLED with heroes that want to stop me. Lore wise this doesn't successfully happen every day. My name should get a big boost from that. Also I feel like the merit to effect ratio could use a rework. This is something I've consider graphing out one day to see if it's true. But it feels that way. I enjoy redside. I've told myself I'm going to form more redside content this year. And I'm at less seeing people transferring to red for a little bit to team with me on Indomitable.
  19. That's a good question. I'll have to see if I think they are easier or harder then the incarnate versions.
  20. I fought Scrapyard again with my Bane. I like where he's at a lot. I was, without daggers, able to get him to 1/3. I was able to hold the regen off and keep making a dent even with his new heal until my main pets recharge. But I was fulling spent by then and running low on energy. Overall dmg he does is good. He can two shot me if he gets a couple of good hits in a row. Health seems good too. I really like this one. I could probably still solo, but I think a lvl 30ish team could take him on and have fun with it. Will be hard with a low 20s team because of how many followers he has.
  21. With Widow getting powers to boost up some playstyles. I thought it would be cool if crab got something to boost tank playstyle. Something like Fate Seal where it's an auto that gave crabs attacks a taunt would be cool.
  22. This is the GM I normally beat up on in live with my MM and that heal is what's stopping my now. He also eats through my posse like they are nothing now. Which I think is a good thing. I also feel like I need to relearn pet placement on him too.
  23. This is true. If I die on my Bane it's normally because I stopped checking my defense and didn't see I got hit with a couple of -def. I do need to add this to my list of things to test on the server with my main. It might be worth working placate back into the build.
  24. I keep looking at these powers/stats on the character creation screen and I like the idea of how this set works as a sleep set. But getting pass basic sleep protection should be easy and I worry it will not. I also like how Stealth and Smoke Can work. I will test these at some point but messing with some of the other stuff 1st.
  25. Just making sure this isn't a bug, pistols sit a little off the leg. I'm going to assume it's nothing, and they just sit at the same spot on all outfit options. They sit well with most armor sets or if you are wearing a jacket. They only do this if you are in tighter leg options. Also added a photo of a bulkier outfit to show what I'm talking about. It's a little sad the crossbow does this but idk what you would do to fix it.
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