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  1. I came in to start a thread like this and was pleased to see I'm not the only one. Hetween having it in my ingame power list along with temps/etc, and in my character info section, the option to revoke either at Luna or START in the same way as the START/p2w powers would be much loved since they were acquired randomly while badging for time capsules. Thanks for reading
  2. confirmed this is still around, found this myself
  3. Would it be possible to add Technician Naylor's portal in Nerva Archipelago to the Shadow Shard Travel network without breaking his quests or anything else that points there? Would be a nice touch, imo. Cheers
  4. Minor dialogue glitch? I'm not sure if the last patch did this, but when I'm slinking around blueside zones now on my Rogue, any blueside contact I talk to informs me with some variety of dialogue that I should go see Bobcat for new jobs. I tested this alongside @General Stratos and they kept getting told to go see The Pilgrim. In both our cases we were told to go see a single specific contact. Look, if Bobcat wants my number she can have it, but I'm used to seeing "I don't trust you, maybe if you were more like me" type dialogue from these opposing contacts, so I suspect something is being misread or swapped bizarrely when it comes to reading what jobs are current for your character or who the active contact ought to be. Haven't checked if the reverse is true for a Bluesider touring through the Isles as a vigilante. cheers
  5. with all the changes regarding drawn weapon sets and new weapon models from page 4, this issue persists. You can either be a dual pistol user with one invisible gun, or a tactical arrow user with an invisible bow.
  6. Pretty good photos describing the other cases. I don't disagree with EI D, and I figured the placement was mainly to line up with the hand position of the draw, but nevertheless. As pictured it defies gravity rather intensely and I'd rather suffer something looking weird for .7 seconds rather than the entire time it's on my back XD Thanks in any case. Edit: Looks like it got adjusted a bit in this pass! Gracias!
  7. Hey there, I've noticed some of the new sheathed weapons sit pretty high. Whatever the choice around this, some are more egregious than others. I wanted to point out the Broadsword sets Longsword specifically. It's very much an improved version of the legacy/vanilla "sharpened 2x4" broadsword, but compared to both the legacy broadsword, broadsword, and barbarian sword, it is sitting WAY high when sheathed. Apex appears to wear his much more naturally, so I've attached a screenshot showing this dissonance to make my point. It may be my preference, but where it sits on Apex feels much more natural.
  8. I also encountered this bug and it appears to be specific to if I have a sheathed arachnos mace on my back. I play a Bane Spider with two builds - the first build is entirely rifle powers and the second is entirely mace powers. I was hoping to use a sheathed mace on all my costumes, however, when using the rifle with the sheathed mace, part of the gunfire effect from burst/heavy burst is displaced above and behind the character's head. Removing the sheathed mace fixes the issue, but prevents using the cool feature on my mace build. My workaround to date has been to have the bottom row of costumes with sheathed maces and the top row without, but this halves the amount of costumes I can create which is less desireable. there are a number of 'displaced muzzleflash' bugs throughout various sets and the like, including buildswapping producing a muzzleflash bug on arachnos soldiers that causes the gunfire to be about 5 feet to the right of them (usually fixed on zoning), but this one appears to be very specific to the sheathed mace and persists.
  9. You're a peach. I knew it was something like this! tyvm
  10. Hey gang. I can't figure out what's causing this - note the contact dialogue window is scaled down SUPER SMOLL. It's annoyingly hard to click such small interaction text and reading it when it's that tiny is manageable but feels unnecessary. I should note that whatever caused this appeared somewhat out of the blue, and only on one character! It is persistent to the character. I have tried - messing with graphic resolutions, switching to/from window mode, switching UI scaling to auto/manual, scaling the UI up/down (this works, but the contact window is always half size, so if I were to make it as big as the rest of my UI, my UI would fill the screen at mammoth size), and loading chat and window settings from defaults. None of this has solved the issue. It feels like there is a secret 'Contact UI' option and that the scale for such an option magically was set to 50%. I'd love to correct this, since this character is a 50 and I play them semi frequently. My other characters do not have this problem. Let me know if you have any ideas.
  11. I realize that, this feels like you've arrived backwards to my rationale of the sonic arrow. I don't want a sonic arrow, or any power which mimics the effects of another one because it is currently performing poorly and needs a buff that stretches the bounds of what similar powers do. Previously you've extended my logic well past the bounds of my intentions by suggesting my proposals in matching Trick Arrow/Entangling to Traps/Web Grenade would produce WoW-clone like effects where each powerset across the AT is functionally identical, despite Traps and TA having great thematic distinction even with their common elements. That's not what I'm proposing, but this change does bring us closer to that outcome with regards to this power specifically, and you are citing the reasons why right here, as I did earlier... Entangling is now like a 66% effective Sonic Siphon coupled with an immob. It's not a problem, but you do have a problem with it... I think? I see no contradiction in my desire that Trick Arrow should retain its mechanical kinship with other device powersets, either with respect to Entangling arrow or Acid arrow...any more than someone arguing that Fire powersets should retain DoTs across AT's or sets, or that Ice powersets should retain slow or -rech effects, or any other number of mechanical similarities which introduce interesting gameplay effects while reinforcing their thematic elements. I did not imagine those similarities or conflate them with each other - they are literally in the descriptions of powers and sets unified under a common theme. Fire. Ice. Psychic/Mental sets. Entangling arrows and web nades which hold people in place or acid arrows/mortars which sizzle through armor, Etc. The presence of those mechanics present in lesser or greater degrees is self evident. We also don't need to extend the logic I'm applying here to the point of absurdity, I'm not for homogenizing sets, and that if anything adding a nice chonky -res debuff into entangling is a move towards making it more like 'other' support sets. As you point out in your very next point, Trick Arrow and Traps are plenty distinct even with their commonalities... Correct, I don't want to go down this road and I agree with you that this is a desirable goal. This is not the position I'm taking. I just want off the ride. Bullets evidently can -resistance... but seems that effect only applies when your character does some cool twirl and then uh... forces the bullets out of the gun faster by punching forward 😛 Look, I take your points on theme being flexible, Nemesis Plots, etc and I don't think I'm as dogmatic about this as you charge me with, and I take your point that -res is more common than my initial assessment, given that I tend to play mostly device-based characters (where it is present more rarely). But within that framework, -res still is rather valuable, since as an example only one power in the pistols powerset produces it. In many of the examples you've previously cited of the presence of -res, it tends to be present within perhaps one power of the set which specifically emphasizes it (eg. Rib Cracker. eg, Piercing Bullets, eg. Rend Armor) as some kind of heavy or armor piercing attack, or else it presents more generally, as a global rider with sets that have this (sonic). Hence my opinion that it is considered to be a 'valuable' secondary effect, which I think people would agree with given its direct outcome on damage output. If Assault Rifle were to be considered for a buff, putting a comparable amount of -res into sniper rifle probably makes sense, thematically. Why this effect isn't in place already you allude to - the game has been shipped, sold, cancelled, and frankensteined back to life by hard working volunteers. To break this kick circle, and since you opened the can...is there an example of a frag grenade which doesn't cause knockback? I appreciate this offering, as someone I play with frequently has a psychic/telekinetic character that emphasizes telekinesis moreso than mental telepathy, so they play a Grav/Psionic dominator with the gravity powers flavored as manifestations of telekinetic force and recolour the effects to more closely match the general oscillating pink waves of the psi powers. But I am not quite talking about that, I think. I've attempted to demonstrate a pretty simple objection on the basis of internal consistency within the framework of similar powers, and in the process you have illustrated how power effects differ widely across sets and ATs when that's not exactly what I meant. I think that I have suggested there is room for improvement on this page 1 offering, nothing more. I certainly don't want to have my position twisted to the point that my understanding of the powers is imperfect beyond grasping, or that I've imagined the frameworks which these powers are clearly situated in, or that failing to use what's being offered is somehow a failing of my imagination. We can sidestep all that and I appreciate that you've tried to be fair along the way even as we veer into these territories. To be honest, I suspect that this entire exchange (while enlightening) has been something of a distraction for this thread and the work being done here. Moving a -res effect away from acid arrow and creating a new one in entangling is (imo) the wrong choice if consolidating powers is one of the principal goals. It's not the wrong choice if improving performance is the sole goal. There's a tension there. That the change produces an idiosyncratic effect with respect to other device-themed immobilizes can be overlooked as many have suggested, but like removing a nonfunctional -end effect in disrupting, would be pretty cool if it could be corrected (ie, that if the two net powers we have in the game end up resembling each other mechanically in some form at least, even as pale shadows beyond the AT divide). Personally, I would sincerely miss sizzling dudes with my armor-eating acid arrow (as I have already created the sort of 'personal storytelling' that this effect fits into, as you suggest), but I'll learn to live with it if that's the way the wheel is pulled, even as people tell me how much I'll love the new one. Probably they're right. ❤️
  12. Yes, I misspoke and mentioned Defenders specifically when I meant to refer to Trick Arrow users generally. You make your points well, but I stand by my position. There are themes within sets and there are themes across sets of related powers. Commonalities between device based powers is one such theme. The beta changes run counter to those themes, and it need not be so. Thanks for your responses
  13. Appreciate your responses Luminara. I'm not gonna ask someone to make a list of every single power that diverges from like powers in minor ways, but a good faith contribution to this line of reasoning would be finding one example of a power which diverges from its cousins in such a major way as the one we're talking about (entangling). This is not a slight modification to the power. Evidently, I don't think it's irrelevant, nor do I think you speak for all players, or even all the posters in this thread, when you say that train has left the station. You seized upon my example of electrified net arrow, which is the obvious comparison, so I'll work from that... Where is it standard operating procedure to entirely change either the type or scale of the power effect when reformatting a power across AT's or into a different-yet-alike role? Furthermore, -res is not a very common secondary effect anywhere, and with the exception of sonic, is more often considered a primary effect. Electrified net arrow has a blaster scale -rech, and the damage from the electrified portion to make it "blasty." Web grenade has -rech. Toxic web grenade has -rech, and toxic DoT to again, make it "blasty." At some point, a decision was made to improve blaster secondaries so that they had a bigger impact (a decision which probably didn't go far enough, which is why they're up for another round at the same time we're discussing this, in a manner which is comprehensive and ideally, somewhat uniform). At which point 'web grenade' became 'toxic web grenade.' That's an example of a necessary change. A change of this scope to Entangling is not necessary anymore than a change to any of these other powers would be. Without cataloguing an exhaustive list, -res is achieved through corroding armor, melting armor, fiery incarnate interfaces, various corrosive acids/poisons, armor piercing bullets, and the Sentinel inherent and Bane Spider surveillance, both of which touch on 'analyzing a target for weakness' in their own way. As of this change, you can also achieve this effect with a net, but only if you're a Defender, for reasons. Sonic based powers and armor piercing bullets are one of the few examples of powers which apply -res a secondary effect, which is why I offered "sonic arrow" as an example of a power that would make more sense under the proposed change. I didn't do this because I am advocating for a change to this power to be turned into sonic arrow, I am doing so to demonstrate why this is the wrong change for entangling arrow (to be clear, I am not suggesting we create a sonic arrow power). I have attempted to offer concession to this in the sense that the secondary effect could be changed from -rech to -def under the new power description's rationale. This would even let you slot an achilles for a low chance to accomplish what the power now promises every time you fire it. Yes, yes. My equivocation to /TA secondaries was an attempt to abstract that current TA performs more at the level of a corruptor or mastermind secondary, rather than a defender primary. I gotta save word count somewhere, y'know 😛 It's miles ahead alright. That's my objection. My proposal does put entangling back where it was before, an unfortunate choice for a tier 1 that Defenders are blessed to be able to skip, and that Corruptors/Controllers/Masterminds are thankful they have primaries to lean on until they unlock the power choices they presumably selected /TA for. You do make a good point here, which is that the power has no inherent value as a t1 immobilize, justifying the improvement of its secondary effect. Yes, it's hard to argue for the inherent value of a t1 single target immobilize. Yet, people roll blasters every day, and each of them is saddled with a power very similar to the power you describe. Many of them deal (trivial) damage besides. It seems that improving the secondary effect is the natural choice for the defender version, except the choice made in this case is the wrong one. Blasters take this choice in stride in their secondary, and as a Defender, you don't even have to do that. Sometimes a stinker is a blessing in disguise, because this is the space in my build that lets me consider the following, also very useful powers: hasten, maneuvers, assault, tactics, tough, weave, or selections from the medicine pool. There is value in having skippable powers, and not every situational power needs to have a grafted secondary effect out of line with itself, or if they do... then why should Trick Arrow be the golden child among device-themed t1 immobilizes? The choice for me now is whether to nix assault or tactics in order to take advantage of the -20% res, when as a Defender I shouldn't even have to make this choice. A power being only situationally useful is still useful situationally, and so it rightly finds itself in the unenviable position of t1. Many PvPers choose to pick it up anyway, because that's an example of an environment where that situation is useful. Evidently you and I do not pvp often, and pvp balance is perhaps a laughable aside, but one which was introduced by CP in this thread when he mentioned pvp content was a consideration for the sets performance. My point is: the power should be chosen on the basis of its primary effect, with consideration to its secondary effect. It's currently a power pretending to be another power, which players will pickup because its 'secondary' effect is actually an entirely different power. This goes farther than differentiation. Call it what you want, its effects would fit better in a different set. Everyone who uses a net or a webnade has a foot in the door for asking for -res (and maybe that's fine, but I doubt there is consensus on this except perhaps among Trick Arrow players worried about being robbed of this). It would be more honest I think to say that as a TA player I am glad that this power effect is being deemed worth including in addition to the -40% resistance already on offer, but it's still correct to point out that it's been shoehorned into the wrong power. You quite rightly point this out, and it's a rule that my previous posts allude to when I concede that I'm not interested in discussing complete set redesigns. You're also right to bring it up where one of my main 'beefs' is set verisimilitude, since that's essentially one of the qualities the cottage rule is designed to preserve. You say that CP is sticking to the rule, even when he's breaking it in the case of entangling and strongly bending it in acid arrow. You can rewrite a power description and change an effect, but when every other power in the game that mimics that effect operates by a different (and coherent) set of rules, you are only paying lip service to it. That doesn't mean Trick Arrow needs to be hidebound or consigned to mediocrity because it happened to draw many of its jack-of-all-trades effects from a specific list of dev choices fifteen years ago. I have outlined a way where the exact same changes currently being tested with approval by trick archers could be reassigned in such a way that the powers not only do what they do now, but they continue to do what they always have. I've faced more resistance to this from the community than I expected, I suspect because there is a fear this is some sort of teardown I'm doing in an effort to keep them from the buffs they badly need. That's... not my intention, or even an outcome of my suggestions. you obviously do understand the mechanics of the game very well, I didn't address your breakdown of the first 60 seconds vs. an AV because it's quite thorough and I have no real rebuttals there. What you demonstrate well is that even if the changes don't do a perfect job of power consolidation, they still do a decent job of consolidating powers by virtue of trick arrow users having more time in their rotation to breath, assess, and contribute DPS, as well as accomplish more with fewer applications of powers even when new effects have been created to replace powers consolidated. Okay, although I still think that speaks more to the primary design goal of improving performance. Power consolidation to me means exactly that - where power effects are located. There is some good work done to this effect (disrupting), but it has some surprisingly lopsided elements, which I have spent a lot of words examining and which I think could be improved further still with minimal revision. Resistance to these ideas seems to be more along the lines of some other, unstated goal, which I'm going to label something like power parity. That every power should be worth taking for its own sake purely on its own basis. I understand that power verisimilitude is subordinated to the stated design goals, and I've attempted to show that this has been unnecessary as a way to reintroduce it for consideration. But I don't know how to get through your notion that powers should be worth taking for their own sake when it's being conflated with the idea of improving performance. The unspoken 'goal' of power verisimilitude has been stated by you and others variously as irrelevant to the conversation, ie subordinate to the goal of improving performance and power consolidation, even as you explain the cottage rule which is itself an effort at maintaining power verisimilitude. If improving performance were the only goal, then devs could flatly increase the performance of numbers, or dissatisfied Trick Arrow players could roll any other well performing primary. The new mechanic appears to be a creative way to sidestep the poor performance of debuffs against high level/AV targets, in a way which counteracts their inbuilt immunity to these effects. In the process of building to that goal, verisimilitude has taken a hit while room has been made for this effect, which I believe is unecessary. As you point out, TA does have a theme, a theme which has inspired devoted loyalists despite its flaws, and a theme which deserves to be consistent across power changes. Verisimilitude supports that theme. I'm not suggesting these changes demolish it, but it does erode it in two cases, and in a way which is contrary even to one of the stated goals of the rework (power consolidation), in favour of power parity. I am not suggesting we abandon the efforts put in to date. I really do think this is a situation where we can have an arrow cake and get to eat it. But we do have to chose between perfect parity between powers, and verisimilitude. Honestly I prefer the latter. Thanks for reading
  14. Okay, let's reset. I agree, the powerset is better off with the changes, in case that was in doubt. I am not proposing power redesigns. New mechanics are being introduced to a 20 year old game. Powers are being reworked in an effort to boost their performance. In the process, icons have changed and the function of specific powers have changed entirely (perhaps in ways we are still coming to understand). It strikes me as ironic that proposals which incorporate these benefits while adhering to the original vision of a game rebranding itself Homecoming are considered to be too far afield for discussion. To address your criticism of my rationale, I didn't feel it was necessary to state my full repertoire when breaking down my power rotation against an AV because I believe most TA's probably do the same thing on the current live build - ensure that acid arrow and disrupting arrow are up immediately for full -res and that these conditions are refreshed and constant, and then work through their ancillary powers to provide additional, less impactful, heavily resisted benefits throughout the duration of the fight while contributing DPS as best as they're able. In the same way that a scrapper would make sure they are hitting with their two highest damage or highest DPA single target attacks as soon as they recycle, and then working their utility and lesser damaging attacks inbetween as needed. On the test build, my approach is much the same. You can point out that I'm choosing to reintroduce complexity into my rotation by adding in entangling, but you are just as conveniently sidestepping that the secondary effect added to the power is entirely out of line with others of the same sort and that any Defender or /TA user remotely concerned with being effective let alone optimal will be picking up this power and spamming it in their rotation against bosses+, even as power consolidation is a stated design goal of the revamp. I get that trick arrow is tricky to get right. Essentially it's a MM or Corr secondary support set being billed as a primary support, and rather than incorporating a theme across its powers it sort of forms a grab bag of effects from other sets like ice, earth, sonic, poison, rad/elec, etc. You can't just slap crazy magnitudes, durations etc on the set because it pIays with less synergy than something like Sonic for example, which is heavily devoted to one sort of debuff - these are all taken as givens by most players I think. That's one of the reasons making irresistable effects on the debuffs is quite clever, because while we may get a smattering of several different sorts of debuffs, those we do get are more likely to stick (which fits thematically while not smashing the math with the values ascribed to each one). To that end, I still think we should try to get it just right. Should we expect -20% res in Traps/web grenade, since it's also a t1 immob in a support set? Or -13% res in Blaster/Tac Arrow/electrified net arrow, the same secondary effect at blaster scale in virtually the same power/set at blaster schedule? The answer to both those questions is and probably should remain 'No,' but the dissonance this causes with Trick Arrow/entangling arrow is undeniable. The proposed change as it stands actually makes better sense as a different power entirely, despite this not being the place to propose complete redesigns (which I am not). It would fit better as something like Sonic Arrow, a 20% res debuff arrow patterned after Sonic/sonic siphon, which it more closely resembles. If that was done I doubt anyone would bat an eye at this power, except inevitably I'm sure someone would crawl out of the work wailing that they had their t1 single target immob taken away. And the reason it's annoying is because the effort was expended to do this while there is a perfectly good home for this effect elsewhere in the set, in a power that describes this effect exactly. Granted. But as with my exchange with Monos, I find myself being pinned to defend positions I am not interested in defending. I like the changes, but there are a lot. I am focusing my efforts on the ones I see as problematic, and that focus has since narrowed. Please don't take that as me being somehow ungrateful for the full scope of changes presented, or dismissive of the work being done by the team to get to this point, or the struggle of TA/ players who lived with their idiosyncratic bag of tools all this time and are on the cusp of standing in the light of recognition. I like what we have, I think it can be done better without scrapping what we have, I hope those ideas are given consideration. At some point a conversation moves from broad ideas where there is consensus to areas of specific complexity where there is disagreement. I reject the notion that 'we get what we get,' and am hopeful that if enough fans echo the sentiment, and are able to competently make their case, then they will be heard. I will take the temperature in the room though that I am perhaps past the point of beating a dead horse here, if indeed this is a distraction from uncovering the nuts and bolts of the revamp, and let you have the last word should you wish. Ultimately, the devs will decide what version of trick arrow sees play. Thanks for reading
  15. It seems I'm unable to offer feedback without attacking the entire idea or reverting back to the existing model, as you say. That's not what my posts have been in reference to, so if that's how you take it than sure, lambast me. I think there should be room to consider something that incorporates the changes being made while retaining consistency and familiarity, and it seems there is some consensus on this.
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