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TygerDarkstorm last won the day on May 20 2023

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About TygerDarkstorm

  • Birthday 01/17/1990

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  1. Can you please list me as TBD for right now? I'd like to join, but I haven't been able to look at my roster yet. And I feel like there's something happening that day, but can't figure out what it is, lol. I'll update you when I can.
  2. I'm pretty sure it's supposed to represent a mic drop
  3. I like the idea of rolling out 3 toons, so here's my other two rolled characters: 62 - Stalker 53 - Martial Arts 25 - Energy Aura 88 - Soldier 31 - Huntsman Well okay then... Slot machine really wants me to play melee when I usually play ranged/control characters lol
  4. I'm good to skip this week. Sorry you're feeling unwell @FrauleinMental. Get well soon!
  5. It's not an all controller/dominator thing though lol. You can see Frau signed up with a /Plant Blaster. But I do believe when we've done plant powers previously, it's also included Nature Affinity.
  6. ! Troo, thank you for bringing this back! I was just thinking about this challenge not too long ago and wondering if it had been brought back around. I was going to do a roll, but your dice roller link does not work. This site seems to work: https://rolladie.net/roll-a-d100-die This one even lets you do all 3 rolls at once. Roll 1: 72 - Tanker Roll 2: 42 - Ice Armor Roll 3: 89 - Super Strength Well, not the worst setup ever, even though I hate Super Strength lol. I will have to find time to roll this up and report back on it.
  7. Ah, I knew I was forgetting a good Sent primary! Yes, I feel like Storm Blast is best suited on a Sent given that Storm Blast really, really wants you to focus on it, and sents having an armor secondary allow Storm Blast to shine. I went /Elec on mine, but that one's also still a baby, so I can't fully comment on it.
  8. Triple Electric sents are supposed to be fun and effective--mine is still a baby, so I haven't gotten to try the full effectiveness yet. Fire/Rad is a solid and fun combo. There was a forum user who's not active anymore... @nihilii I think, who did some pretty crazy stuff with theirs. Weirdest thing I did with mine was "tank" a Posi 1 at level. So far though, my most fun sent is my unicorn sent: Psy/Fire. I paired Psy Blast with Fire Armor because Fire Armor has a toggle that gives your attacks a fire DoT which I figured would come in handy for when you encounter mobs with Psy resists. As a bonus, Psy gets a longer range than other sent primaries, and the sent ATOs also provide range bonuses, so when I'm done building her, she should have close to blaster range for her attacks. I also use combat TP to joust in and out of melee for the T9 and burn. I've also seen that Dual Pistols feels pretty good on a sent; I haven't tried that one yet. I also just think that there's some ATs that some of us won't really click with, and that's okay.
  9. I will be there on Faetalia - Plant/Fire Dom
  10. I'm so glad this isn't a shot for shot remake the way How to Train Your Dragon seems to be. This actually looks like it should be fun; I look forward to watching it with my daughter.
  11. I appreciate both your and @megaericzero's insights. 🙂 They're actually both solid ideas and I'm glad folks more creative than myself are around with these ideas. And ultimately, as I said in my post, more options is never a bad thing since that's what they'll always be: more options and not removing the original entirely.
  12. I honestly really hate the idea of taking away the visuals on armor sets that are meant to have strong visuals. Like, if you're choosing Bio/Stone/Ice/etc., then you're choosing an armor that has a distinctive appearance. "But I can't see my costume!" Then choose a different armor set; there are ones out there that don't affect costume visibility. What is the point of having these armors if you're just going to option them away so they don't present? Turn them off out of combat to see your costume; you shouldn't be staring that much at yourself in combat anyway. I know more options isn't a bad thing, it's just a personal gripe of mine. And I know that having the min option isn't taking away from my ability to play with the full effects. So despite my personal gripe, more options is a good thing for the folks who want this; y'all should be able to get your enjoyment too for something like this.
  13. I have a Storm/Fire Blaster, but I have kind of quit playing her so she's only like halfway leveled and part of that is that I'm just not sure how well I like the two sets together. Storm is a bit slow and clunky and wants you to focus on it, but I feel like the sets are carried by the Fire secondary. I can't decide if I want to continue it or not; if I do, I definitely need to refine it because right now it's got too many things going on. I hope you're enjoying it and getting it to work for you. 🙂
  14. I will be doing Capitan Mexico 🙂
  15. The windows key+shift+s will also open up the screenshot tool, just then need to paste the image into paint, or your post.
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