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The GrunTuk Empire

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  1. Looks like leviathan is back on the menu... (( Welcome back! ))
  2. (( Speaking as an EU player, only play on Everlasting. You will have players around the clock online. Just quieter during our mornings and afternoons ))
  3. @Michiyo you're a saint for everything you do for us. Thank you. I'll see about recreating my page under a profile I have full access to now.
  4. Hello citizens of Earth... It appears the unthinkable has happened...! The Empire has lost edit access to their propaganda page on the FBSA website. We will not have this and will destroy Earth if our access is not returned! Okay, joking aside: Has there been recent changes made to who can edit the FBSA pages? It appears, in our stupidity, we set up our initial page under one account but have made every single edit under another account name. Where permissions revoked? We, for the the life of us, cannot work out what email address was associated with the original account. Is there anyone who could reached out to recover details etc?
  5. All hail the Gru... ahem... All hail the Discord...! ... and the Grun'Tuk Empire!
  6. A message from GobbaSkar Khalgra. Sadly, those heroes who took part in spreading such propaganda will... hopefully... not be with us for much longer as we draw up KaSkar packs. (( We just want to say thank you to everyone who took part in the the mission arc over the weekend past. It was a lot of fun to review and take part in. A big shout out to the creator of the arc for putting so much time, effort and care into writing it all up.))
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  7. If we could move planets we would... why bring the fleets to Earth, when we can bring the Earth to the fleets... Though realistically it would potentially be catastrophic if we brought Earth to the home worlds... we might just succumb to some form of EARTH indoctrination... like K-Pop or Hoola-Hoops.
  8. It's time to say... goodnight moon...
  9. It seems Earth has a leviathan problem... fear not citizens, we shall do our utmost to scour the planet of such a problem when we are in control! A friendly PSA from the Grun'Tuk Empire
  10. We look forward to crushing your hopes and dreams... and providing you with new ones!
  11. We have faced this as well, many times. I might just stress as well, we could potentially fall into the realm of "One peoples world building bleeding into anothers." We try our utmost to not let this happen! For a brief context, our niche is "We are evil Empire space invaders who have conquered worlds... come to conquer Earth." Our RP will only ever bleed into someone elses if they choose and want to take part in it, which we are more than happy to accomodate. Its not for everyone but we enjoy what we do and try to keep to ourselves... until the planet is ours! Though it does present some funny scenarios to counter. People do enjoy telling us how we will fail and to be fair 99% of the time they are right. There are many flaws to our plan... its all part of the story. We completely understand its built to fail (OOC), but it is all about the journey! And we are so damned sure we will succeed that you cant tell us otherwise! However, we sometimes run into people who want to, for lack of a better term, utterly curbstomp our plans and objectives just to show off how powerful an individual they are. It becomes ridiculous. Like @Paragon Vanguard has mentioned, they want to be the most godly god of all... or godly poodle of all! The funniest (and in probably one of the more frustrating) scenarios we have faced was when one character basically said to us "Why even bother, I can counter everything you throw at us." Let me emphasis the "I" in that sentence. A lot of the time we get the "Why even bother question" and we are happy to answer... but this individual was really shooting down every answer we gave with the god like power they possesed. Their crowning comment was something along the lines of: To which we responded: We had not the time, nor Grun'Tuk Crayons, to draw up a list of ways that their plan would cause more havock to the planet than an evil space empire invading. If you are going to hit us with an absurd strategy we will retaliate in kind! With words of course. Thankfully these interactions are few and far between. They do stick out though when they come around.
  12. We agree, we believe there should better messages presented on Earth's billboards. We petitioned for one to be placed in Steel Canyon... even did the work ourselves to place it up... yet some hero tore it down... Just because we wish to conquer Earth does not mean vandalism is justified.
  13. As you all take pride in completing orbits of your birth star, we in the Grun'Tuk Empire felt we would partake in your ritual of congratulations and celebrations. A message from our Mighty Empire to those upon Earth.
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  14. We have heard your request... and we proudly proclaim that Earth shall become part of the Grun'Tuk Empire
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