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8 Ball

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Everything posted by 8 Ball

  1. You may be right, been a while since I've played anything other than Demon/Bots/Beast/zombie...though my Zombies were just a pain all around to level I found.
  2. Not an ideal secondary but my Beast/nature is my 2nd favorite MM (Demon/dark is 1st) went for a "forest spirit" theme lol. They're built for melee and can take a few hits..it's nice to have pets that don't crumble right away and can put out respectable damage. There's worse options in the MM primaries.
  3. Just gotta say...your setup is awesome
  4. It's cliche and overused but /Dark really is a strong secondary (my first villain 50 was a Bots/Dark mastermind) good heal, lots of nice target debuffs to help your pets, some nice control powers and even another pet at the end. I found /Poison good if your going up against a lot of single higher targets, not so good for large groups. Haven't played with /Rad yet though I imagine it's probably pretty strong.
  5. Virtue from day one to close, still miss it @8 Ball
  6. Agreed, even if this is all short lived it's been a blast going down memory lane.
  7. Why stop at $1 a month for server maintenance/upkeep. Why not bump it and start on a second or third server I'd be willing to fork over my 15 a month to keep this running. This. cost was never an issue, I just want my ability to play in this world again :)
  8. Thank you! I used those MM binds religiously back in the day and was hoping to find them again :)
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