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Everything posted by Jest

  1. I too would nominate Chili Bear. His presence on Everlasting is inescapable, and delightful. A true ambassador for the game and our community.
  2. Okay decided to move some stuff around. Not sure this is better. Maybe Power Up isn't worth chasing? I wasn't really sure if I liked running Tactics on top of all the other toggles, but as a Defender, it's still a good idea, yes?
  3. Oil Slick has been really confusing on how slot it. It doesn't really do procs very well, does it? My thought was to slot it for -res like Acid Arrow but I'm not so sure that's a good move? I do agree that slotting Bastion into Blazing Arrow makes a lot of sense. Thunderstike is nice but if OSA doesn't do procs well, Bastion seems a waste for a really nice proc.
  4. Taking a closer look at this - that's wonderful feedback. Agreed on freeing up the slots from Tactics. I had thought about igniting the Oil Slick with Apprentice Charm but that's good feedback about having another solid single target attack, plus the really good set bonuses from Thunderstrike. Appreciate it greatly.
  5. re: Disruption Arrow, yeah that’s less than ideal 😂 Thanks for the feedback, I’ll take a full look at your version when I’m not on my phone. :)
  6. Hi fellow Defenders! I'm coming to you with some questions/request for feedback as I'm getting my unexpectedly fun TA/A defender into the higher reaches. I'm a noob at level 50 play, only ever getting there once but I'd really like to give this character a push and see how she pans out. That being said, I've been reading a number of threads here on TA/ and TA/A and I'd like some feedback on what I've put together. I'm rather attached to my stealthy little fairy so I'd like to keep Concealment & Flight even if they're hardly optimal. What I don't know muchanything about is Incarnate/post-50 abilities. Is there somewhere that can give a good overview of how they work and what they add to a build? Is there any other feedback that folks have like "no Hasten, wtf noob"? Thanks ❤️
  7. Hi! I'm a long time player of COH - but a VERY casual one. I've been getting more into it and really trying to understand the max level goals for various builds. I like building for concept, but also I'm starting to get into building for specific goals like this one: trying to understand the basics of slotting for something like SR which has a pretty clear goal of getting high resists to shore up protection yes? With that said, I humbly present my stab at a SR/DB build for critique or any feedback:
  8. Thank you ❤️ Definitely going to give my Stone/Axe tanker a try at some point.
  9. Sorry for the thread necro here, just been scanning around trying to figure this out. I've never really played a Tanker before and I was looking at a Stone Armor tanker. What I can't figure out is, does Rooted still slow you down? And if so, is it best used toggling off and on, or just teleporting around? Granite, I get, but damn if it doesn't seem rough to have your mez protection with such a malus. Thanks <3
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