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  1. Zappalina using night gallery the Stone Mallet didn't turn out how I preferred but everything else did. ❤️ Stone Melee/ Invulnerability Tanker.
  2. Bayou Bele
  3. Willa Dark - WP/Dark Sentinel with fire mastery epic pool.
  4. No, not what I mean. For clarity - I mean actually playing the character not as gladiator I would choose in the existing way. Have you ever used the Secondary Mutation power and it turns you into a Rikti Monkee? same idea - player temporarily playing an in game existing character.
  5. Suggestion, I would like to see Arena PvP as an ability for a player to play an actual in game character these are examples: it could be a troll vs a troll or a troll vs a cot within the same level range as each other Statesman vs Recluse BaB vs. BS Kraken vs Devouring Earth Granite Rikti Mentalist vs. an Augur Cimeroran vs Vanguard Mynx vs BobCat Players get a limited amount of powers to use and any shields or resistances are innate potentially? Maybe people have to have characters unlocked by defeating so many (like the current system) or completing xyz trial or tf or story arc. or maybe not. As another example - we currently can turn into a rikti monkee and jump around for a bit, same principle - we turn into an in game chracter and jump around and bash each other a bit.
  6. I was on a character BBowB and made a 50 merits into one hero merit and then tried to send it to my global 2x and it wouldn't work. I did check it to make sure it was the correct name no spaces etc. it was saying it wasn't tradeable. I logged onto Victory made a character name with my same global name so I now have one on Excelsior (lvl 50 + veteran levels named Zappalina) and one on Victory (lvl 1 named Zappalina). Logged out of the level 1 and back into the same one trying to send the hero merit BBowB originally to my global @Zappalina. It was successful that time.
  7. Her hair is awesome wish we could do similar to it in game
  8. Kitty Goes Boom Boom
  9. 181 pages and it will auto download if you click it http://www.cityofheroes.ca/global/includes/pdf/CoH_Manual.pdf
  10. Name: Flying Fish of Fury (marine, water) homage to Lew Zealand of the Muppets Brute Battle Axe: Axe Me No Questions
  11. This is Moosilaukee - Named after a mountain; Seismic Corrupter. She has red white and blue themed outfit but I took liberty with wanting it to turn out stars and stripes themed.
  12. Those snowmen are adorable with their big owly faces 😍 so yes please 🤣 - As someone mentioned on a WL team, where are they getting those gigantic carrots tho?
  13. The temporal idea is good and it has vision, *creates a visual; good job describing it.
  14. You made a nice experience, the ice rink is fun, it's visually appealing my favorite things were the fire place downstairs (cozy looking) the elk head on the wall and the way the doors are hinged. Nice Job 🙂
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