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About Darkeshade

  • Birthday 06/19/1977

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  1. Yup, buddy was named Nyghtwing. MA/SR. Had it for 45 levels, got genericed with an email stating why (he forwarded me the email). He was able to rename and chose Nyghtbeast, still MA/SR but made more of a cat stylized nightwing character and all was right again with the world. Personal story of a character being genericed.
  2. While farming we're on Discord trying to figure out who this person is, or who that person is...it's so much fun, I can't thank you enough!
  3. Message Brigg! He's often online and a regular on the forums. That's his creation :)
  4. You make it sound as if this is by accident :o
  5. So many familiar names WOO HOO!!
  6. wood...I knew about 1 axis...didn't know the others :D FANTASTIC
  7. 1. So got loads of AE "parts" in the base, but none of it is functional. Anything I'm missing? 2. There's a right arrow and a down arrow, but no left or up. Can't spin the right left because it has a transparent back, and can't flip the down arrow. Any way to fix this/add these? Thanks much!
  8. All great suggestion! Yeah, a couple seem more a no brainer for brutes, such as Ion and Barrier. But with Lore and particularly Interface...much less cut and dry to me...and you're right, its more of a feel and see.
  9. So I never really got around to running the Incarnate mission "before" so it was a new experience for me this time around. I like many made a spines/fire to farm and make the monies. I finally got to experience the Incarnate power and man, it's pretty great. So I wanted some opinions from the experts and to discuss the powers and why one may be better then another...seems on many peoples posted builds there's some discussion. For example...some like Musc. as their Alpha while others want resilience or Agility or Cardiac. Some choose Core while others, Radial. Alpha, Judgement, Interface, Lore, Destiny and Hybrid. Where do you stand on the "best" for Brutes and why? Appreciate the suggestions!
  10. jim-everyone has access to villains, you just have to talk to Null the Gull in Pocket D, switch to a Villain for a few patron missions (choose Black Scorpion because he's easier) then unlock the patron powers. Talk to him again and become your heroic self again and respec into Mu. Once it's unlocked, it's forever.
  11. Thanks! Will be 42 on the 19th! lol
  12. It was just in character names from what I could tell. If it was deliberate, that would explain it....sucks, but understandable.
  13. I noticed today as a friend attempted to create a French Canadian character that alt codes did not work (ë, î,ú, ect.). Was this an oversight, or intentional? (I mean let's face it, that was sure fire way to not get random tells right?)
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