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Spaghetti Betty

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Posts posted by Spaghetti Betty

  1. Oh wow, I had given up on this getting responses! Thanks for the feedback, guys.


    I ended up starting my own. I gotta say, I'm really glad Fault ended up being really good throughout my entire experience with the character.


    @Hyperstrike, I'll probably end up using that build over the one I drafted up myself. I got to about 130% recharge before hasten but ended up sacrificing a lot of other bonuses in the process, so thanks.

    • Thanks 1
  2. Ok well I guess I'll throw an opinion this way


    What you like

        I think my answer to this is honestly the grind and the payoff. Then again, I distinctly remember the grind for the powers being way more arduous pre-shutdown. It made the strength you gain in return more valuable. Now I jumped ship right before i25 hit the live servers, so I don't know if the process was gradually more sped up or if that became the case during the lifetime of this server. I like that the Incarnate stuff makes you feel like a god. That's kind of the point. It's everywhere in the lore. Statesman was virtually unkillable (until some skinny dweeb got a new toy and plot'd him to death). It led to a lot of tension in the Freedom Phalanx as him potentially having a god complex was brought up many times. It's forgotten about nowadays, but doing the arc to unlock the Alpha made you feel like your decision to become an Incarnate was very heavy in the lore.


    What you don't like

       Nowadays, I think what I don't like is that the system was unfortunately unfinished. We got all of the strength but none of the content. The Incarnate stuff was never ever meant to be balanced for existing content. It was meant to be balanced for incoming content that never got made. Now, we're just all left as gods with nothing to conquer. I don't think making the grind easier was the answer to keeping the existing content engaging either. If anything, making the god stuff more achievable just made the levelling process feel more bottlenecked, even if it's not intentionally done. You can see this in new players coming into the game. They see all these crazy strong powers going off all at once in this PI radio team they joined because that's what they were told to do by others, and then they're convinced that is the true end goal, unknowing that those powers were designed for something that doesn't exist. I guess the point I'm trying to make is in our current version of the game, Incarnate powers have no place, but are so easily accessible that they became baked into core gameplay anyway. I would say this is the same case with IOs, but IOs do have a place and are strong in a different way.


    Balance of the sets

       I honestly feel like each type of Incarnate power does a great job in serving their respective purpose, and aside from some really stinky examples (BP Ravager, Barrier, Ion), are pretty much in line with what we were told to expect. I think it goes back to the payoff argument. How do you nerf Incarnate powers without making everyone frustrated? I'm gonna double down on making them harder to get. Just make it take little longer. Go back to only being able to get threads while doing Incarnate content. Sure, some people are going to experiment and try multiple T1's at once and it may make them take longer to fully T4 out, but I think that comes with making the decision to experiment in the first place. Vet levels giving crazy good incarnate rewards makes it go really fast as well. Personally, I can make an educated guess on what would fit my toon (either numerically or thematically) and spend one day doing steamroll ITFs and another day doing iTrials and be good to go.


    The crafting system

       I think it's fine. Sure, the UI is a little wonky, but you're not always looking at it. If any adjustments were to be made, I'd say let us convert shards into threads, and get rid of the cost for sidegrading components. Converting threads into merits is a pretty good idea, too.


    Where you'd like to see them go

       I think the biggest noise I'm gonna make about the future is please do not directly nerf the strength of the Incarnate powers. Don't add any new ones either (unless it's new Lore pets. I'm about that). I think the easiest way to make everyone happy is to make the bubble smaller. Being able to use Incarnate stuff at 45 is too good. It's crazy how much Shadow Shard TFs are trivialized by them. But in the same vein, that's not really the fault of the Shadow Shard TFs or the Incarnate powers. Also, being able to grind for Incarnate materials by doing Shadow Shard TFs is a hilarious thought. However, restricting Incarnate powers to only Incarnate content feels too heavy handed when there's barely any Incarnate content to begin with. Wouldn't restricting it to just 50 be a good middle ground? And then maybe down the line when the team feels confident enough, they can make more Incarnate content for Incarnates to do.

    • Like 3
  3. 7 minutes ago, Eva Destruction said:



    Thank you for clearing up my bad estimates on damage comparison, and the target cap thing. Measuring things up to Fire Blast is indeed unfair, but that's what I get for trying to use my brain before I had coffee for the day. Also, spinning the camera around Matrix-style buffs WAY more powers than you think. Eagles Claw comes to mind. Full Auto is more of a John Rambo shooting his big gun going "BAAAAAAAAH!!!" type of move to me.

  4. I'm on board with a lot of people here where Assault Rifle is at the top of my list of sets that need help. In fact, it was the first set I thought of when "emergency buffs" was in the topic. Seems like every power in Assault Rifle could use some buffage. Now, I'm no fountain of wisdom and game experience, but I have a wall of text I can contribute to possible changes.


    Burst, Slug, Sniper Rifle are all horribly weak ST powers for a blaster set. They're fine powers, just need a damage buff.


    Buckshot requires you to be in the danger zone for not a whole lot of payout, and is just generally skippable IMO. I would increase the range and damage a sizable chunk. To put it into perspective, Fire Ball is in the same tier as Buckshot. I'm not saying Buckshot should destroy, but it's current form leaves a lot to be desired.


    M30 Grenade, which should be a star player of the set, is more annoying than anything. Smashing/Lethal damage just hinder this power so hard. My crazy idea to fix that is to roll M30 Grenade and Ignite into one power that would now be known as Incendiary Grenade. TAoE that does Fire/Smashing on hit and leaves a burn patch under the primary target. No more KB. Buckshot could be buffed and fill the role of KB crowd control.


    Beanbag is worthless, and I don't know how to fix that.


    For Flamethrower I would probably increase range a tad and speed up the DoT, kind of like Incinerate.


    Assault Rifle is one of the only ranged sets without Aim. I would say just put Aim where Ignite was, based on my proposed changes, but in my head, Assault Rifle should be about action and blowing stuff up. Who needs to aim? Put Incendiary Rounds in that puppy and watch the sparks fly. It could work like Fiery Embrace where it just adds a tick of fire damage instead of giving you a damage bonus.


    Full Auto needs help all around the board. I don't think it needs a super wide cone as much as an increase in the target cap (is 20 asking for too much?), and more damage. This power encapsulates the "yeah, I'm a commando with a big gun and I'm gonna yell and shoot until everything stops moving" feel of the set. It should literally be the best power in the set. It's not. Also, you're shredding everything in front of you with all the ammo you have. Anything left standing should be severely weakened.


    Now, when I sat down write to this, I didn't expect to come up with radical changes, but if I had unlimited resources, this is how I would make the set more interesting. Number buffs are fine too 😁




    • Like 3
  5. Regen isn't bad, it's just SUPER ok. It'll get you by, but yes, other brutes are unfortunately going to have a way easier time tanking than you, especially if we're talking later into the game when everyone is starting to trick out their 50s and whatnot. That's not to say you can't tank or even tank well with some exceptional support, and you also have some utility to buffer out your low points as you said, but don't let yourself feel bad if every encounter doesn't go the way you plan it.


    But that's the nature of the set. You live on the edge, Your only way of mitigating damage is healing yourself, so with some smart usage of your click heals, jumping into a group could be no problem. Then you get hit by a dump truck and you're on the ground. It happens. You should be testing your limit to see just how immortal you can be with the usage of your green numbers.


    By the by, I have a /Regen that will attempt to tank if the team build calls for it, but if there's someone beefier present, I'll let them take point in a heartbeat.

  6. I've tried multiple times to try Stone Melee, but the downtime and end cost has always driven me away from the set. I had the idea to pair it with Regen and so far I'm liking it a lot. Very crunchy, and even at level 18 it takes a while before I have to stop and pop a blue. But I do have a couple of questions about the eventual lategame build. Not trying to be finicky; I don't exactly want a build thrown at me. I've been enjoying trying to figure out how to build characters on my own.


    Is it possible to get a main attack chain of Seismic Smash, Stone Mallet, Heavy Mallet as a /Regen?


    Is Fault still useful as a click in end game? I'm getting pretty good mileage out of it in progression, but I'm not gonna be real upset if I have to respec out of it since Tremor is a thing.


    How hard is it going to be to build slow/-rech resistance for this toon?

  7. 1. Yeah, it's gonna have hair


    2. You could do that with a couple of macros/binds, something like...


    /macro flyon "powexec_name Fly$$cc 2" and /macro flyoff "powexec_name Fly$$cc 3"


    And just have them in your power tray. You would click those to toggle fly instead of clicking Fly and it should achieve the desired effect, unless I'm wrong.

  8. I actually just came to the forums to ask about this. I'd like to add that it seems to be an issue with the Ninjutsu-style pools in general. I have an AR/Ninja blaster that shoots from his knees, and my BR/Invuln Sent is now cursed to always fire from his knees after I found out the Ninja epic pool has the same problem. Respeccing out of the pool didn't help either.

  9. As much as I love the set, I'd have to agree. It is a little weak, the notable exception being Crushing Uppercut. That move destroys. And as good as TAoEs are, Spinning Strike's radius is hella small.


    That's not to say the set severely underperforms. And some target shuffling in big mobs can still land you some nasty Spinning Strikes. The combo level system makes the set feel really interactive, and the way I have the most fun with the set is treat it like I'm trying to land a real combo instead of doing a standard MMO rotation.


    It ends up looking something like:

    Shin Breaker -> Initial Strike -> Rib Cracker -> Crushing Uppercut -> Shin Breaker -> Initial Strike -> Rib Cracker -> Spinning Strike


    Sure one could add some more global recharge (Cross Scar currently sits at like 80% before hasten iirc) to get the 1,2,3 Uppercut, but if I was looking for a min/max optimal rotation, I wouldn't pick Street Justice.

    As fun as the set is, I think the only changes I would ever want to see made to it is maybe a slight bump in damage, and possibly a slight increase to the radius of Spinning Strike. Honestly, I feel like Street Justice is one of those sets that's only maybe 2 or 3 buffs away from being OP.

  10. (talking specifically about Scrappers)

    Am I the only one that feels Regen in its current form, while not perfect, is definitely a fun powerset? I like that your whole gameplan is to mitigate red numbers with green numbers. In a buff heavy game like this, the gameplay stands out. It also has a lot of synergy with primary sets. You could just bring some of the numbers back up, and tweak a few things and it would do fine, especially in a world of set IOs. But If I had to make a couple of radical changes to the set, this is what I would do.


    Move Revive to level 20. Personally, level 35 feels extremely late to have access to this on a melee armor set with next to no real damage mitigation. I could realistically see it being placed at, I don't know, let's say 20. I feel like putting it there would be fantastic. That would give you a lot of freedom to choose it completely based on your gameplay experience. If you've learned where to place your Reconstruction and your Dull Pain during a fight, you might feel you don't need Revive. You can always take it later when the enemy difficulty ramps up in the 30s. Maybe you haven't quite synergized with the set just yet, and need a Get Out of Jail Free card to help you through to SOs and then IOs when the set really starts to shine. Of course, this means Resilience gets moved to 35, but now we can justifiably buff the move into usefulness since it will come later in the set.


    Resilience's usefulness to the set is extremely questionable. It can mule a resistance set, right? But it gives so little resistance it's not worth slotting for in the first place. Hey, at least you'll get out of stun faster after using an Awaken. We could take the 'Resilience' title and run with that. Maybe give it an absorb over time? Sure, you could just buff the resistance numbers, but absorb is like a heal on top of your heal. That sounds like regeneration to me, not actually reducing the incoming damage.


    Other than that I really don't know what else I would do. I like Regen.



  11. 44 minutes ago, GM Tahquitz said:

    It also speeds up your animation times due to your size: running appears faster than a tall avatar because you got to do more steps with those legs than they do for the same distance.

    Add Super Speed for extra hilarity.


    Anyone ever tried flying while using Titan Weapons? Had me in tears.

    • Haha 1
  12. This very much feels like a "sign o' the times" kind of issue. Cheese aside, this mission was tough. Red Caps used to hurt. All of Croatoa suffers from that. Remember when finishing a Katie meant hoping your team could actually make it through all 10 Mary fights?

    • Like 2
  13. 2 hours ago, Bill Z Bubba said:

    How about let the game decide the difficulty? It sees you're fully IOed out and T4ed it automatically throws in extra buff/debuffers to the enemy in question? It automatically adds EBs where they didn't exist before? Random AVs with missions suddenly set to Kill All?


    But if you've got nothing but TOs in your build and running at +0/x1 it adds nothing.

    I really really like this idea. It would probably just be easier to bake this sort of stuff into the difficulty adjuster though. Remember how the difficulties used to be named? Under "Invincible", they could add "Godlike". I like the dynamic difficulty scaling idea way better.


    @ClawsandEffect has a good point, though. If you remove the set IOs now, you'd have to scale back a lot of the newer content in return, and I don't think that's the answer.


    On a side note, I do like the ATOs for what it's worth. I like that they enhance your character in a way that is unique to the AT you are playing. I feel like if there was more stuff like that and less stuff that benefits every character across the board like Purple sets the ATs themselves wouldn't suffer as much of an identity loss. I hope I conveyed that the way I intended.

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