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Spaghetti Betty

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Everything posted by Spaghetti Betty

  1. /Plant is an incredibly strong secondary. While the melees aren't really anything to write home about, there are a ton of good powers. I'm pretty sure the only other secondary that has access to an AoE hold is Atomic, and Vines is much better IMO. You can proc bomb it into a pseudo nuke! Toxins is an incredible buff. It's like Fiery Embrace, but it has a tiny Build Up component as well. It's also hard to argue with a free -Regen debuff anchor on a Blaster!
  2. Max damage! All damage! Defense is for Sentinels! Blasters are here to destroy!
  3. I know it's just my mind playing tricks on me, but the punch animations feel slow to use. In other news, I have been playing mine off and on during my limited free time. I'm level 32! This thing is really trucking along now that I have most of my key powers.
  4. Good point! Stone, Axe, SS, Ice, MA, Staff, and even Claws with slotting can do this better with much higher damage output on all fronts. ❤️
  5. I am unfortunately an avid Kinetic Melee hater. It serves pretty well on Stalkers, but every other AT has to work insanely hard to get the same output as nearly any other Melee available. You will pretty much be doing the first 3 attacks over and over again, save for if you feel like adding Gloom and an epic hold for utility shenanigans. Focused Burst is fun. but is not optimal. Definitely do take it if you like it! I know I did. If you're intent on this, my ideal pairings would be Bio, Rad, or Elec. Pretty much anything that will allow you to have a nice amount of mitigation, while also adding something to your damage. Again, just if you're looking for something efficient. You should focus on what's fun for you at the end of the day. This was my best shot at making a fun /KM Tanker. Yes, I do play it. Tanker (Bio Armor - Kinetic Melee).mbd
  6. I have the perfect suggestion! Pull bigger mobs! Seriously! Once the Dominator has everything locked down, run ahead and pull more mobs to the skirmish! Attempt to overwhelm your team at every opportunity! Promote yourself from a Tanker to an Agent of Chaos!
  7. I reused this concept for another toon! MonsterMurderKill, Dark Armor/Stone Melee Tanker
  8. Wanted to throw an opinion on Taunt. With the way aggro is handled after the latest changes, Taunt is actually extremely useful to get overflow mobs closer to you, and once they are, your taunt aura will start randomly tagging them and spreading your Gauntlet past its target cap. Taunt is also an autohit pulling tool that will ensure your pulled mobs make it to your herd, as the taunt duration is a lot longer than a Gauntleted attack (and to my knowledge Gauntlet does not apply to pools or epics). Of course this is also provided there are no other sources of taunt coming from your team (Brute/Scrapper skirts, MM pets, Decoys, etc.). As another aside it is nearly mandatory for 4*. Some AVs seem to peel off pretty easily (Vandal, Dra'Gon), and there are times you want to Old School kite targets to reduce your damage while waiting for the next phase (Mish 3 Rom). Taunt is the best CC in the game, and the power itself is an invaluable tool that requires no more than a single power pick. There's a reason Scrappers only get Confront.
  9. Level 27! Now I can start slotting some real IOs! I may or may not show up to TT tonight. I have a lot on my plate today. I might have to make up for it by leading a pug or two this week!
  10. This is how I've been running mine. It's a bit legacy at this point as well, and has come concept stuff thrown in instead of what's optimal. Commander Crumpets - Tanker (Radiation Armor - Super Strength).mbd The good news is it still drives just as well as when I made it!
  11. I had some free time to do a little bit of soloing, and now I'm level 22! This is great because now I have proc'd Fault and Unleash potential! Pretty soon I won't need Plasmatic Tasers and Hand Grenades to clear mobs!
  12. Axe powers only deal KD (except for Swoop), so if you are experiencing this, it's because you're either fighting Clockwork, mobs that are weaker than you, or slotting for KB, which you shouldn't do! It is a very small chance. At 7 sec base recharge, procs don't have a great chance to fire in Rad Smash, but we need something! That's why Cross Punch is a good compliment to it. Cross Punch gives a small bump to your recharge on hit, and thanks to inflated Tanker AoEs, will have a great chance of firing FF proc in a mob. My hope is the build above can run Rad Siphon -> Cross Punch -> Rad Smash -> Ring of Fire with Char peppered in as a utility bomber. Building is a fun game of gives and takes! I usually have to compromise on a lot in order to hit my unreasonable expectation of high Slow RES! Typically, I usually end up losing out on tons of good set bonuses. My global RECH is usually a fake number, my toons never have a lot of Max HP (unless they are already kitted with it), and anything that isn't a Tank ends up being pretty frail. But that's how I like to play!
  13. I think if I were to run this combo with a focus on Granite, it would look something like this! Tanker (Stone Armor - Radiation Melee).mbd
  14. /Rad would not be my first choice for a Granite build. It might be a bit late now, but you could always consider pairing with something that has access to a lot of FF procs to mitigate the RECH debuff. Proc Rock (Stone/SS) and Flipping Granite (Stone/MA) are the most popular choices, while Axe has made a comeback after being the legacy classic for a long time.
  15. More satisfied customers! Thank you for choosing the Spaghetti Warehouse!
  16. You can ask my team how it went! I'm sure @ZemX has raving reviews!
  17. I have decided I will bring my baby Tank to Tanker Tuesday as well! I unfortunately did not have the time to do Frostfire, but I did at least get to level 10. That means ATOs are in place!
  18. I got to play a little last night! Currently sitting at level 7. I might be cheating just a bit! 🫎 Full amps and a couple of temp AoEs so I could get in range of the Hollows without trying to find a DFB at 3 am. Next session, I'll be leading Frostfire!
  19. You should pop over to Excel sometime! I don't volunteer to lead often!
  20. Toon created! If you see MonsterMurderKill leading stuff on Excelsior, that's me!
  21. You're braver than I am! I have been doing a lot of number crunching and I won't be unveiling anything until the project is finished. But I won't be PLing! I promise!
  22. I will take the unsolicited advice! Not sure how I missed slotting Apoc. As far as the slotting itself goes, I much prefer the chunkier hit from the proc Bombing. Cryo Ray and Ice Arrow together will obliterate a good chunk of HP on a problematic mob. I'm also not much of a pylon tester and this build is centered around salting the earth. Thanks!
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