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Everything posted by Diantane

  1. (So that is why so many players talk like this) There is so much of this game that I am learning. The first few weeks was spent figuring out which class and combination of power sets to play (must be over a thousand). Settled on a Claws/EA Scrapper. He's about 30 as of this evening's team session. After we did a huge map everyone left the game (well, two of us left). The next mission was also timed, so I logged until tomorrow. As always it was a fun evening. I will work into TF's and other events. Trying to learn about other game areas again. Was in Terra Volta for the first time in several years. It was an amazing zone!
  2. I had INF problems in the past as stated in It doesn't "pay" to play a support character . But the issues are still there if all you do is play the game (not sitting in at the Auction). For the last few weeks I've been running teams pretty extensively. Two days ago, the team went for 8.5 hours. Yesterday was 5.5. Starting a new team in a few minutes. The INF coming is getting better, but after last night's session I only brought in about a half million at levels 23 to 28. Spent that creating just 6 IO's @ L30. As I said before, the rewards are not all that great, but I'll keep at it as I have faith in all that everyone has taught me. Plus playing this game is a whole lot of FUN! Another thing, I don't use XP Boosters. Leveling quickly isn't nearly as fun as playing the game. On LOTRO I wore a device that stopped all incoming XP so I wouldn't level past the content in each area. I want to experience that game fully. I used to see some pretty amazing content in COH LIVE back in the day. Since I'm only 28, seeing that again will have to wait, but I'm in it to the end.
  3. Should a Defender train "Tough and Weave"? Just wondering if it would do any good or will outside DPS kill me anyway.
  4. I lot of good info Nemu and very interesting. Will take me a long while to learn/experience all this.
  5. The problem is getting to 50 with low level enhancements on my character. All I can afford is level 15 IO's in 32% of the slots (the rest are empty) on my security level 26.
  6. Maybe the developers nerfed being able to collect loot at the door and that hit non-damaging characters as well. If I get an equal share of the loot, then why did I only get 60k inf and 3 TO's after 7 hours of doing tons of missions with a group of 5-8 players? If they got the same, then all of those characters will go broke and stop playing the game because their character can't perform correctly. I've got about 30 characters with a maximum level of 26. Most of them have less than 3,000 influence. The highest has about 50,000. The game just doesn't give rewards very well anymore.
  7. If a tank is not concentrating on his job, part or all of the team could wipe. You name me any mmo where a tank can go off and kill stuff like a DPS without wiping the team. LOTRO, WOW, etc. A tank is a tank - period! (unless just solo leveling) The tank must keep other defenseless characters safe (blasters, PB, MM, defenders, controllers, etc. Plus melee that put most into their DPS (no defense)).
  8. When playing COH I've noticed holes in the Pickup Groups (PUG). Players keep losing their characters to the hospital or rez's when available. New Defenders that are playing their character like a weak blaster and not concentrating on their character's primary skill set. Tanks also do the same. Lots of attacks but can't "tank" very well. So I created a few "dedicated" characters. Like a tank that is built for defense only. One that can take the punishment of an alpha strike. Only had the weak, unslotted, unused first attack and the strong and slotted taunt skill. Also had tough, weave, combat jumping (7 defense toggles in all). This one was a Willpower tank. Also when I play defenders, It is focused on the primary skills (not the weak blaster). He is complete support to the team. Here's the problem. The way the mechanics of the game works (that I have noticed), is that you get little to no influence or loot unless you are causing DAMAGE! After playing my tank and running a team for seven hours straight, I end up with 60,000 influence and 3 TO's. How could I possibly enhance my character with this pitiful return? Most of my slots are empty and the rest have level 15 IO's (this at security level 26). This isn't going to work. My dedicated tank that everyone loved...... has failed. He won't be able to perform as he once did. To protect the team from almost all incoming damage. Now to help fix this problem I am starting to train offensive skills (the higher tier ones), but it will be a long road ahead because I can't enhance them very well. My skills won't have the correct level IO's until 35 or 40 should i decide to play him at all. It might be better to make a DPS character and die a thousand times due to the "holes" in the group.
  9. I read all of the posts. Some were very interesting and a few were pretty funny. I wasn't putting down PL'ing. I was just saying that I would be playing the game as it was designed to show players the content at hand. We ran missions for several hours today with a team of up to eight players. We all had a great time and everyone gained about five to seven levels. So they got to see their character level slowly and able to see any problems to fix along the way. It was a experience for all. My Tank went from 17 to 22 (started to get the SO's - man, are they expensive - lol)
  10. So many players want to get their character to max level VERY FAST (insta 50). They do this by "powerleveling" (PL) with 50's killing AV's and other high level missions. All they have to do is stand there and watch the XP fly in. I've tried this and it's dead boring. Then I deleted the character, because I have no good memories or great experiences of "actually playing that character". Plus once you get to 50 using the PL method all you have is an empty 50. What are you going to do, put millions into the enhancements and still don't know how to play them? That would be a waste of your time and resources. My enjoyment of City of Heroes or any other mmo is "playing the character all the way through". Fifty levels on COH isn't a lot so leveling is too fast already. Enjoy your character while you still can. Note: I'm currently leveling a dedicated tank on the Everlasting server. He reached 17 last night. If you ever wanted to play a Blaster, PB or Mastermind with little chance of taking damage (because I'm pulling it all to me), now's your chance. His name is "Tankalot", a BlueSide Hero and my global name is @Diantane. Will be playing all day today: Sunday, August 30th EST. Also play in the evenings and weekends. Hope to see you ingame! PS: We could use a dedicated defender empathy healer. They are fun to play, are always welcome in a group (and often asked to come back), but are very rare to see anymore. See you ingame! ~Diantane
  11. The icon and client doesn't show up. Any idea where they are? Never mind. I searched the desktop (looking for COH). Then I saw the Tequila Icon 🙂 Works fine now!
  12. Never mind -- I saw my mistake. Works now
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