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Everything posted by oddrobin

  1. New Toon To-Do List If you logged into City of Heroes for the first time, made your first ever character, materialized into the game, and had no idea what the crack was going on, I highly recommend reading these following guides before reading the New Toon To-Do List: The Complete Newcomer's Guide to City of Heroes: Starting Out with Your First Character orI Just Flew Into the City, and Boy Are My Arms Tired by Robotech_Master Simple guide for newcomers. Money making amongst other things. by Sovera Now you’re somewhat familiar with the game and your altitis is flaring up. You’ve created a fresh new toon and you’re staring up the steps at the gaggle of heroes surrounding Ms. Liberty (or Arbiter Richard if you’re nasty). What should you do first? Here are my suggestions: COSTUMES Talk to the trainer (e.g., Ms. Liberty) and choose “Customize Your Appearance.” Edit/Create six costumes for free before level 10. VISIT THE PAY2WIN VENDOR (P2W) Blue Side: She is a lady in a smart skirt suit standing in front of the moat on the west side of the Atlas statue platform. Atlas’s right side. There is also one in Pocket D. Red Side: Mercy Island, up on the platform near the “hospital.” There is also one in Pocket D. Gold Side: I know there’s one there. That is all. Free Options I like XP Boost Show me your wares > All > Temporary Powers > Buffs > Experience Boosters Choose your boost level, but know boosting XP downscales the amount of influence earned. Double XP = 0 influence Extra travel powers Show me your wares > All > Prestige Powers > Travel > Jump Pack Beast Run / Ninja Run / Athletic Run (choose one based on your vibe) Prestige Sprints (strictly cosmetic; cannot be revoked) Extra Attack Power Show me your wares > All > Prestige Powers > Attacks Ghost Slaying Axe Sands of Mu Nemesis Staff Blackwand Bonus Buff Power Show me your wares > All > Prestige Powers > Utility > Buff Powers (Can choose one): Inner Inspiration (gives you three big inspirations; long recharge) Mystic Fortune (lets you foretell other heroes’ fortunes) Secondary Mutation (grants a random buff, but there is a slight chance you become a rikti monkey) Temporary Buff Pet Show me your wares > All > Prestige Powers > Buffs: (Can choose one): Power Pet: +resistance and +damage Shield Pet: +defense and +recovery GAME OPTIONS Menu > Options General Tab Team Options Auto-accept level changes above by: set to 50 Auto-accept Sidekick level changes below by: set to 50 Keymapping Tab Movement > Auto-run Map this to Ctrl+R to prevent accidental auto running Windows Tab (these are my personal preferences) Reticle Personal Player Name: Always Show Chat Filter Profanity: Disable Powers Lock Tray Numbers (this can also be achieved by right-clicking a power tray) Window Buff Displays (Status, Group, Pet) Hide Auto Powers Icon Stacking: Numerical (three categories) OUROBOROS PORTAL Ask via either the local, general, broadcast, or help channel for an Ouro portal to be dropped near your location. A helpful player will usually oblige. Pocket D A delivery truck serving as a gateway to the hottest club in Paragon City and the Rogue Isles is located northeast of the Atlas Statue, parked in a nearby parking lot. Null the Gull: Null is a seagull on top of a truck towards the redside of the club Change Mystic Fortune option to “Always Accept” Disable travel power pop-up tray Null can instantly change your alignment P2W: There is also a P2W vendor in Pocket D standing near the entrance to the redside of the club Macro to enter a cosmic portal base Copy then paste the / line into the in-game chat area: Everlasting /macroimage Veteran_TeleportBase Base "enterbasefrompasscode Zone-8888" Excelsior /macroimage Teleportation_Loyalist Base "enterbasefrompasscode COSMICTRANSPORT-6608" Indomitable /macroimage "E_Icon_StreetCred" "Indo Hub" "enterbasefrompasscode hub-6968" Reunion /macro VV enterbasefrompasscode VV-4913 Torchbearer /macroimage Teleportation_Loyalist Base "enterbasefrompasscode TBTP-7677" Fig. 1. Labels of three locations in Atlas Park mentioned in this guide
  2. Thanks for responding! I'm not all that familiar with how the forums work. I made the site so there would be a place to upload documents to me. The forums never occurred to me for something like that. The line at the bottom now says "This contest is not affiliated with the official City of Heroes Team. It has been created, funded, and hosted entirely by the Excelsior super group 214 and NFTG." Thank you for the tips. I appreciate the help! Edit: Tonight I received a few million influence for prize money from another player, so I started a list of where the funding is coming from. Edit#2: Oh, yeah! Also, I can't post in the event forum. Where would a random player post an event like this in the forum? Using the forum might be the better option. I just really, really like making websites. But I'm flexible!
  3. Hello! I'm planning a contest and would like to know if I need permission from any of the official game people to run it. Is this a good place to ask for help with that? I think the part I'm feeling iffy about is if I can mention City of Heroes: Homecoming on my website and form. Here's what I have so far: The website: https://sites.google.com/view/cohbiocontest2022 The Form (which will be embedded into the website March 14): https://forms.app/form/621539e8976b950bb610add1?preview=true On the website, I explicitly state the contest is not affiliated with the official City of Heroes: Homecoming team. I reread the code of conduct and the user agreement, and I couldn't find any conflicts with what I want to do. If I don't get any official responses in a few days, I'll go ahead with the contest. If I am asked to stop the contest later I will. Thank you!
  4. Hey, Felicia! Wow, I really left this one hanging! I'm sorry I didn't see your reply sooner. I'm now in the idea stage of starting an SG that is not taxibot related, just badge tour related. If that interests you, I'll post something about it here when it's ready for others to join me!
  5. I started the Excelsior Taxi Service SG today. I'd like to host zone badge tours as our main activity. If enough people can help me, a taxi will be stationed at each badge in a zone. We'll port people from badge to badge. We can do a different zone each week, porting people for an hour. I'm thinking Taxi Tuesday has a nice ring to it. I will be able to host from 8pm - 9pm CST on Tuesday evenings. Perhaps other leaders could coordinate other times during the week: Metro Mondays, Where's-the-badge Wednesdays, Find-a-badge Fridays, etc. Lemme know if you want to join me! Taxibot 2 @Spider-Babe
  6. SG: Excelsior Taxi Service SG Officer: Taxibot 2 Global: @Spider-Babe Remember the Taxibots? I was one of them! I used to play as Taxibot 2 on the Virtue server back in the live days, and I loved our group of super helpful taxis. I'm hoping to resurrect the Taxibots on Excelsior with this super group. When enough people join me, on Taxi Tuesdays we'll be hosting zone badge tours. Let me know if you'd like to be a part of the Taxibot legacy!
  7. Yay! Glad to hear you're ready for taxi duty, Shaw!
  8. Heya! I'm a little late to the party, but I just created a taxibot on Excelsior server. Taxibot 2! I used to play as Taxibot 2 on the Virtue server back in the Live days. I don't remember much from the game back then, but I'm excited about making new memories on Homecoming.
  9. Umm...well, right after posting this, I was able to locate the racks by going below my base, looking up at it from below, zooming out really far, and then selecting the missing racks via the "Current Room" list. One had sunk below the floor, and the other was across the base stuck in a rock.
  10. Hello! I am hoping someone can help me retrieve some storage racks I've lost in my base. I can select the two I've lost in the "Current Room" list, but, when selected, I can't find them. They both contain salvage so I can't delete them. This happened because I had forgotten to enable clipping when I tried to move one, and it went...somewhere. Then, a few days later, I moved another one to see if maybe the one I lost was inside it, and that other rack disappeared. Ack! Is there anyway to find these racks without dismantling my base? Thank you!
  11. That toggle option does nothing for me too. I feel the same way about all those pet names floating around. They're ugly and unnecessary. But, oh well, I guess.
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