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Everything posted by oddrobin

  1. Uh oh...I broke my sg "secret entrance" - When I try to use it to leave the base, an error message says it has no destinations, and when I enter the base from a zone, I am outside the base (falling if I'm not in fly mode). I've tried entering the base with a few different characters...logged out completely, logged back in, still broken. 😬 Can this be fixed?
  2. There isn't any advantage. For me, it's an aesthetic issue. I don't like standing still in the ninja run pose, and I really like the flips Ninja Run does when moving forward and in reverse. And endurance. I have a terrible time remembering to turn it off in missions until I'm wondering where all my endurance went. I can't wait to play around with these commands. I'd love to have a less glitchy way of doing something like what my initial try does. Thanks for the tips!
  3. I was looking for a bind that might already be out there for a way to toggle on/off the Ninja Run power with the W key. I am good at research, and I had no luck. I am proud of myself for figuring it out on my own after piecing together bits from my searches and doing some trial and error. Here's the bind: /bind w "+forward$$+$$powexec_toggleon Ninja Run$$powexec_toggleoff Ninja Run" If you also want this effect when going backward with the S key, here is the bind: /bind s "+backward$$+$$powexec_toggleon Ninja Run$$powexec_toggleoff Ninja Run" If you want to have this happening when strafing, these are the binds (the Q and E keys are what I use. I think the default strafe keys are A and D -- check your keymapping first to be sure): /bind q "+left$$+$$powexec_toggleon Ninja Run$$powexec_toggleoff Ninja Run" /bind e "+right$$+$$powexec_toggleon Ninja Run$$powexec_toggleoff Ninja Run" Glitches: Overall, I'm happy with these binds. Very happy. There are some inconsistent glitches I don't know can be fixed. If two movement keys with these binds are pressed at the same time (I like to press W and a strafe direction together), then Ninja run stays toggled on when a bound movement key is released, and pressing a movement key toggles it off. This is an inconsistent glitch. To prevent this, I recommend not to bind the strafe keys nor the turning keys. When pressing bound movement keys quickly and often (as I do in missions), sometimes the binds get confused and the opposite effect of what is supposed to happen, happens. Sometimes the Ninja Run looks like Athletic Run. I've also noticed it happens sometimes right after zoning. If Ninja Run was already toggled on before pressing any of these bound keys, then these binds do not affect the power at all. Once Ninja Run is manually toggled off, then these binds will affect it. And if you ever want to reset these keys back to normal, here is one way: (after using one of the following commands, you may need to reset the action previously attached to those keys in options > keymapping) /unbind w /unbind s /unbind q /unbind e
  4. Let us know what your thoughts are. I'm always up for more tweaking! Thanks for the tip on how to boost enhancements in Mids. I've also never boosted an enhancement in game. I gave it a goog and learned there is salvage called, of all things, Enhancement Boosters. What?!? I've always been a late bloomer. Now I know that applies to my virtual life, too. 😂
  5. Holy $#!%. You did such a great job of laying it all out, I 100% grasped everything you said here. Oh. My. Gosh. Well, this opens a whole new realm of possibilities for me--not only for this particular build, but for any toon I play. Mind! Blown! Thank you!
  6. Oh my gosh, I am just now noticing your build here. It's amazing. I've never boosted an enhancement. I'll have to learn about that. Thanks for taking the time to make this example for me. You've been a great guide on this journey!
  7. Here is my latest and greatest version so far. Overall, I am very happy with what I did here. I think the key to getting the build to this point was learning about the Set Bonus Finder window! 🤯 Also, I had to update my version of Mids. I chucked Dual Pistols and kept Pistols because Pistols cast time is shorter (I really don't know if that was wise--thoughts?). In place of DP, I picked Empty Clips because I've been liking it on the DP/SR I've been playing with. I moved slots around like a street hustler playing find the pea. I don't exactly know what frankenslotting means, but, I suspect this may be a prime example of it. Compared to my first attempt, here's what we've got: We've got all positional defense types soft-capped for regular stuff (my first version also has that, but it's important so I'm mentioning it). We've got a travel power. We've got... more resistance. more regeneration. more end recovery (and more end use, but the difference is .23 greater so I'm considering it a win). more movement speed. more haste. more ToHit. more accuracy. MORE DAMAGE! more status resistance. It's got some expensive pieces in there, but it seems regularly expensive rather than exorbitantly expensive. It doesn't have all the fun proc surprises, and I'm still worried about endurance. It's obviously not perfect, but I learned so much about the mechanics of building that I'll be able to apply it to future builds and maybe even help someone else out for a change. Thank you for all the help and for hanging in there with me. Skibo: Level 50 Natural Sentinel Primary Power Set: Dual Pistols Secondary Power Set: Ninjitsu This Hero build was built using Mids Reborn 3.4.7 https://github.com/LoadedCamel/MidsReborn Click this DataLink to open the build! | Copy & Paste this data into Mids Reborn : Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1673;744;1488;HEX;| |78DA6594DB4E13511486FFE94C414B0B144A3956A4282DB41D2889269EA28948021| |44479806694B10C346DD32989BE86177AA551E3F10DBCF7163C5C9908C653BC544C| |D42817A6AECE9A0D9B324DDB6FEFF5AFBDFF597BCDCC5E9FF0AFAF65CE41693E9F3| |76C3BBB60162A56C1CC37CE1995D5B291075DDE8515EB4AB191A84F84B3978D42CE| |5CD427568D7C76DEB22BC5BCDDBD139C30AF9905DBD4E7ACC2B255B157E19F2F16F| |37AC6344A562117700693566E89D4399F335A2899E6628B502D9A657BC92AF55C28| |5957F5DD558DF24A76D6B02B66F946179919A4EFFB18FD280ADCABEA05921E20ADC| |18394009D41C3A880318606A419A6E2B565B0B38C067428AEA489C107BF8000831F| |3E86E9B8EC81B215B4D230A6A11941016D0CAD0831B4393B10CC50B62A657B55FCA| |3FF484DB2CD10C2A4EA6843986208639A218D19D531F1912AE18554092F521C0963| |98A10BBA8011861E240424193ED1328D929B6A86EC1DDC2D4E95060938D2CF246D9| |26BDF8435CD89F4615DC04B86437825E0B580370C616AAC80B4A31210B51F15B59A| |250F2DB2A44578384C1F07BE9099A064460BE29E90DC6518C01D01F7053C60F0908| |776291BED58E14894221D90B6EE105B0F0A0892A45376D7E91CBF230931A824E996| |CFB81BE35CEF23F823E09780DF0C43F82B609B618EEAD02B9BE9151E86288D7B9B7| |68A483B7922A2CF62F8A9BAB0C5F0956AD62FB74C3FCEF246319CE007631827059C| |12709A610467182E92ABA8DCFE518415A76F93E8624839058AD48E745475CF36CD7| |089B28F4AF74403F79EDAE956E2727FC5F1506CFD48C06386249E30A4F154C03386| |0F749709B9331238A6BA495186148E7B5C186718C373F794C9842ED9F3E878C7121| |D1B42BBC9D046DA31A9101419E05596879DF78B77E7A9EAD3205F5567B25A4546DB| |FB22A26F032F3EAFC9018A289CF1CDB72F23C59B7EDF1F897364AB2E4238C095388| |069EE961F75123271DBE34A6E7ADC07EB16C38B91BD35AABEADBD44E4898DFA89CD| |FA89FF6F8FCA68| |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
  8. Heh, I have embraced it. The DP/SR is up to L30-something. Pretty cool so far!
  9. All three of the builds you made are impressive and superior to what I've been able to do. My latest attempt is pretty good, though still quite amateur in comparison. Creating these builds was very generous of your time and I really appreciate it. Thank you for sharing them. I'm still working on my latest version and I'll see it through, but I'll probably use your build in the end.
  10. Yes. I 100% agree, and it really exposes how little I understand what the heck I'm doing when it comes to builds. Thank you for bringing the DPA to my attention. I'll try to incorporate the data from those numbers to improve this chaotic mess I've concocted.
  11. Taking all the great feedback and tips into consideration, I'm still tweaking away. I am really scratching my head on why the damage percentage on my current version is so much lower than my first try. My first try says it is getting 95.5% of it's 195.5% damage from enhancements. My current version is only getting 20% damage from enhancements. I can't find any glaring discrepancies, though. Maybe I just have my views set differently or something? Here's my current version build:
  12. These are really great points. Thank you! I'm still playing around with the build. I didn't realize there would be such a learning curve, but it's turning into a fun puzzle I am going to solve.
  13. You explained it very well here! Thank you. I am still working on it and I think it's going to be great!
  14. oooOOOOooooohhhhh!!!!!!! This is a whole new way to see things, and it makes sense I would want to know what the stats are without the temporary buffs on. Back to tinkering. Thank you for pointing this out to me in such a wonderfully clear way!
  15. The tweaks I made after taking the feedback @StrikerFox gave me into consideration gave me these results: The good: Resistance is increased Regeneration is increased Max HP is increased End Recovery is increased Haste is increased ToHit is increased Status resistance is increased The not good: End Use is slightly increased Accuracy is less: 48% to 39% Defense is negligibly less Melee: 102.22% down to 101.53% Ranged: 96.47% down to 93.56% AoE: 97.72% down to 93.56% What should be done to increase accuracy? Thanks!
  16. Thanks for the feedback! I think I meant to redo the standard IOs in those slots, but I got tired and forgot about them. I'm always up for more tinkering!
  17. Hearing a lot of good things about Sentinels lately got me itching to build one. I did some research and landed on Dual Pistols for my primary. I love the animations for it, but it always felt lackluster when I tried it as a blaster. My research assures me DP plays better as a Sentinel. Then I waffled between Super Reflexes and Ninjutsu secondaries. In my heart I knew Ninjitsu was the look and feel I wanted, but 95% of everything I have been reading recommended SR over Nin. I am not experienced creating builds from scratch, so I found some posted builds to mashup and tweak into what I think is a solid DP/Nin Sentinel. Here are my starting builds: • DP/SR by SmalltalkJava: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/30151-dual-pistals-super-reflexes-sentinal-build/#comment-403811 • Water/Nin by EndOla: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/21316-waterninj-soft-cap-and-procs-build-advice/#comment-244629 I'm not a numbers person, but the bars look good to me. I'm just starting this character, so I don't yet know if it plays well in practice. I'm still considering if I'd rather have a travel power than Victory Rush. I'm totally open to suggestions! Thanks for taking a look.
  18. I rolled a staff/ice stalker in January 2021 and fell in love from the get go. She can dish it and she can take it. The stuff I soloed with her on the journey to 50 was delightfully surprising. The action is swift, the orange numbers don't stop, and the buffs are righteous. She is my favorite melee character so far (and I have rolled a lot of 'em!). Spreading the love!
  19. Any of these poll suggestions would be highly welcome and appreciated. Thank you for putting them forth!
  20. It's been over 2 years, but this happened to me today, claiming character items from a super pack. Is there a fix yet?
  21. Is the calendar the schedule?
  22. Thank you for your patience, everyone! The winners of the All-Server Bio Writing Contest have been chosen! The winning entries may be read online at https://tinyurl.com/biocontest-we If you are on this list, I have emailed you in game to let you know, send your prize money, and ask for a character image. We're sorry not everyone could win. We enjoyed reading all the entries, and we very much appreciate how brave it is to share one's writing with others. Thank you for trusting us with your work. Keep writing!
  23. Submitting one is great! I'm glad you got it in! I'll be announcing the winners Friday sometime.
  24. I plan to let people know this Friday. We are still reading entries. I'm really looking forward to announcing the winners!
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