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Everything posted by Yerg

  1. Working now! Thanks!
  2. Hi all! I have been away a few months and today I tried to launch tequila and got a Manifest download error. So I went to install Homecoming Launcher from the link in the install thread and I get a page error. Kinda at a standstill here. 😞 Any help would be appreciated. 👍
  3. Elec with capped S/L and Nrg resists, and Psi, cold and fire in the 80's, Neg 70's and Toxic at 50... and positional defenses all up there (especially with Incarnate help, melee over 40), late game Psi damage and end drain being a joke to elec, draining mobs and keeping them drained of end so they can only hit like grandma, a fast recharging heal (that is rarely needed) and basically no holes at all..... Elec is as near Godmode as you can get. After spending some inf and building your Incarnate powers up.
  4. In reality though, with set bonuses and Incarnates, from my own experience, I put Electric Number one. Once it has high defenses to all positional damage and is capped for Energy and S/L and nearly capped to all except Negative (70 or so) and Toxic (50ish), Electric barely gets scratched with most content. The heal is barely needed. Add to that that all the end drain and Psi damage you see in the late game that doesn't even phase electric, and you have a Tank with no real holes and is nearly unkillable. I almost said Is unkillable... but you may occasionally see the floor like any Tank does, once in a blue moon. \ Oh, and how hard do mobs hit with their endurance floored and kept there? Not very. lol That is my story and I am sticking to it. And yes, without IO's and Incarnates, Elec is mid range. And playing it to 50 can be a challenge at times compared to say Bio. But later, it's crazy godmode like! Power Surge is laughable, because the tank is already at higher numbers, with no crash after 3 minutes. 😉
  5. Excellent advice Ma'am! 😉
  6. Nearly always crash with graphics slider change or zoning a lot now too! Always sending memory dump, hopefully something gets worked out?
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