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Voltak last won the day on October 29 2021

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  1. Sure, and I know this. I am not saying he was giving a bad suggestion at all. I don't want anyone to misinterpret. But it would sure be so nice to have a -resist there instead for the actual dmg we end up doing, especially in team settings. WE got doms doing - defe, doing - to hit, doing -recharge, and slows, and -regen... This set would be nice with - resists .
  2. I request giving it a good -resist power, and not -defense.
  3. I have been busy with other things and have been unable to post much but today I took some time and before I posted I read and read. But this right here, up to this point, is what I would like the developers to address and make changes before it goes live. Build 3 version of sleep 'nade, please. I do request to increase the base acc. I can't see this hurting a single bit if we increase the base accuracy. Most won't be using targeting drone because many won't be using the assault set. So I hope that's not the concern.
  4. Videos are not misleading. No one said every video is this character soloing everything in every video. The claim I made at the title OF ONE SINGLE VIDEO, AMONG ALL OF THEM says that the character can "...even solo Rikti at 54x8, no insps" I have done it. In addition to that, I did provide a video where I was with a friend (a blaster) and we duo'd the map, first mission of the LG TF. He went one way. I went another way. Certain few times we ended up in same spot. But make no mistake, I can confidently say I have done it alone and so has he as well. It's a great map for xp. He introduced me to that map. You saying "THE videos are misleading", that's not true. There is a build for farming (non fire maps) , fire farming, that's a different build, power choices, IOs, all different. This post was made before Page 5.
  5. I like Soul Mastery for Power Boost and for Dark embrace; Dark embrace provides resistance to neg energy and that is all over the ITF. Soul Mastery also has soul drain for some builds. For another build you could try Power Mastery epic , but that's for some other content. Good thing is you can have 3 builds in one character. HO is Hamidon Origin enhancement (Cyto)
  6. What do you mean after recent changes ? Are you prevented from taking the following ? Level 38: Fulcrum Shift -- Acc-I(A)Level 41: Afterburner -- LucoftheG-Def/Rchg+(A). ( EVASIVE MANEUVERS now ) Level 44: Dark Embrace -- UnbGrd-Rchg/ResDam(A), UnbGrd-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(46), UnbGrd-ResDam(46), UnbGrd-ResDam/EndRdx(48)Level 47: Power Boost -- RechRdx-I(A)Level 49: Tactics -- HO:Cyto(A) This is all in the build posted. If you are going for another Epic poo, then sure, power mastery, then PBU , then tactics
  7. This belongs to a total different post. Would be great if you post your questions there
  8. I was talking about this on discord with some friends before you even posted this My sentiments -- Volcanic gas , if they are in the area of effect, they going to be held, no ifs or buts, if time goes on, its looking like it is 100% Canister, no such thing. Why? Well, the chance is a far cry from 100% In addition, volcanic gas is aided by Earth having an ST hold to stack Canister - no ST confuse to help stack them up. So, I don't know if I am wrong but it looks like Arsenal is destined to be a jack of different things. Not really what I was hoping for but, hey, that's just me. I am not saying it is horrible set, but there is room for much wanted improvement.
  9. I also feel your concerns are 100% valid
  10. Dominator and controller holds, stuns, confuses and fears are mag 3 but... Dominators get an additional 3 mag with domination up, even on stuff like Seeds. Two doms is fine However, like @Frosticus said earlier, canister works different than seeds. Canister would need to wait on a successful reapplication. That's not something I am a fan of at all.
  11. BINGO, smoke canister without question will be worse. But we done HM runs on ITF 4 stars , and if we run one dom, we running at least one other, so, 2-3 doms at once. The mag 10 is not felt because we end up breaking it enough to a degree that matters to move on to next objective. Enough mitigation there to proceed. But, again, canister is in a serious disadvantage, and ESPECIALLy if you wan to wait for the chance of a successful reapplication, time is a precious element in hard mode and waiting for this is drawback.
  12. The chance is what I don't like. I would prefer to be as the other confuse powers. The domination in other powers affects it immediately so the additional mag is right there at the very moment, not on a 25% chance later. It would be much better if it was like Mass Confusion or Seeds, and we just adjust the recharge time as necessary to balance it out. The base acc is a problem for me as well, no doubt.
  13. The confuse in Arsenal control is weak. I don't like it. It could be better. The text is not what it seems in practice. You see, if I run dominators in 4 star, there will usually be another dom there. That mag 10 is easily overcome. Controllers is different, of course. Done more 4 star content than I can count. That 10 mag protection in the text which wants to communicate that it is for everything, that's off a bit in practice for me because it's easy to overcome it with Dominators. Controllers rely on that critical chance to nail a control that will overpower. Still, the confuse not being affected by Domination in arsenal control is a let down for me.
  14. You sure about this ? ALL enemies ? Minions, LTs, Bosses ? All content of hard mode, no exceptions ?
  15. This is the same thing I feel about this. For example, I can't see Ice control without Ice Slick. I will add that the Stun, give it a standard dmg amount (similar to the awesome stun in Dark Control) You can also add a standard dmg amount to the AoE Hold (make it decent) Give the ST hold a good chunk of dmg, I won't complain if this ends up the highest ST hold dmg power among all control sets. This should add some spice to the set.
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