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Existential Adam

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Everything posted by Existential Adam

  1. Mids is broken. Whether it is incorrect power numbers or simply refusing to open, it is very frustrating. I can't get it to open properly utilizing the few recommendations I've seen here. Deleting it from roaming data and reinstalling does not fix it. I don't have malwarebytes. Has everyone else given up to, or is there a fix I'm missing?
  2. Corrosive Vial is a defense debuff power that takes accuracy enhancements and should be allowed to take Accurate Defense Debuff sets. If there is a legitimate reason why it does not, please let me know. Disregard, I see in game it does not take accuracy enhancements. My version of Mids inaccurately shows it does.
  3. Great! Put farming aside. SS/Fire, Rad/Fire, Energy/Fire brutes have some of the fastest solo completion times on ITF with the hardest settings WITHOUT dying.
  4. A big thumbs down to your suggestion for three primary reasons: 1) Leading off with nerf tanks or do what I say. Really hard to take the rest seriously. 2) As is, brutes allegedly have the best farming builds. Buff them further? 3) Before any more changes are made to melee sets, the tier 9 armors need to be made playable instead of death sentences.
  5. Appreciate the quick replies. I'll be more specific. In the "hidden" details portion, it talks about lowering the critical hit scale for a great many powers. Some of these it specifies as pvp and others it does not.
  6. Am I reading the notes wrong, or is this patch lowering scrapper/stalker critical hit damage considerably?
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