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  1. Looks like fun. I just started a soldier and I'm loving the guy.
  2. I recently started a storm/storm corrupter, so thank you to everyone for the input. Since I generally solo, I have to say the pure chaos this guy brings to a fight is nothing short of glorious. Now I'm thinking Hurricane will be a yes, just because of the repel. Happy hunting folks!
  3. I should add that I'm mainly soloing with him.
  4. I'm running an electric/electric dominator and looking for a good fit for the epic power pool. I'm currently leaning towards energy, but I'm not totally sold on it either.
  5. What do people think about putting procs on Enflame from sorcery? My thought is to cast Phantasm and then drop Enflame on him.
  6. This helps. Perhaps some advice on maneuvering your troops and/or a recap on useful hotkeys? I would definitely look forward to a "How to get through the 20s-50s guide.
  7. Pets were fixed in Page 4 of CoX Homecoming Sorry, saw this and started picturing the various minions in the cone of shame. I am far too easily amused. Great guide.
  8. I started on Live about 1 year before it shut down. My first dominator was an electric/electric, I liked the look of the power sets more than anything else. Then I found out about dropping static fields before closing for melee. Not an honorable fight, but FUN.
  9. Is it worth chasing Adrenal Booster from Experimentation for additional recharge?
  10. I'm really liking elec/elec. Honestly for the look of the powers, but tossing the static field and wading in to melee is a blast. Plant/plant is also fun. Just started an elec/rad, getting a good feeling about him.
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