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About Milrop

  • Birthday 11/29/1961

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  1. You could do the Mayhem/Safeguard exploration badges. The Mayhem one is needed for the villain side accolade.
  2. We had an amazing turnout. We had to form 2 leagues. There were spiders all over. When we were able to combine into a single league, we went into MAG and got the Ready to Rumble badge (with about a minute and a half to spare). I'd like to see an all-spider The Really Hard Way attempt. Thanks all for coming.
  3. Don't have a spider/widow? Wear a costume.
  4. Phantom has his too. I am having a lot of fun in there. I especially loved the time we were able to get our level shift to 10. The mino went down fast.
  5. 1000 Gladiator defeats! Whew! Many thanks to all on Indom who have helped.
  6. Don't forget the Numbskulls! If you have a Skull character, the Numbskulls is perfect for you. It is red-side focused. We show up at MSRs, itrials, and Hami. We try to get together for the WST as well. Go. Hunt. Be Skulls.
  7. We can make this one. I can bring Mesocyclone - Storm/Ice blaster. Cece wants to bring Celestiala - Empath/Dark defender.
  8. For tomorrow's RV badges, Cece would like to bring Celestiala - her Emp/Dark defender. If I am able to get one (granddaughter will be here), I would like to bring Milrop - elec/elec blaster.
  9. For the 3rd, Cece wants to bring Celestiala - Emp/?? Defender
  10. Cece wants to bring Princess Cecilia - elec/elec blaster. I should be able to make it too. I can bring Fireman Joey - fire/fire blaster.
  11. On Indom, we made an all-Skulls supergroup. We all have mains in other supergroups. This is one made for fun. We have been doing the red side WSTs together. We also show up with almost a full group to our MSR events. A nice touch is all of us having the Skull mini pet too. We should soon be running supergroup itrials. I would love to see a Skull Celebration Day. The Anniversary event was fun in that it had different ambushes. Ambushes could just be Skulls on this day. Maybe add some Skull items to the SG base building options. People could get a temporary costume to look like a Skull character. I am hoping other suggestions come from this too. Veles may have control of Kings Row, but the Numbskulls are taking over elsewhere. Go. Hunt. Be Skulls.
  12. Cece wants to bring Princess Cecilia - elec/elec blaster. I may try to bring Milrop - also elec/elec blaster, but may be swimming with our granddaughter.
  13. It probably will be more common as people learn, but we did successfully take out that minotaur in The Labyrinth of Fog. Many thanks to Glacier Peak for his help in finding the motes too. Great job all.
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