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Shocktacular last won the day on October 18 2020

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  1. Okay, the fourth arc is up! Project Oppenheimer, pt. 1 (Arc ID# 66727) Project Oppenheimer, pt. 2 (Arc ID# 66728) Please let me know what you think!
  2. I have a fourth arc in the works. It's going to be a two-parter. Stay tuned for more!
  3. Well yeah, he's a teen, so he's rebelling against his dad by being good. 😛
  4. I'm still getting the "404 - not found" error. Is this on my end or is it still down?
  5. As an astronomy teacher, I approve. 😄❤️
  6. Okay, I think I've got something for you: I kept the face, hair, and bow. I went with a short-sleeved jacket as a sort-of remnant from the "sweet girl" days (since it looks a bit like a t-shirt) and put a bit of blue in there to match her hair and make the costume more interesting. I used the Arctic pattern on the gloves, pants, and boots because of her ice powers. I tried to mostly use blacks, greys, and dark colors, but since her hair stands out, I felt okay making her chest detail stand out a bit. Anyway, I hope you like it! The costume file is attached. IceArcher.costume
  7. Why not both?
  8. I've been teaming with a nightly group who are all currently doing Marine characters. I've made an elec/marine corruptor who's pretty fun. One of my friends has a beast/marine MM that he absolutely loves. I've also started a fire/marine controller because I've seen them mentioned in various places, but she's still a lowbie for now.
  9. Do the mini-kheld pet recipes only drop from bosses or can you get them from EBs/AVs too?
  10. Wow, 2 hours in and we're already 2/3 of the way there! You have my contribution. Keep the good stuff coming! 🙂
  11. I saw a bit of discussion in the Beta feedback forums, but I thought I'd make something that more people are likely to see. Now that Marine Affinity is out, what are you guys pairing it with? What ATs are you using it on? Are there any pairings that are especially synergistic or anti-synergistic? What do you think of the set overall?
  12. This. So, SO much this. I'd also like some sort of "desolate area" like in the crash path of the Rikti ship where there's some city wreckage and bits of things but it's mostly barren (maybe have some hills or something to keep it from being "too boring"?).
  13. I'd say whichever AT you feel like you survive best with. Some of that depends on playstyle, but armored ATs probably have an advantage here. Brute and Sentinel would be my top picks, personally. (Also, shameless plug for the Praetorian AE arcs in my sig goes here)
  14. I know that they used to be mutually exclusive, but I thought that was changed a few months ago. I'm not completely sure, though. I also took Group Invisibility instead of Superior Invisibility for this reason initially. I remember considering re-working my build after the adjustment, but I just didn't have room for SI without getting rid of GI and I wanted to keep GI to help protect my Phantasm.
  15. 1. Like others have said, build for recharge. Also, remember that only 5 copies of a given bonus value apply, so if you're trying to get that sixth "10% recharge reduction" bonus by slotting lots of purple sets, don't bother; it won't do anything. The first 5 will, though, and you can have more recharge bonuses of other values that will still apply (ex. you can have 5 "10% recharge reduction" bonuses and up to 5 "7.5% recharge reduction" bonuses and all of them will apply). 2. I went with psi because it fit with my character and I like having Indomitable Will for mez protection. With all the +rech in my build, it only has a second or two of downtime anyway. 3. What zork said. Stat boosters are always good. 4. This is obviously just my opinion but... Don't skip Spectral Terror. It's your primary means of group control with Illusion (since Flash has such a long recharge) and it's got some -tohit that will stack with the -tohit from Dark. You can also put some damage procs from fear IO sets into it if you want so that it does actual damage. 5. The "Chance for Build up" proc from the purple pet set Soulbound Allegiance WILL WORK if you put it in Phantom Army, and it's great. Also, get a Knockback to Knockdown IO for Phantasm (if you're taking it) so that it doesn't knock enemies out of your Tar Patch. (As an aside: I ended up taking Phantasm because the buffs & heals in /Dark + Group Invis + Maneuvers is usually enough to keep him alive most of the time even on high-level content). 6. Just be aware that ill/dark can be VERY clicky and fast-paced in combat since you have a number of things that will need to be re-applied frequently (mostly PA and Fade, but also Tar Patch, Spectral Terror, and Soul Absorption if you need the +regen/+recov). There are also quite a few summons and location AoE powers, so being able to quickly and accurately target the area where you want them to appear is important. Also, I'm not sure about the compatibility and stacking of Shadow Fall and Superior Invisibility. Does anyone here know how that works, exactly? And how does Group Invisibility figure into things?
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