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  1. Happens with the snipe power (power set to crystal, debris is rock).
  2. GM_Bot is a god amongst Bots.
  3. It might be my browser, but, I can no longer filter my searches (like limiting it to the forum and post titles) since this morning's maintenance. I see hints of the drop down, but they are behind the forum banner.
  4. Your character name: Plasmax Your global handle: @Psy-Kid Your Supergroup name: Paragon Guardians The shard you’re on: Everlasting The passcode for entering the Supergroup base: GUARDP-14279 The character names or global handles of any Supergroup members that contributed to building the base (up to a maximum of five, including yourself if you contributed): Just Plasmax (or rather a basebuilding alt, but Plasmax works). There are 4 teleport points in the main area when you zone in. Mushroom Mound just to the north of the building, one in the flaming skull north of the building through the woods, the Roman gate to the south of the building, and one inside the building (door on the north wall as you walk in). Recommend visscale 5. Before the "blink" a hero of Paragon City, Plasmis, assembled some of the members of the Midnighters Club, sacrificed herself so they could use her power to salvage just a little bit of Paragon City. A chunk of the land was transported to another dimension, along with some rubble as well as some people. A statue of Plasmis still stands, still radiating power and protecting the small piece of Paragon that was saved. Her son, Plasmax is now the base's protector and has formed a super group to carry on his mother's ideals. Also, since he is in his early 20's, he figured out how to get a night club up and running there...
  5. The pyramid is above the base. The “walls” are Roman cliffs. Basically, I put the largest room I could fit in the massive base complex, filled it in, moved the base entrance on top. (Hit F3 to build up there)
  6. I created a Pyramid for my SG Young Gods on Everlasting Basecode is YOUNGGODS-5822 Still working on it, most of the actual base is still empty, only A, B, G, and Z teleport points are currently working , with G and Z to actual rooms in the base. (A is the return point in the pyrimid, B goes to the original enterence room) Above base is mainly done and the bulk of the base.
  7. You can also get to Ouro by going to Echo Galaxy City. There is a portal beacon for it. When I went there and went to the train to see where it went, it had various other echo locations as well as an option to go to Ouro.
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