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The next great server war will be over who gets to keep SilverAgeFan The Animated Staff enemy would make a lovely addition to the Staff Fighting weapon options
While not HC's work (and I think Naomi has talked about this elsewhere), there *ARE* select bits of armor on NPCs that feature logos, such as emblems. I *believe* these are more specific species in the code, as in, if they were "ported" to players directly they'd just be Syndicate flavored, since these items don't "read" a logo so much as these items come pre-printed with the branding. It's not saying "WE CAN DOOO THIS WHY ARENT YOU ARRGHHHH" it's more like "Hey here's a neat thing related to the topic"
Things not answered in this FAQ: Does this mean HC content if officially canon? Does HC now have the power to drag Matt Mercer kicking and screaming into the VA booth to deliver cheesy one-liners as Statesman (Tyrant edition)? Will this impact the development of SEAGULL MODE Will we finally be able to horb in-game without legal repercussions?
So, I've been messing around with Meteor, off rock blast. It's not the best nuke in the world, but it enables style, and I for one find style to be the best stat in the game. One stylish thing you can do with it, thanks to the nuke coming down well after you cast it, is you can teleport to the spot it will land. One of the fun (and stylish) things you can do is use Spring Attack from the super jump pool to drop down on the spot the meteor is crashing down on, and you'll usually arrive at roughly the same time if you do them back to back. But the theoretical style train doesnt stop there. Upthrust is a rock blast power where you punch the ground, like a cool guy (or a defeated one) and send a traveling quake of rock to your target where it will erupt in a great big rock. This power *also* doesnt do damage on cast, but only once the projectile has reached its destination. A blaster has access to Burst of Speed, which is also a stylish power, that teleports you to a spot in range with a cool lil punch. Then, you've got Combat Teleport and Dragon's Tail, or Eagle's Claw, or maybe even BRAWL A Rock/Ma blaster could combine these moves together for a very cool string of attacks, to create the illusion of a seemless flow. Which, is kinda what I'm trying to do. Ideally with a graphic so I can slap them in my powertray so i can just press the numbers in order, and leave my keyboard for even more stylish things like /bind k e flip and /bind l e tantrum... Now, my question here is how do I go about doing this? Can I even do this, with most of them being location powers? Like, can a rolling keybind power "roll" into another location power? Can I combine the distance parameters for location powers like "Back 50" and still roll it? For clarity, here's the "combos": Meteor (Target) > Spring Attack (Target) [Rolling 1] Dragon's Tail > Burst of Speed (Target) [Rolling 2] Combat Teleport (Back 50) > Upthrust [Rolling 3] Encase > Stalagmite [Rolling 4] Combat Teleport (Target) > Eagle's Claw [Rolling 5] Ki Push > Tombstone [Rolling 6] Burst of Speed (Target) > Combat Teleport (Back Max) [Rolling 7] Rock Shards > Burst of Speed (Target) [Rolling 8] Seismic Force > Hasten [Rolling 9] If this is possible, I havent any idea how to do it. Please halp. But it would be super fucking stylish, like, holy shit you have no idea.
What Happened To The Puking Guy In Pocket D?
Redletter replied to Acroyear's topic in General Discussion
So true. An innocent NPC, a *legacy* NPC! A ****STAPLE**** to this *great* game was *unceremoniously* *EXECUTED* over... what? Players being *UNABLE* to locate their navigation keys and walk a whole 15ft away him? Or, worse still the ***COWARD DEVS*** sheer, uncompromising *DUMBOCITY* that they couldn't just like... mute him? This is, without a doubt, the greatest tragedy to befall this community since the last greatest tragedy to befall this community. I know, I know... it's hard. But I for one will NOT give into despair! I will FIGHT! I propose a compromise! RETURN VOMIT GUY TO POCKET D, HIS DEATH IS MEANINGLESS AND UNNECESSARY, AS WE ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL KNOW AND AGREE GENUINELY WITH ALL OUR HEARTS IN EXCHANGE put him out at the gas station in the void -
Redletter started following Discussion (OOC)
What Happened To The Puking Guy In Pocket D?
Redletter replied to Acroyear's topic in General Discussion
A lot of talk about the "pleasantness of RP at the red side bar" To which I reply: WHAT rp at the redside bar? Literally all the villains come over to the blue side bar, with or without barf guy there. HE DIED FOR NOTHING! He doesn't even show up at Paragon Dance Party, the ACTUAL dive bar... -
The solution is simple. Make the macro a *rolling* macro, so on press it feeds to the minions, and on release, it feeds to you! Two EoEs eaten in ONE easy key press. This consumes DOUBLE the EoEs than necessary!
As a proud member of the Magical Girl Supremacy™️ movement I'm curious about the other end of the spectrum. With the Gemknights and Spidercouts and other such SGs running arond sporting the sailor fuku, are there SGs running Power Ranger inspired toons and stories? Im sure there must be, I've seen at least a dozen (fantastix) toku-inspired characters and have made a few designs myself (mostly as excersizes in learning how to get creative with the character creation system), but I've never seen any proper SGs themed along those lines myself.
When one persons RP and world building intrudes on everything
Redletter replied to DrunkFlux's topic in Roleplaying
I always wonder about where people get their ideas for these characters and what fun there is in solving an issue as simply as saying "it's solved". For instance; let's say you're super god man omega the beginning of the end of beginings the enderer -- your powers is all of them. You're hanging out in pocket d next to your weak cuck little brother DJ Zero and overhear through your multiversal cosmic divine eye that there's a person across the bar (probably a qt gril) about how their call to adventure being the tragic death of their sister to the fearsome bee lord, and how that event has given them a bee-phobia but now, they have feelings for a bee person and they don't know how to reconcile their paralyzing fear and their budding romantic feelings for their bee friend. So you teleport over, tell them who you are and what you do, then use your super mega time god of the ending begining of begining alpha detla supremo powers to reach through all timelines and realities and consolodate them in a single momentous moment where you undo their beephobia. Like. Ok. Cool. Now theyre not scared of bees and can be with their beeloved. Now what do we do? That's ultimately my problem with god-modding ultra toons. It's not the scale of their power or their willingness to use it. It's that after they're done, there's nothing to do. You don't extend the scene, nor do you really add to your own lore. Like, ok, so youre the ubermench who saves entire realities and now you can say you deleted a person's phobia of bees -- is that really impressive? When you go on to ruin your next scene, is that something you can really brag about? My favorite thing to do in these situations is just negate them with Null the Gull. Null lets out a lil cosmic toot and their attempts to "fix" my character are foiled -- for all their awesome might they're powerless in the face of Null's errant flatulence. Sign my petition for Seagull Mode today -
The smart answer is Tanker -- tanker's lacking biggerest orange numbers is isnt such a big deal when they just dont ever die. Like, a bio tanker "built right" is functionally unkillable by just about anything that hasnt been specifically designed by the devs (past and present) to say "aha, yes, I see your big numbers and I choose to piss on them", and when you ARE functionally unkillable, not hitting for 80-150~ damage (depending on what class you're compared to) isn't such a big deal. Like, the goal is to kill things before they kill you regardless of the AT you choose. If one of those ATs can't really die, they are the ultimate winner. However, I would argue the *fun* answer is Scrapper, because while you arent even close to unkillable, you get *BIG* orange numbers from your red flavored buffs being the biggest and you being able to crit everything you swing at. For what it's worth, Strom has done testing comparing the attack sets across Scrappers, Brutes, and Tankers. Here's that thread... But to spare you some reading, *BRUTES* are the ones who get the fastest clear times of the three sets even accounting for Scrapper Crits. Now, of course, milage may vary. But, if you're a TW/Bio brute you'll have a much easier time keeping your fury up than a willpower brute will which will see you with a higher dps than what strom was getting (on top of your other abilities to pump your damage over what his build is capable of). Ill say this much. I played TW on a tanker and on a scrapper. I did not have fun on my Bio/TW tanker, but i had a lot of fun on my TW/Bio scrapper -- and according to Strom's math, Brute sees better functional returns from TW than the other two classes who get it. Really though, you should play a TW Stalker, but we're not ready as a society for that yet...
I see we've got similar ideas. It's ya boi, Joking. Currently in his "Illusion Control for Dominators Means Another Grind to 50 for Me" arc.
So, I had a similar struggle some time ago. I came up with a few solutions. Option A: Speedster as Melee A Melee AT "speedster" is a tanker, or a brute. Brute's "rage" mechanics support it (the "faster" you attack, the "more" you attack, the more damage builds up) but, tanker's numbers are hard to ignore, but scrappers exist as well and there's something to be said about being scrappy, and the idea of crits being a way to symbolize like, a single super speed hit going REALLY hard is nice. I however suggest tanker, simply due to the *BEST* speedsters on a super team are the ones who use their super speed to help the team -- tankers help a team more widely than a scrapper does typically. For me, this character was a Super Reflexes/Dark toon, but I've had ideas for a Dark/EA brute as well. Now, I chose Dark intitally since it was the *ONLY* at in the game with a rapid punch move, similar to flurry and Sands of Mu in Shadow Maul. Super Reflexes is *THE* super speed armor set, so, it fit naturally to choose that as well. With Dark, you put a malus on your opponent's to-hit, so it makes your defense pay out even more, you basically get to add the value of the -to hit to your defense values, and of course you can bump that up with enhancements. Now, the thing here is that to TRULY simulate super speed, you want to be moving. Tankers are typyfied as "walls" because it's easier to hold aggro when you're not moving around. But, if you have the team and build for it, there's nothing to stop a tanker from rounding up more than one mob group and keeping their aggro, especially if you're using Taunt liberally (which can get a Perfect Zinger in it to make it a damage tool). The way I would do this is with Speed of Sound's sub ability Jaunt. Speed of Sound and Super Speed are the "speedster" pools. You're going to be in Super Speed anyhow, because on top of Shadow Maul you'll be taking Flurry. You may also want to have Sands of Mu from the Pay2Win vendor, though I'm not sure if that's viable at higher levels, given it's unenhancible. Regardless, with Shadow Maul and flurry you have two "rapid punch" moves to use in your chain, Taunt makes 3, and whatever power you took at level 1 makes 4 and that's liable to keep you going until you can restart your chain (assuming you're loaded up on gamblers which you absolutely should be). A benefit of Super Reflexes is that you can also slot Gift of the Ancients into all of its powers, which has a non-unique +Defense/Movement Speed enhancement. So, you could slot that a times as well for a substantial base movement speed buff that doesnt suppress in combat. You can move very fast, and you move even faster with your travel power, and you can occasionally move *SO* fast you instantly teleport to where you want to go. The Dark/EA brute is basically the same idea, but with a few differences. I like this one on *PAPER* due to how it's a lot easier to make it more visually connected - dark has a very specific tinting style and it's hard to work with unless you build around it. EA is very good, and it offers more VFX to play with to make Dark's VFX not look so spontaneous. It also has a few powers that compliment Dark's *OTHER* powers very well for if you want to broaden your concept of what and how a speedster does what they do -- for me I linked the concept of "Speed" to entropy for thematic reasons, my melee speedster isnt fast because they're fast, they're fast because they accelerate the effects of enropy around them and can syphon that for themselves (allowing me MORE tools from Dark and EA that fit the concept) but, they havent gotten out of level 9 yet so I don't know how good this may actually *PLAY*. Option B: Speedster as Ranged Now, obviously, our main man Synapse is a speedster, and he's a blaster. He shoots lightning at people. That's neat, and you can do that too -- I did and with Blaster's constant positioning, being a toon who is running around, teleporting around, diving into melee and out of melee, is as dynamic as it is potent. You could basically be running quadruple build up and going absolutely nuts with an elec/elec blaster, running around and zapping people. It's a good build, it's a good character, and it satisfies the desire for speedster play that's hard to find -- especially since you're made of paper until you're IO'd out of your mind with set bonuses that make up for your lack of personal defenses. Trust me, I've done it, it's a lot of fun. However. I didn't do that first. At first, my journey to make a speedster began with unsatisfying melees and I didnt just wanna be *ANOTHER* Synapse. That led me to the *IDEA* of *SPEED* in-game. Kinetics is the fast path to fast. This is Acceleron. He's my Kinetics/Sonic defender. As I said before, I think a speedster is at their best when they're helping the team in ways that a "Superman" or a "Batman". So I made a speedster who's super speed is something he can share with others. My goal with him was to *LITERALLY* speed up the game, Kinetics gives damage buffs, recharge speed buffs, refreshes stamina while Sonic gives a -res effect to help all those damage buffs go further as well as some soft CC abilities. Prior to the Sonic Blast changes, he could shave a LOT of time off a TF and for me that was like, the ultimate "get" from a speedster. He literally made things go more quickly, fights, heroes, gameplay. That's my two parsecs. For what it's worth, SR on a tanker can reach the cap on defense with very little effort, to the point where the hard coded *MINIMUM* chance to hit (5%~) is their *ONLY* chance to hit. Which is entertaining in itself. I do think some aspects of Super Speed as a power could use some tuneing. If instead of a jump boost it gave a *damage* boost, that would start at like, a passive 3% and then scale up as you ran (combat or no) to something like 10%? Or like, added a scaling chance to knock down based on the same measurement system for the jump boost? Something to give the sense that your SPEED is having IMPACT.
I made a thing (it's bad but fun and by bad I mean it's weird but i like it) Some notes: I chose Intuition Radial, Support Radial, Clarion Radial, and Gravitic Core Flawless on this for incarnates, and tried to slot it out so that way you're doubling down on controls and debuffs, while also like, having the ability to nuke mob packs. In fairness, this isn't like... it is more a celebration of TA than of Archery. The only really impressive thing here in the part of Archery is the thematics (which are cool i promise), and how Explosive Arrow naturally ignites your oil slick arrows while ALSO being a solid AoE attack in it's own right, and while Rain of Arrows is currently broken it's in there as yet another location targeted AoE that you can stack on top of all the ones TA gives you... AND ALSO RANGED SHOT HAS NEARLY AN EFFECTIVE RANGE OF 350~ Honestly, it's a better build on a corruptor, but im lazy.