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  1. Nonsensical sketch I made of my scrapper, Jack.
  2. Hello! Up front I must admit that I am terrible at builds, at comparing and remembering what different IO sets do. Assuming that money is not an object, how can I softcap a broadsword/wp scrapper. Or, does anyone have a good build that I can just... copy? I'm shameless like that. Thank you, Jack
  3. I think it has has been approximately forever, yes. Jack was a hoot - I miss her and that group, and Jessie the instransigent. :3
  4. Why, Jessie Tell! Hello! It was indeed the perfect storm. I should have remembered that you were usually something to do with Toast. How have you been?
  5. Hey there! I played Jack Travers in the Artful Dodgers! That group was just incredible. Who were you?
  6. More Available Names: Tyrranical Emoji Prohibition Snag Millipede Mastery Injurious Sparkletron Bolo Dreamling Dragonet Darkening Darkening Sky Flipper Traitorous Betrayal Violation Zowie High Octane Queensbury Queensbury Rules Rotter Bloodgutter Tethered Patented Stacked Unpleasant Reviled Block Rocker Liar Liar Names I Grabbed (Thanks!) Keynote
  7. One of my favorite traditions on the old board was people posting available names to inspire others. Here's my short list for the day. Lonesome Scraptastic Greatest of All National Hero Whipporwill Cat O'Nine and Cat O' Nine - If you use these you'll be saving me from making another alt. FaceStealer Doorbuster Shadowgheist Shadowghast Captain Best Lifecast Punker Snuffles Rattlebones
  8. It is a fun idea no matter what it's called. Thanks for organizing it!
  9. How is this not called Kindepence Day?!
  10. Hello, Virtue Friends! I was an early migrant from Pinnacle, as I fit much better on the Unofficial RP server than the Unofficial Drunk server. I did enjoy both. My global was @Jack_Travers then, and I played mostly as... Jack Travers. I was in a small RP-oriented SG called The Artful Dodgers. It's great to be back!
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